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Updates Made by Pam Halter

Monday, November 17, 2014 8:35:56 AM
Pam Halter wrote a blog post titled Publishing Fairyeater - update:
Pam said, "hey FFFers - it's been a while since I posted about the process. Lots going on. Sometimes, the process doesn't go smoothly, and that's happened to me. We all know we'll go through the editing process, right? I expect and even look forward to making..." more

Wednesday, October 1, 2014 11:07:19 AM
Pam Halter wrote a blog post titled Publishing Fairyeater - the process, part two:
Pam said, "I've been working on the first set of revisions for over a week. Just turned them this morning. Revisions are tough. If you've never been through the editing process, it can feel very personal. But, really, it's not. It's always an editor's goal to..." more

Friday, September 12, 2014 10:19:55 AM
Pam Halter updated the biography on her profile page

Friday, September 12, 2014 9:46:43 AM
Pam Halter wrote a blog post titled Publishing Fairyeater: The Process, Part One:
Pam said, "Okay, so it's September and I want to get back to blogging regularly again. I've missed the interaction and hope everyone will get back into the swing of talking about fantasy writing with me again. First, life has been hectic and busy. My..." more

Sunday, August 17, 2014 5:38:54 AM
Pam Halter wrote a blog post titled ANNOUNCEMENT:
Pam said, "hey FFFers!  I'm excited to announce my fantasy novel, Fairyeater, is going to be published! I signed the contract on Friday with Hope Springs Books.  Sooooo excited and still pinching myself. I'll keep you posted on details as they come.I..." more

Wednesday, May 14, 2014 3:58:46 PM
Pam Halter wrote a blog post titled I've moved to a new place:
Pam said, "hey FFFers - I've decided to start blogging about writing inspirational fantasy on my website: I can post pictures there, as well as post new topics, much easier than here.  I'll leave this blog up for anyone who wants to..." more

Wednesday, May 7, 2014 2:06:03 PM
Pam Halter wrote a blog post titled Making A Timeline:
Pam said, "Hey FFFers - I've been quiet on the blogging front because I've been working with my agent, Sally, on revisions of Fairyeater. I've learned something big, which I should have known, but for some reason, didn't. MAKE A TIMELINE before you start to..." more

Saturday, March 1, 2014 10:46:30 AM
Pam Halter wrote a blog post titled Realm Makers Conference:
Pam said, "The Realm Makers Conference is coming!  Mark your calendars now - May 30-31 at Villanova University, PA.  I have an interview with the founder, Becky Minor. For even more information, see the website: did..." more

Thursday, February 27, 2014 10:40:28 PM
Pam Halter wrote a blog post titled ACFW Conference 2013:
Pam said, "hey FFFers - I attended the ACFW conference (American Christian Fiction Writers) this past weekend in Indianapolis, IN, and it was terrific! I met some other speculative authors and hope they will join us.  I'm also going to get this..." more

Thursday, February 27, 2014 10:40:28 PM
Pam Halter wrote a blog post titled What kind of fantasy should we write?:
Pam said, "I just read an interesting article on fiction and the Bible. this article, the writer talks about people in the Bible who told stories, or parables. These stories, while fiction, were used to teach..." more

Thursday, February 27, 2014 10:40:28 PM
Pam Halter wrote a blog post titled New Editing/Mentoring Service!:
Pam said, "If you want to write a novel, or if you've started and need some support, check out Joyce Magnin's new Editing and Mentoring Services.  Joyce is a terrific writer and teacher. She's tough, but she knows her stuff.  Joyce has published..." more

Thursday, February 27, 2014 10:40:28 PM
Pam Halter wrote a blog post titled Flash Fiction:
Pam said, "Hey FFFers - I know, I know.   I've been silent for a LONG time.  Just poking my head in now and then.  I'm sorry.  And I know I've lost many of you.  Life is sooooo busy and full with writing and editing and taking..." more

Friday, September 6, 2013 2:09:40 AM
Pam Halter wrote a blog post titled I'm back and ready to get started again!:
Pam said, "hey FFFers - after a l-o-n-g time away, I'm back and hoping I have the kinks in my blog worked out. I want to back to our discussions! Let's get right into it.Whatever is true, noble, right, pure, lovely, admirable. I try to work these things into..." more

Friday, September 6, 2013 2:09:40 AM
Pam Halter wrote a blog post titled A Must Read Blog Post:
Pam said, "hey FFFers! I'm sharing a link for a blog post about writing horror stories from a Christian perspective. It's an excellent post for all of us, whether we write fantasy, sci-fi or horror.I look forward to your opinion on the..." more

Monday, September 24, 2012 6:37:37 AM
Pam Halter added a link to My Website on her profile page

Wednesday, September 12, 2012 6:31:38 PM
Pam Halter updated the biography on her profile page

Friday, June 29, 2012 5:47:02 AM
Pam Halter wrote a blog post titled Summer Reading:
Pam said, "Hey FFFers - before we go on with talking about writing fantasy, and because I'm up to my eyeballs with summer theatre and my husband's health issues, let's talk about some good books.  Right now, my reading consists of my script. But after the..." more

Monday, June 18, 2012 2:10:06 PM
Pam Halter wrote a blog post titled Yay! It's working again!:
Pam said, "hey FFFers - I can finally post something new!  I want to update you on what's been going on with me before getting onto the next thing in fantasy writing.I attended the Colorado Christian Writer's Conference in May - on faculty - and taught a..." more

Tuesday, May 8, 2012 7:05:05 PM
Pam Halter wrote a blog post titled Those Flat Characters:
Pam said, "Okay - let's expand our discussion on flat characters. What makes a character "flat?" It can be a matter of opinion. Look how popular the Twilight books are. Bella is a flat character, especially in the beginning. She has no real goals and her..." more

Wednesday, April 25, 2012 12:02:40 PM
Pam Halter wrote a blog post titled It's Been Quite a While:
Pam said, "hey FFFers - wow, has it really been since Feb. that I've posted? I've totally lost my sense of time and I'm sorry. Life has been really hectic lately. I kept thinking about my blog, but did not get around to posting anything. We last left off..." more

Wednesday, February 22, 2012 7:12:09 AM
Pam Halter wrote a blog post titled Fantasy Characters, part one:
Pam said, "We've taken a good look at building a fantasy world for your characters. Now let's build those characters. What makes fantasy characters different from non-fantasy characters? What kind of characteristics should you include when developing the..." more

Thursday, February 2, 2012 3:59:24 AM
Pam Halter wrote a blog post titled Book Poetry:
Pam said, "Let's have some fun. Pull out a few random books and use the titles to write a fantasy story line or poem. Put the titles in caps. Here's mine:TWO OLD WOMEN, CARRYING MASON, THE DRAGON RIDER, set out on a DARK PURSUIT in the VIOLET DAWN to search..." more

Tuesday, January 24, 2012 7:07:21 AM
Pam Halter wrote a blog post titled Something fun:
Pam said, "hey FFFers - here's a fun thing: tells compares your writing to established authors and scores you 0-20 on if your writing is strong enough to be considered "best-selling."I entered the beginning of chapter one of..." more

Wednesday, January 18, 2012 3:05:49 AM
Pam Halter made friends with Kevin Fobbs

Thursday, January 12, 2012 9:18:25 AM
Pam Halter wrote a blog post titled Examples of Great World Building:
Pam said, "hey FFFers - hope you had a good Christmas and a great start to 2012.Over the Christmas break, I read three books I received for Christmas. You are probably familiar with them: THE HUNGER GAMES trilogy by Suzanne Collins.WOW.If you can handle the..." more