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Updates Made by Peni Griffin

Tuesday, December 20, 2016 8:54:33 AM
Peni Griffin wrote a blog post titled Welcome to the Dystopia:
Peni said, "So. The electors didn't save us (it was never very likely, but this is 2016 - probability was not a limiting factor and if they'd had any guts they'd have done it) and we're living in a dystopia with an incompetent con man at the helm appointing..." more

Thursday, December 15, 2016 3:34:27 PM
Peni Griffin wrote a blog post titled Duh.:
Peni said, "The problem with the tracking sequence isn't that it's circular, or too long, or ends in anti-climax. It's that I'm not using it to make the Caves threatening enough, and everyone is much too calm.Not sure how to do that, but you can't solve a..." more

Wednesday, December 14, 2016 2:01:50 AM
Peni Griffin wrote a blog post titled Happy Birthday, Louisa May Alcott:
Peni said, "She'd have been 184 today, and she got a Google doodle, an honor I'm sure she'd be into if she understood it.As for me, I'm at the stage of revision where the lesbian western is awesome, brilliant, and sure to win all the awards; only to be censored..." more

Wednesday, November 9, 2016 8:04:00 AM
Peni Griffin wrote a blog post titled The Morning After the Election:
Peni said, "Social injustice is like depression. It's always there, lurking. You clear it in your immediate vicinity for awhile, but you know it's still out there affecting someone, and you know it will come back to you, and you know that it's frequently fatal...." more

Sunday, October 9, 2016 8:25:12 PM
Peni Griffin wrote a blog post titled Back in the saddle again?:
Peni said, "Sorry, no ideas for sale today.But I just thought I'd check in and say I'm working on the lesbian western again, despite weirdness with the sleep schedule and other factors.Mind you, this is the easy kind of work - revision. Can I face the hard..." more

Sunday, July 17, 2016 9:26:13 AM
Peni Griffin wrote a blog post titled Idea Garage Sale: Looking Back:
Peni said, "Yes, I'm still alive. And I have mysteriously received this brief list of historical novels published in 2116, concerning the anniversary of so very much. Of varied quality, what they have in common is 20/20 hindsight - either the protagonist, or..." more

Sunday, May 29, 2016 9:14:44 AM
Peni Griffin wrote a blog post titled Idea Garage Sale: Mice in the Alien Museum?:
Peni said, "You have, of course, had story dreams, brilliant plots and situations that melted away and/or turned to nonsense as you woke. If you cultivate a certain habit of mind, you will start working on turning them into usable stories before you even wake..." more

Wednesday, April 13, 2016 11:04:21 PM
Peni Griffin wrote a blog post titled Warp Drive!:
Peni said, "No, seriously, it's working! It's too late at night to discuss this in depth. I'm just going to leave this hear for people to get their space opera geek on."

Tuesday, April 12, 2016 10:07:59 AM
Peni Griffin wrote a blog post titled Good for Her!:
Peni said, "Beverley Cleary is a hundred today, and she is still here.Wow."

Sunday, April 10, 2016 9:16:38 AM
Peni Griffin wrote a blog post titled Idea Garage Sale: Intrepid Girl Reporter!:
Peni said, "So my husband sent me a link this week to a story of a 9-year-old intrepid girl reporter who scooped adult reporters in breaking a murder story, and took some heat in the comments section for it.And of course my first thought was: "Whoa, book!"..." more

Sunday, March 13, 2016 9:28:43 AM
Peni Griffin wrote a blog post titled Idea Garage Sale: Miscellany:
Peni said, "I'm still here, in a weird place creatively and not at all to be trusted with the responsibility of a query. But have a few scattershot ideas scrounged from the universe.Natural scientists who routinely tag themselves like the animals they study...." more

Saturday, January 30, 2016 3:55:03 PM
Peni Griffin wrote a blog post titled Idea Garage Sale: The Troll and the Other:
Peni said, "So has anybody written a thriller about net trolls yet?Trolling is not a new phenomenon, as any teacher or performer can tell you. There's an irreducible number of people who feel that enthusiasm is ridiculous and get some sort of satisfaction out..." more

Tuesday, November 17, 2015 1:08:15 PM
Peni Griffin wrote a blog post titled Idea Garage Sale: A Little Bit of Fun with First Lines:
Peni said, "The days the gravity failed, nothing ever got done.Hindsight being 20/20, I should've seen what was coming the moment the sky turned royal purple; but I wasn't paying attention.Her philosophy of life was simple: When offered two choices, select the..." more

