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Updates Made by Amber R.

Wednesday, September 4, 2013 8:39:23 PM
Amber R. wrote a blog post titled Best In Blogs: Google LOL, Prometheus Spoilers, and New Lance Doping Scandal:
Amber said, "Let's have an honest talk about TLDs. You may think they don't affect you at all. You live a clean life, let's say. When you visit a website, the details of the URL and the stuff that comes after the final dot aren't really what you care about most...." more

Wednesday, September 4, 2013 8:39:23 PM
Amber R. wrote a blog post titled Best in Blogs: Music Piracy's Reward, Microsoft's iPad Killer, and the Island of Dr. Ellison:
Amber said, "On NPR's All Songs Considered blog, a post written a little while ago by a 20-year-old intern named Emily White just this week started to shake up the Web. She wrote that despite being "an avid music listener, concertgoer and college radio D.J.,"..." more

Wednesday, September 4, 2013 8:39:23 PM
Amber R. wrote a blog post titled Best in Blogs: The Cheating RPS Robot, Sorkinisms and the Nexus 7:
Amber said, "Fans of mano-a-mano competition are having mixed feelings about a marvelous Japanese robot called Janken that can compete with the best human rock-paper-scissors players. It made its video debut on the Web this week. The technology is wild. In fact..." more

Wednesday, September 4, 2013 8:39:23 PM
Amber R. wrote a blog post titled Best in Blogs: Internet Apocalypse (Not Now), Comic-Con Geeks Out, and the Olympics Are Your Facebook Friend:
Amber said, "There were apocalyptic forecasts about the impact that the dreaded DNS Changer Malware thingy would have on Internet users this past Monday. "Internet Blackout Threatens Thousands Worldwide," MSNBC reported. DNS Changer Malware Could Shutdown..." more

Wednesday, September 4, 2013 8:39:23 PM
Amber R. wrote a blog post titled Best in Blogs: A New Hope for Yahoo, iPad Mini Rumors, and Bloggers vs. Comedians:
Amber said, "Remember Yahoo? They've been big but rarely supreme in nearly every online category: search, mail, messaging, news, finance, sports, games, horoscopes. Now they're trying on a new CEO with hopes of regaining your attention. Former Google exec..." more

Wednesday, September 4, 2013 8:39:23 PM
Amber R. wrote a blog post titled Best in Blogs: Everything Olympics, Scorsese and Siri Remake Taxi Driver, and the Least Flattering Celebrity Pics Ever:
Amber said, "It's crazy to think that four years ago the Olympics were in China, George Bush was president, and there was no such thing as an iPad (and without the time-chewing obligation to manufacture millions of electronic tablets, China put on a terrific..." more

Wednesday, September 4, 2013 8:39:23 PM
Amber R. wrote a blog post titled Best in Blogs: Olympic Spoilers! Phelps and U.S. Gymnasts Soar:
Amber said, "It's a sporting event that brings people together once every four years: crying about Olympics TV coverage! "If pissing off the Olympic audience were an event in London, NBC would be winning gold, silver, and bronze, every single night," says..." more

Wednesday, September 4, 2013 8:39:23 PM
Amber R. wrote a blog post titled Best in Blogs: Life on Mars, NASA's Mohawk Guy, and the Next Double Rainbow Video:
Amber said, "The Curiosity Rover landed in Mars's Gale Crater, with an assignment - as Engadget once explained - of "finally answering Bowie's nagging questions." (Is there life on Mars? Do you remember your president Nixon? Rebel Rebel could they know?)..." more

Wednesday, September 4, 2013 8:39:23 PM
Amber R. wrote a blog post titled Best in Blogs: Best and Worst iPhone 5 Rumors, Apple & Google Go Nuclear, and a Cure for Apocaholism:
Amber said, "Here we go again! A new iPhone is imminent from Apple, and everyone who ever fingered a one-button mouse is wondering what it will be like. "Rumors swirling around the iPhone 5 have gadget watchers dizzy with anticipation. Bigger screen size,..." more

Wednesday, September 4, 2013 8:39:23 PM
Amber R. wrote a blog post titled Best in Blogs: World's Oldest Facebook User (Sort of), Burning Man Online, and Obama Goes AMA on Reddit:
Amber said, "Conan O'Brien had the funniest wisecrack this week about 101-year-old Florence Detlor, who was introduced to the world as the oldest person to be using Facebook. Conan: "She said 'I'd like to waste what little time I have left.'" Early in the week,..." more

Wednesday, September 4, 2013 8:39:23 PM
Amber R. wrote a blog post titled Best in Blogs: Eddie Murphy Didn't Die This Week, iPhone 5 Video Preview, Zuck Sits on It:
Amber said, "Two celebrities didn't die this week, despite what the Internet said. But only one of them lives on. Which is not as complicated as it seems. Just stupid. For starters, a bogus outfit called Global Associated News generated a false alarm that Eddie..." more

