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Updates Made by Laura Handy

Wednesday, August 3, 2011 6:53:39 AM
Laura Handy wrote a blog post titled I"VE MOVED and FREE BOOKS!!:
Laura said, "My blog has moved!!My website has launched and I've moved my blog:www.lauraellenbooks.comIf you are a faithful follower of this old blog PLEASE come by and click the RSS feed on the site so you don't miss anything!Oh, and did I say FREE BOOKS?Yes!..." more

Tuesday, July 19, 2011 12:33:24 PM
Laura Handy wrote a blog post titled MY BLOG HAS MOVED!!!:
Laura said, " I have now integrated my blog into my BRAND NEW WEBSITE :) :) -Please find my posts now at: Thank you!Laura Ellen"

Monday, July 11, 2011 5:36:25 AM
Laura Handy wrote a blog post titled The Lyrical Long and Short of How I Found My Agent:
Laura said, "Today on The Nightstand I am blogging about how I found my agent, but I get asked the question so often, I thought I'd post the blog simultaneosly here too.I am represented by the awesomely brilliant agent-extraordinaire, Jill Corcoran of Herman..." more

Wednesday, July 6, 2011 5:54:29 AM
Laura Handy wrote a blog post titled I'm Blogging on The Nightstand Again!:
Laura said, "Today I am blogging on The Nightsand! Come over and read: Oh the Places I had To Go: My Rocky Road Writing BLIND SPOT."

Wednesday, June 29, 2011 5:41:05 AM
Laura Handy wrote a blog post titled I'm Blogging on The Nightstand Today:
Laura said, "Today I am blogging on The Nightstand about Jane Austen and Phyllis A. Whitney - authors that have influenced my writing.Pop over and read me!"

Friday, June 24, 2011 8:14:24 AM
Laura Handy wrote a blog post titled Su-Su-Summertime!:
Laura said, "I love summer. So many memories as a kid are tied up with summertime. There are specific events I remember - like the time the Bureau of Land Management helicopter landed in front of our house to tell us a forest fire burning miles away had..." more

Wednesday, June 15, 2011 6:39:52 AM
Laura Handy wrote a blog post titled How I am Learning to 'Pimp Myself':
Laura said, "Since I accepted my book offer from Karen Grove at Houghton Mifflin Harcourt in mid-March, I have discovered there is volumes to be learned about marketing a book. Most of my education on this topic has come by way of The Apocalypsies, all 2012..." more

Thursday, April 21, 2011 11:35:56 AM
Laura Handy wrote a blog post titled Five Tips for the Apocalypse:
Laura said, "As a 2012 debut YA author, I belong to the Apocalypsies - a group of YA and MG authors whose books are all coming out in 2012. As part of our bio on the website, we are all listing five things in relation to the Apocalypse such as the five books..." more

Wednesday, April 20, 2011 8:23:57 AM
Laura Handy wrote a blog post titled Music, Writing, and Me:
Laura said, "I just added a really cool feature to my blog - a playlist link! Previously I listed out (painstakingly I might add!) all my songs, but thanks to the folks at I can now compile them into one playlist, put the..." more

Thursday, April 14, 2011 5:47:24 AM
Laura Handy wrote a blog post titled My Good News!:
Laura said, "I am so excited to announce my pending publication!Here's my agent, Jill Corcoran's post:"

Sunday, April 10, 2011 10:56:26 AM
Laura Handy wrote a blog post titled Finding the Magic:
Laura said, "I just returned from a truly inspiring vacation in Disney World. It wasn't the first time I'd been - in fact I think it was about the fourth time we had visited the park as a family - and since all three of my children (18, 12, and 9) have long..." more

Tuesday, February 1, 2011 10:36:08 AM
Laura Handy wrote a blog post titled The Story Behind the Story:
Laura said, "I attended the SCBWI NY conference this past weekend and was inspired, as usual, by the awesome speakers. While everyone I heard left something with me, it was Lois Lowry and Linda Sue Park that really resonated with me the most.Lois Lowry talked..." more

