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Updates Made by Isaac Marzioli

Wednesday, April 27, 2016 11:45:22 AM
Isaac Marzioli wrote a blog post titled making merchandise - the happy pantry way...:
Isaac said, "Well, it's probably the way a lot of people do it.  We do all the designs and figure out the sizes we want the product to be and then we send all of that information to a company in China and have them make it all.Here are some pictures they..." more

Friday, April 22, 2016 6:05:05 PM
Isaac Marzioli wrote a blog post titled Doctor Strange:
Isaac said, "I remember really liking Doctor Strange when I was young.  I feel like I read a lot of those comics - but I couldn't tell you a thing about them.  I have no idea who he is or what he does.  I know there's magic and that he lives..." more

Thursday, April 21, 2016 12:16:38 PM
Isaac Marzioli wrote a blog post titled Prince would never be king....:
Isaac said, "Prince died today.  It feels like he was too young.  Barring foul play or something lame like suicide - it's kind of tragic to lose someone with this kind of musical talent especially so close to David Bowie's passing.Of course I wasn't..." more

Monday, April 18, 2016 4:02:08 PM
Isaac Marzioli wrote a blog post titled Dr Strange:
Isaac said, "This movie is coming out soon - and, for some reason, nobody is doing a Doctor drawing.  I didn't either!But I want to - in the meantime, I decided to draw the character to get a feel for him first - and here's the line art for..." more

Thursday, April 7, 2016 6:13:38 PM
Isaac Marzioli wrote a blog post titled Another day, another dalek:
Isaac said, "There was a time I was totally into Charlie Brown and the whole Peanuts gang.  I loved the drawings, the comic strip and the cartoon...I couldn't get enough of any of it.  And then I just kind of got tired of the same jokes and the same..." more

Thursday, April 7, 2016 6:29:37 AM
Isaac Marzioli wrote a blog post titled April fools...?:
Isaac said, "it's not frosting, but it sure is fragrant!  But don't take my word for it, take a bite!"

Thursday, April 7, 2016 6:29:37 AM
Isaac Marzioli wrote a blog post titled Happy Pantry: Apple Fools!:
Isaac said, "No fool worse than an apple fool...Hey - you got a worm in your apple....April fool's!  But seriously, it's half a worm.  Which is worse."

Monday, March 28, 2016 5:32:52 AM
Isaac Marzioli wrote a blog post titled And Poof...he's gone!:
Isaac said, "I did this illustration about 3 or 4 years ago...obviously as a riff on the Obama Hope poster...Fairly Odd Parents was entering their 8th or 9th season - whichever one was the one that introduced the dog and we held a t-shirt design contest. ..." more

Thursday, March 17, 2016 5:25:24 PM
Isaac Marzioli wrote a blog post titled What if the Doctor was a girl?:
Isaac said, "Before Peter Capaldi came aboard and showed us what a sour old man the Doctor could be, there were rumors about all sorts of directions and shapes the show could move toward.  Some said the Doctor could be American (which has already been done,..." more

Thursday, March 10, 2016 5:14:17 PM
Isaac Marzioli wrote a blog post titled Adventure Time Fan Art:
Isaac said, "I was working on an Adventure Time illustration (fan art) and did a really cute version of Fin...but every time I drew Jake, it felt like I just drew the character that the show already I kept drawing him until I came up with a few..." more

Thursday, March 3, 2016 5:02:53 PM
Isaac Marzioli wrote a blog post titled My Alien of a toy:
Isaac said, "I designed this to be an alien creature who just ate a cute animal.  I wanted to make a whole series of them when I suddenly found that a movie called Aliens vs Monsters was coming out and they had a blob creature in it...and even in the promo..." more

Thursday, February 25, 2016 5:07:51 PM
Isaac Marzioli wrote a blog post titled Aliens of all colors!:
Isaac said, "I was designing what i thought would be a cool vinyl toy:Look at all the colors!?!?  The only thing better would be if it was clear and had something floating on the inside.I designed these in 2009 after attending Designer Con.  Back then..." more

Monday, February 22, 2016 5:54:14 PM
Isaac Marzioli wrote a blog post titled LA Cookie Con 2016:
Isaac said, "We were vendors at the second annual LA Cookie Con this last February 6th and 7th.  Did you miss it?  Because a lot of people did, even though it was the second one and there was a lot more publicity.  If you missed it, you missed..." more

