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Updates Made by Lindsey Leavitt

Friday, February 24, 2012 1:10:48 PM
Lindsey Leavitt wrote a blog post titled It has come to an end:
Lindsey said, "I've started a new blog, so if you follow me on google reader or through a feed or anything, you'll want to switch over to HERE. might still cross post the entries to livejournal, but probably not. I'm..." more

Friday, January 27, 2012 5:29:06 PM
Lindsey Leavitt wrote a blog post titled Making the Web Work for You!:
Lindsey said, "I'm ridiculously excited to be a part of the Highlight's Foundation Founder's Workshop: Making the Web Work for You! For long time blog readers, you will recall I was granted a scholarship to attend Highlight's Chautauqua workshop in..." more

Friday, January 27, 2012 5:29:05 PM
Lindsey Leavitt wrote a blog post titled Friday FIve:
Lindsey said, "2 posts in one day? What sort of blogging cyborg has taken over your body, Lindsey? It's called My Kid's Are All Sitting Here Miraculously Watching PBS So I Gots To Get These Things Out While I Can, Yo.1. Speaking of blogging (that's..." more

Wednesday, January 11, 2012 3:49:40 AM
Lindsey Leavitt wrote a blog post titled 2011: A Writing Year in Review:
Lindsey said, "2011 was my busiest year yet in the writing realm, and I pretty much learned that while I like The Busy, too much does not a sane Lindsey make. So I'm glad 2012 has less on the horizon as of now. I have this two-year-old I'm very excited to..." more

Thursday, November 3, 2011 12:40:19 AM
Lindsey Leavitt wrote a blog post titled A FAREWELL TO CHARMS Cover Reveal! (sort of):
Lindsey said, "I get a couple emails a week asking me if there will be a third book a week and when it will be out, so I'm posting this for reference sake.Yes. There's another book. And it's up on Amazon (FOR PREORDER RIGHT HERE. Buy it now, and the..." more

Thursday, October 27, 2011 11:01:30 PM
Lindsey Leavitt wrote a blog post titled Inspired:
Lindsey said, "One of those most common questions I get asked is where do I get my inspiration? And I often pull out a quick/funny/trite answer, but really? The answer is life. I keep a notebook by my bed, in my purse, in my car, in my office, and sometimes..." more

Friday, October 7, 2011 3:03:10 PM
Lindsey Leavitt wrote a blog post titled I heart you hard, Scholastic and OCCBF!:
Lindsey said, "IF you're a teen/have a teen in your possession and IF said teen attends a school in US and IF that school has an English/Reading teacher, than chances are high (roughly 73% by my calculations) that you can have access to scholastic book clubs...." more

Wednesday, September 28, 2011 4:03:51 PM
Lindsey Leavitt wrote a blog post titled Are you there blog? It's me, Lindsey:
Lindsey said, "I started my first journal when I was twelve. It mostly consisted of lists of my friends, or lists of boys I liked, or lists of things I did. It almost always began with an apology for the amount of time that had passed since the previous entry. I..." more

Friday, August 12, 2011 12:19:20 PM
Lindsey Leavitt wrote a blog post titled LA SCBWI conference:
Lindsey said, "In the last year or so, I've gone to some great conferences and book festivals and signings and schmoozes and get togethers. They're all fun, I meet great people everywhere I go, and I always come home and nap for about three weeks afterwards. Don't..." more

Friday, July 29, 2011 7:04:10 AM
Lindsey Leavitt wrote a blog post titled You know that third princess book? Yeah, it has a name...:
Lindsey said, " Newsletter subscribers already got the insider tip on the new title, and now, as a blog reader, you are next. (I like making y'all feel privelaged. Feel it?)This title was nearly the end of me–I wrote out dozens of list, brainstormed..." more

Friday, July 15, 2011 10:08:46 AM
Lindsey Leavitt wrote a blog post titled HP: Saving The End:
Lindsey said, " I didn't see Harry Potter last night. I actually haven't seen Deathly Hallows 1 yet. I've been saving it. I do this whenever beloved series end. I STILL haven't seen the last episode of LOST. I like knowing it's there. I know, weird, but once..." more

Wednesday, July 13, 2011 4:12:30 PM
Lindsey Leavitt wrote a blog post titled Bits & Bobs:
Lindsey said, "Halfway through summer, and as always, it's time for a little catch up... ---SEAN GRISWOLD'S HEAD is now available from scholastic UK in paperback. Here's the the cover:Yes, THIS is officially the pinkest book ever. And the picture does not do..." more

Sunday, July 10, 2011 11:58:25 PM
Lindsey Leavitt wrote a blog post titled The Things We Keep:
Lindsey said, "My Grandpa Keith passed away last week at 92. Whenever I note his death, I feel a need to mention his age. He'd lived a very full life, and each year that he aged, we knew that he didn't have much time left.I thought knowing something was inevitable..." more

