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Updates Made by Ray Connor

Thursday, September 5, 2013 6:35:42 PM
Ray Connor wrote a blog post titled Out of writing limbo and back into the light!:
Ray said, "I have been extremely remiss in my blog duties. I just finished my new book The Whining Woods. It is a middle grade book and sequel to The Interdimensional Dumpster which was published in 2010. Where has the time gone? I know that I have kept my..." more

Tuesday, February 7, 2012 6:02:09 PM
Ray Connor wrote a blog post titled Time to get back in the game!:
Ray said, "Hi All, I have put off writing the sequel to The Interdimensional Dumpster for too long now. First there was the Holidays, The Superbowl, the summer, the October Snowstorm, and any other lame excuse I could use. Well that's it. I am writing again..." more

Wednesday, September 7, 2011 12:42:06 PM
Ray Connor wrote a blog post titled Kind Words Go a Long Way!:
Ray said, "It's the reviews that we get from friends that always make us smile, but the one's we get from complete strangers are the one's that make us sit back and evaluate how we actually "perform" as writers. Each time I get a request to post a review or..." more

Saturday, May 7, 2011 8:33:04 AM
Ray Connor made friends with Sharron Thornton

Tuesday, April 5, 2011 10:57:05 AM
Ray Connor wrote a blog post titled Building A PR Campaign:
Ray said, "It's a little tough working a full-time job, raising a family, writing books, and marketing your books all at the same time. I'm trying to balance all of them and feel a little stressed sometimes. Today's goal is book marketing and book marketing..." more

Tuesday, March 8, 2011 6:00:40 PM
Ray Connor wrote a blog post titled Back in the Saddle Again:
Ray said, "I'm heading back to my author life again! It was a tough road through the holidays, but I can devote a few hours a day to writing the sequel to The Interdimensional Dumpster. I have a few chapters in the bag and a few more rummaging around in my..." more

Sunday, December 5, 2010 7:40:22 PM
Ray Connor wrote a blog post titled The reviews are coming!:
Ray said, "The reviews of The Interdimensional Dumpster are starting to roll in and I can say that I am more than happy with the results. Every reviewer so far has recommended my book to kids in their posts on blogs, etc. I would like to..." more

Sunday, November 14, 2010 4:38:05 PM
Ray Connor wrote a blog post titled And so it begins..:
Ray said, "I just did (what I hope will be) the final edit on my manuscript. I contacted the cover artist today and he assures me that I'll have cover art by the middle of August. Him and his wife just had Baby #2 (Penelope Rae) so I guess that means he will..." more

Sunday, November 14, 2010 4:38:05 PM
Ray Connor wrote a blog post titled Progress..:
Ray said, "I wrote a rough draft of the first two chapters of the next book. I started doing the as an outline and just kept writing. The flow was great. I need to sit down and outline more of the book, but this heat has been crazy."

Sunday, November 14, 2010 4:38:05 PM
Ray Connor wrote a blog post titled Projected Publishing Date:
Ray said, "I am shooting for August 21st as the publishing date. I am on vacation from my "Real" job that week and will put on my author hat to get this thing finished. I say "Real" job because that's the one that actually pays me!"

Sunday, November 14, 2010 4:38:05 PM
Ray Connor wrote a blog post titled Copyright Write?:
Ray said, "Tonight I am sending in my copyright application. It can now be done electronically through the Library of Congress. Imagine that, my book in the Library of Congress!!??"

Sunday, November 14, 2010 4:38:05 PM
Ray Connor wrote a blog post titled Getting Close:
Ray said, "P-day is almost upon me. I hope to have a proof copy back of my book by mid August. Once that comes back, I can release The Interdimensional Dumpster upon the world. Amazon, Borders, Barnes and Noble, even itunes. Look out world!"