Friday, November 13, 2015 10:32:22 AM
Peni Griffin wrote a blog post titled Events!:
Peni said, "I'm driving up to San Marcos in a little bit to hear Dr. James Adavasio speak and to prove to myself that, little by little, I am coming back. Sunday I'll be going to Austin, to BookPeople and Greg Leitich-Smith's book launch.On Veteran's Day, I..." more

Wednesday, October 21, 2015 9:55:44 AM
Peni Griffin wrote a blog post titled Always an Author:
Peni said, "Sometimes I wonder, as the months without school visits turn into years, as I write without attempting to publish, as I stare at Publishers Market listings and don't start a query, if I'm still an author.Monday, I proofed galleys for a short story I..." more

Wednesday, October 14, 2015 1:11:01 PM
Peni Griffin wrote a blog post titled Domestic Analogies. I Can Always Make Them.:
Peni said, "Still alive here, and a miracle occurred - I learned how to install fly-front zippers! Part of my problem, it turned out, was that the markings on the pattern were confusing me. Now that everything's clicked, I can ignore them. I also successfully..." more

Sunday, August 30, 2015 12:23:17 PM
Peni Griffin wrote a blog post titled Idea Garage Sale: Cults of Cahokia?:
Peni said, "So it's a good year for the archeology of the Moundbuilders, looks like. This week my sources (i.e. random internet news sources I follow; thanks, tumblr!) tell me that recent analysis of mass graves at Cahokia reveal them to be full of people who..." more

Wednesday, July 29, 2015 8:24:53 AM
Peni Griffin wrote a blog post titled Not Sure How Much This Helps:
Peni said, "Despite frontloading a lot of the second-guessing of myself, and going in with a sense of not having a damn thing of use to offer; despite both of us being unreasonably tired and Damon missing half of Saturday due to health crap; despite a..." more

Thursday, July 23, 2015 9:46:16 PM
Peni Griffin wrote a blog post titled Road Trip Time:
Peni said, "Off to Armadillocon in the morning. We're leaving early so we can make a couple of stops on the way. My first panel is at 5:00 tomorrow. If you're there too, find a panel I'm on and come say hi.Maybe you can help me figure out this e-reader I bought."

Thursday, July 16, 2015 7:16:33 AM
Peni Griffin wrote a blog post titled Armadillocon 2015, Very Soon:
Peni said, "The Armadillocon schedule is up.I feel kind of detached from it all, as if I'm not really going. But I'll be there, and I expect I'll be present enough at the time. It's just that I'm so weird right now.If you're there too feel free to say hi."

Sunday, July 12, 2015 6:24:35 AM
Peni Griffin wrote a blog post titled Publishing Today:
Peni said, "Nothing sums up modern publishing like the fact that Lois McMaster Bujold's fourth theological thriller set in the World of Five Gods did not get picked up by the publisher, so she's e-pubbing it herself.And now I have to cave in and get an..." more

Thursday, July 2, 2015 1:26:18 PM
Peni Griffin wrote a blog post titled Idea Garage Sale: The Buried Bobcat (News):
Peni said, "Yeah, it's not Sunday but you know what posting when I want means? It means schedules don't apply, and this is a doozy! What was previously assumed to be a puppy burial in an Illinois Hopewell mound turns out to have been a 4-7 month old bobcat!..." more

Wednesday, July 1, 2015 8:42:19 AM
Peni Griffin wrote a blog post titled Armadillocon 2015:
Peni said, "I just booked Damon's membership and our room for Armadillocon 2015.I'm not sure why they want me. I'm not sure I'm a draw. I'm not sure I'm up to it. But I'm going and it'll sort itself out.Because nothing good happens if you don't give them a..." more

Friday, June 26, 2015 2:12:00 PM
Peni Griffin wrote a blog post titled A Modest Proposal:
Peni said, "Many, many things are wrong in my life right now.But today is a good day.We should have a Marriage Day holiday, with parades and picnics and love story movie marathons (focusing on forbidden love stories of all sorts, with happy endings),..." more

Thursday, June 25, 2015 8:39:55 AM
Peni Griffin wrote a blog post titled Starting over and over and over and over...:
Peni said, "Starting with the gunshots trims the first chapter too much. You don't know Len and if you don't know Len it's not worth it to keep reading. I'll never sell it like this and I don't know where to start now.This is what I get for following advice..." more