Thursday, June 23, 2011 12:40:23 AM
Lindsey Leavitt wrote a blog post titled The Royal Treatment Blog Tour:
Lindsey said, "I'm in the full swing of summer, and find my days are long but very, very fast, and by the time I sit to blog, a whole lot of owerpoqwirqwjrqwlkrjwqlkrjqwpoirwqpoiqr comes out, so please excuse my spottiness here. I'm about to hit my 6 year (you..." more

Sunday, June 12, 2011 8:51:02 AM
Lindsey Leavitt wrote a blog post titled May. I hardly knew you.:
Lindsey said, "I took May off, if you can't tell. Not from book promotion, and certainly not from writing, but from blogging, because, well, I did. Sufficient reason, no? So now I play catch up through some quick pictures. IRA Orlando:If you are an literacy..." more

Sunday, May 8, 2011 11:08:38 PM
Lindsey Leavitt wrote a blog post titled The Royal Treatment:
Lindsey said, " Is out! In stores! You can buy it, or go to your library and check it out! Or tell your friend to buy it (this week with the code listed below) and then borrow it. Or go over to goodreads and enter the giveaway there.  My launch..." more

Thursday, May 5, 2011 6:17:00 PM
Lindsey Leavitt wrote a blog post titled Monday Musings:
Lindsey said, "I meant to write about five blog posts this last week. Then the news kept compounding, and since I hadn't covered the previous subject, I didn't feel like I could address the next. So below is a hodpodge post--please forget the jumpy topics.1...." more

Monday, April 25, 2011 12:41:38 PM
Lindsey Leavitt wrote a blog post titled Mortification Monday:
Lindsey said, "Shannon Hale is an author I've followed since I first started writing, partly because I adore her writing, but also because her blog gives me a taste of who she is. And from my stalking stand-point, I like her. She's down to earth, funny, a devoted..." more

Wednesday, April 13, 2011 6:09:10 PM
Lindsey Leavitt wrote a blog post titled Teen Book Con:
Lindsey said, " Last weekend, I went to my first CON. I've been to conferences before, and meetings and get-togethers and schmoozes, but not a CON--except for all those conventions I went to. So, oh. Um.. I went to my first TEEN BOOK CON. In Houston. My very..." more

Tuesday, April 5, 2011 1:35:04 PM
Lindsey Leavitt wrote a blog post titled The sparkle compounds:
Lindsey said, "Dear Readers and Friends,The finished copy of THE ROYAL TREATMENT arrived in the mail yesterday, and she is a beaut. TRT and P4H joined hands and twirled around and oh... how they laughed, all whilst SEAN GRISWOLD'S HEAD looked on with adolescent..." more

Monday, March 28, 2011 10:37:34 PM
Lindsey Leavitt wrote a blog post titled National Mutliple Sclerosis Awareness Month:
Lindsey said, "It's still March, so I'm not too late in posting this. Well, a little late, but fashionably so.March is National Multiple Sclerosis Awareness Month (and actually, MS Awareness week was March 14-20, but I am personally behind about 5 weeks on..." more

Thursday, March 24, 2011 12:46:11 AM
Lindsey Leavitt wrote a blog post titled Lindsey Leavitt's Teen Vegas Travel Guide:
Lindsey said, "I don't really know why I started to write this post, but I feel like I've spent much of my life alternatively hating on/defending Las Vegas. Which is probably what we all do with our home town. The first time it hit me that the place I grew up had..." more

Thursday, March 17, 2011 12:12:02 AM
Lindsey Leavitt wrote a blog post titled Getting a book going:
Lindsey said, "SEAN GRISWOLD'S HEAD has been out two weeks now and the whirlwind of release is finally ebbing. I did a lot less marketing this time around then I did with PRINCESS FOR HIRE. Mostly, I went through my "marketing plan" (Plan. Ha!) from last..." more

Wednesday, March 16, 2011 12:02:20 AM
Lindsey Leavitt wrote a blog post titled Paper Heartthrobs Winner:
Lindsey said, "Eek! Contest for Paper Heartthrobs is over and we had over a hundred entries. Thanks for playing! All names numbered (double if you tweeted) and the winner!From one Lindsay to another, congrats! And for the..." more

Wednesday, March 9, 2011 12:38:38 AM
Lindsey Leavitt wrote a blog post titled Paper Heartthrobs #5:
Lindsey said, "Hi kids! coming at ya from San Francisco where I'll be doing signings for the next couple of days. The author of today's post is also doing signings here for the next couple of days with Sarwat Chadda, so bathe in the bounty of literary fun! Right..." more