Sunday, November 14, 2010 4:38:05 PM
Ray Connor wrote a blog post titled Tick Tock:
Ray said, "I'm getting closer to actually dropping this book on the world. Each day closer seems like it get's farther away. I hope to have it almost finished by 8/14 and don the publisher hat on the 15th. Stay tuned!!!"

Sunday, November 14, 2010 4:38:05 PM
Ray Connor wrote a blog post titled Self Publishing is the new model...:
Ray said, "As I learn more about the book business, the more I discover on how hard it is for an unpublished author to even get soemone to look at their work. The economy and decline in printed book sales has everyone in the publishing industry running for..." more

Sunday, November 14, 2010 4:38:05 PM
Ray Connor wrote a blog post titled Cover almost Ready:
Ray said, "I emailed back and forth with cover artist Marc Lapierre last night. He is putting the finishing touches on the cover. Titles and Credits. He asked me if I was able to do it. I sent him back a copy of what it would look like if I did it. Not good!"

Sunday, November 14, 2010 4:38:05 PM
Ray Connor wrote a blog post titled Diving into the Dumpster!:
Ray said, "I received a final copy of the cover from Marc last night. It looks awesome! I just asked for a teeny tweak and hope to have it back any day. Then the formatting begins. I'll have to upload the book to LULU and then check it out page by page to make..." more

Sunday, November 14, 2010 4:38:05 PM
Ray Connor wrote a blog post titled This is the week:
Ray said, "I just submitted The Interdimensional Dumpster to CreateSpace for verification. I should be able to order a proof copy in the next day or two. I am so excited to actually finish the project!Stay tuned for details on how to order the book!"

Sunday, November 14, 2010 4:38:05 PM
Ray Connor wrote a blog post titled Cover Art!:
Ray said, " "

Sunday, November 14, 2010 4:38:05 PM
Ray Connor wrote a blog post titled The closer I get...:
Ray said, "Had to reformat the cover 2 more times over the last two days. It was just a smidge too small according to CreateSpace. I also added a Publishing company.How does DumpsterGold Publishing sound?"

Sunday, November 14, 2010 4:38:05 PM
Ray Connor wrote a blog post titled So That's Why....:
Ray said, "I had to resubmit my cover a 3rd time. I now know the difference between picas and inches. InDesign was set in picas as a default. My actual size of my cover was shrunk down to 3" x 3"! Hopefully, this is the last fix!"

Sunday, November 14, 2010 4:38:05 PM
Ray Connor wrote a blog post titled This time!:
Ray said, "I just sent the re-edit in. Thanks to my great wife for reading and re-reading the book with me, looking for spacing issues and the like. I just resent the files and hope to have new proofs this week.Now to start on the Kindle version!"

Sunday, November 14, 2010 4:38:05 PM
Ray Connor wrote a blog post titled The final countdown:
Ray said, "It looks like the Final edit is done. There will be a few day wait however, since I applied for cataloging in the Library of Congress. It should take about one week. This gives me some time to rest before I start up the marketing machine!"

Sunday, November 14, 2010 4:38:04 PM
Ray Connor wrote a blog post titled Proof is in the pudding!:
Ray said, "I just approved the proofs for The Interdimensional Dumpster today. I am so excited that it should be available in the next week or so. Additionally, I uploaded the Kindle version today also. Launched the Facebook fan page today and got 25 in the..." more

Sunday, November 14, 2010 4:38:04 PM
Ray Connor wrote a blog post titled Can I create an ibook without a Mac?:
Ray said, "Do those darn Apple people have me over a barrel? Or do I need to find someone who actually owns a Mac to help me? Oh well, a new quest has begun..." more

Sunday, November 14, 2010 4:38:04 PM
Ray Connor wrote a blog post titled The book is actually a book!:
Ray said, "On Friday, September 10th, I received the first actual copies of my book. 25 of them, all looking as pretty as the first. The even bigger day was Saturday, the 11th. The Interdumensional Dumpster showed up on Amazon, both as a book and as a Kindle..." more