Wednesday, September 4, 2013 8:39:23 PM
Amber R. wrote a blog post titled Best in Blogs: iPhone 5 Debuts, Zuck Talks Stock Drops, Nipplegate Controversy:
Amber said, ""The lights have dimmed in San Francisco's Yerba Buena Center for the Arts Theater, and journo-bloggers have published closing one-liners on their live blogs, uploading final pics of the new longer, skinnier and more powerful iPhone 5," says a..." more

Wednesday, September 4, 2013 8:39:23 PM
Amber R. wrote a blog post titled Best in Blogs: NFL Refs and Nook Tablets Teach About Subs (or Not), Facebook Nukes Fake Friends, Holidays Keep the Net Safe:
Amber said, "Just in time for spoiling only part of the current football season, the real referees are coming back. "Rejoice, NFL fans," says Deadspin. "After 48 regular season games that nearly brought the National Football League to its knees and turned the..." more

Wednesday, September 4, 2013 8:39:23 PM
Amber R. wrote a blog post titled Best in Blogs: Debate Aftermath and Adding Up Celebrity Political Videos:
Amber said, "To everything there is a season, and every four years near the end of baseball season comes presidential voting season - which makes it open season for political jabbering, viral videos and passionate blogging about the candidates. First, let's..." more

Wednesday, September 4, 2013 8:39:22 PM
Amber R. wrote a blog post titled Cellphones Are Great for Sharing Photos - and Bacteria:
Amber said, "We love our smart phones and tablets - a lot. But the next time you take your phone to lunch, hand it to a coworker to share photos, or bring it to the gym, consider this: Bacteria from a phone can cause flu, pinkeye or diarrhea. Yuck. And people..." more

Monday, October 27, 2008 9:38:43 PM
Amber R. wrote a blog post titled One Rejection Closer:
Amber said, " Well, I got the mail today and I received one postcard back acknowledging the publisher has received my manuscript. I also received a rejection letter (!) from an agent.  I'm pretty excited. Not only am I one rejection letter..." more

Monday, October 27, 2008 9:38:43 PM
Amber R. wrote a blog post titled 5 Word Challenge: Carpet, Jury, Pasta, Shapeless, Whey:
Amber said, " This is how it works: you get 5 words and with these 5 words you have to write an entry. The words might or might not be related. You decide how to combine them, and how long your entry will be. You tag your entry with 5wordchallenge and..." more

Monday, October 27, 2008 9:38:43 PM
Amber R. wrote a blog post titled Writing Prompt: A Burning Desire:
Amber said, " I entered a contest where they gave the first sentence and I had to continue from there. It is to be no longer than 200 words. The bold is the line given and the rest is what I came up with. Enjoy! He smelled something burning. Ah yes,..." more

Monday, October 27, 2008 9:38:43 PM
Amber R. wrote a blog post titled Yoga and a Cold:
Amber said, " Following Prana's lead, I have started reading Yoga and the Quest for the True Self by Stephen Cope. I am just getting into this book but it already has me thinking on a deeper scale. And it has me thinking about the mat a little more...." more

Monday, October 27, 2008 9:38:43 PM
Amber R. wrote a blog post titled Hmmm.:
Amber said, " I am toying with the idea of moving my blog. I absolutely LOVE it here and I love the people I've met here too. I even feel creative here. So what's the problem?It really bothers me that non-vox members can't leave comments. Not..." more

Monday, October 27, 2008 9:38:43 PM
Amber R. wrote a blog post titled Just a little sample of my 4th of July.:
Amber said, " DSC03618 Yes. That is a picnic table. And some of the..." more

Monday, October 27, 2008 9:38:43 PM
Amber R. wrote a blog post titled Look out little one.:
Amber said, " I have been doing some serious birthday party planning. My son turns 1 early in August. We don't usually throw parties so I think this one is getting a little out of hand. It started as an innocent BBQ party but now it has grown into a..." more

Monday, October 27, 2008 9:38:43 PM
Amber R. wrote a blog post titled The jury is still out.:
Amber said, " I am still contemplating if I'll be keeping this blog going. It lacks focus and direction. I've been reading up about writing and finding a niche. A lot of resources recommend starting with what you know... how do I zone in on..." more

Monday, October 27, 2008 9:38:43 PM
Amber R. wrote a blog post titled Book Review: sTORI TELLING:
Amber said, " ..." more

Monday, October 27, 2008 9:38:43 PM
Amber R. wrote a blog post titled Verdict is IN...:
Amber said, " I've been over at another blogging site for a few weeks- just to see if I like it. As much as I love Vox it doesn't allow non-vox members to comment and if I decide to start my own website I am stuck moving everything over. Not fun...." more