Thursday, February 18, 2016 5:27:06 PM
Isaac Marzioli wrote a blog post titled Star Wars: R2DToot:
Isaac said, "Working on another Star Wars drawing...." more

Tuesday, February 16, 2016 8:11:21 AM
Isaac Marzioli wrote a blog post titled Happy Pantry: K is for kissable Kettle:
Isaac said, "It's best to kiss the kettle before the water starts boiling.afterwards, all you're doing is kissing your lips goodbye.  And, possibly, the respect of your peers."

Tuesday, February 16, 2016 8:11:21 AM
Isaac Marzioli wrote a blog post titled Happy Pantry: Ice in the Cup...:
Isaac said, "Like ice in one's are the days of our lives.  Cold, that is.  So very cold.Speaking of cold - how 'bout that ice?  Not just any ice - but how about that ice in the cup in front of you right now?  Or whenever it is that..." more

Tuesday, February 16, 2016 8:11:21 AM
Isaac Marzioli wrote a blog post titled Happy Valentine's Day from Happy Pantry:
Isaac said, "Happy Valentine's Day everyone!  Thanks to all the people who supported us - we have been thrilled how well received Happy Pantry has been."

Thursday, February 4, 2016 5:35:26 PM
Isaac Marzioli wrote a blog post titled LA Cookie Con:
Isaac said, "The Second Annual LA Cookie Con is this weekend!  We had a booth at the first one in Pasadena - and it was such a huge success, that they expanded it to two days and then upgraded the venue to the Los Angeles Convention Center.  So many..." more

Thursday, January 28, 2016 6:58:47 PM
Isaac Marzioli wrote a blog post titled Happy Pantry: J is also for Juvenile Jalapeno:
Isaac said, "We all know that juvenile jalapenos are the most dangerous kind.  They don't know their own strength and release their spiciness all at once.I'm pretty sure that works with the young of all dangerous things, not just snakes.  That's..." more

Thursday, January 21, 2016 5:24:24 PM
Isaac Marzioli wrote a blog post titled Happy Pantry: J is for Joyous Juicer:
Isaac said, "Why waste all that chewing time when you can DRINK your daily requirement of fruits and veggies!?!Also - if people disliked eating fruits and vegetables so much, why hasn't anyone invented a better system of imbibing these horrid things? ..." more

Thursday, January 14, 2016 7:03:46 PM
Isaac Marzioli wrote a blog post titled Happy Pantry: I is for Introverted Ice Cream:
Isaac said, "I is for introverted Ice Cream - this is the 9th possible illustration for our almost alliterative alphabet book...if we were going to make a book, it just might be this one!Poor little ice cream doesn't like to get out.  Mostly because he..." more

Friday, January 8, 2016 1:00:42 PM
Isaac Marzioli wrote a blog post titled :
Isaac said, "Remember how we said we were going to show up at WonderGround Gallery - because they asked us, not because we were in town and wanted to visit - well here are a couple more promos we made to get the word out!"

Friday, January 8, 2016 1:00:42 PM
Isaac Marzioli wrote a blog post titled Happy Pantry: H is for Hot Tempered Hot Sauce:
Isaac said, "He's hot tempered because he tastes like Tabasco Sauce.And we all know Tabasco Sauce tastes disgusting.  I'd be fired up too..." more

Monday, January 4, 2016 12:54:24 AM
Isaac Marzioli wrote a blog post titled Happy Pantry at Wonderground in Downtown Disney!:
Isaac said, "We're excited to announce that we've been asked to showcase Happy Pantry at the WonderGround Gallery in Downtown Disney this next weekend!January 9th and 10th you'll find Happy Pantry in Anaheim (in Downtown Disney) from 1-4."

Friday, January 1, 2016 11:44:27 AM
Isaac Marzioli wrote a blog post titled Happy New Year!:
Isaac said, "Welcome to 2016.  It always strikes me as a fairly silly celebration - as the change in date only matters when one writes a check - and who's writing checks these days?  Other than that, it feels rather arbitrary - I mean, I guess it..." more