Monday, January 17, 2011 9:39:33 AM
Laura Handy wrote a blog post titled To the Love of Story:
Laura said, "One of my most favorite things about being a writer and reader of children's books is being able to share and discuss books with my children. I love when they come to my 'library' - the wall-to-wall bookshelves in my home office - looking for a book..." more

Friday, October 15, 2010 4:46:01 PM
Laura Handy wrote a blog post titled On the Value of a Critique Group:
Laura said, "You've heard it before. To be a better writer, you need to share your work with others IN THE FIELD i.e. a writing group. But so many people don't. They try it, personalities clash, things fall apart. Yes, critique groups, like any other social..." more

Wednesday, August 18, 2010 10:52:22 AM
Laura Handy wrote a blog post titled What I've Learned About Writing from Watching Project Runway:
Laura said, "I'm guilty. I watch reality television. Not all of it; some shows are simply a flimsy platform created for idiots in search of quick fame. I do have my favorites though, like Survivor, Amazing Race, and Project Runway. My husband rolls his eyes when..." more

Tuesday, June 8, 2010 5:12:30 AM
Laura Handy wrote a blog post titled A Blog Entry At Last!:
Laura said, "Today marks the last full day of writing time before my kids are home for summer break, and I thought I would use it to update my sorely neglected blog.It has been nearly eight months since my last post - which is embarrassing, considering so many..." more

Wednesday, October 21, 2009 10:45:24 AM
Laura Handy wrote a blog post titled What's Been Stopping You From Writing?:
Laura said, "Every time I send an email out to someone lately, I cringe at my perky little "Check out my blog!" note that automatically attaches to the end of each email. I have even erased it several times to avoid being seen by the recipient because I know if..." more

Wednesday, August 19, 2009 12:25:27 PM
Laura Handy wrote a blog post titled Will Kindle kill the Publishing House?:
Laura said, "Yeah, I know I promised a debrief on the SCBWI LA conference, but this does sort of relate. While at the conference my friend Su brought her kindle and I got to check it out. Pretty cool. I especially liked how one can change the font size - for..." more

Tuesday, August 4, 2009 8:05:00 PM
Laura Handy wrote a blog post titled Why Attend a Writer's Conference?:
Laura said, "I leave Thursday for the SCBWI National conference in LA. Inevitably when I tell someone I am going to a Writer’s Conference, they ask “So do you bring your manuscript around and give it to agents and editors?” And when I say “No. In fact..." more

Wednesday, July 29, 2009 10:42:18 AM
Laura Handy wrote a blog post titled You Can't Hide Those Writer-eyes:
Laura said, "My 16 (and a half) year old daughter left this week for a ten day CSI:Forensic Science seminar at John Hopkins University. The ten day camp is her first experience with college life - living in a dorm, sharing a bathroom with three roommates she..." more

Saturday, July 11, 2009 3:21:12 PM
Laura Handy wrote a blog post titled Yes, I'm a Pathetic Blogger or Summer Sucks for Mom's Who Write:
Laura said, "Okay, yes. I see that my last post was May 20th. Today is July 11 - what is that, like 52 days ago? I admit it. I suck. I'm pathetic. Whip me now. Throw wet towels and whip cream pies at me. I have no business saying I have a blog when there is no..." more

Wednesday, May 20, 2009 11:39:16 AM
Laura Handy wrote a blog post titled Musings of Second Graders:
Laura said, "Often at conferences, I hear writers say that if you want to make your characters' dialogue authentic, you should eavesdrop on conversations of kids and teens. I have also heard writers complain that they don't have access to kids and teens and find..." more

Friday, May 15, 2009 8:29:45 AM
Laura Handy wrote a blog post titled Newberry According to a 10 year old:
Laura said, "My 10 year old son was reading The Westing Game by Ellen Raskin in his Lit Circle at school. As it is one of those books that I hear about all the time, have been meaning to read, but have never actually read (yes, I know, even after getting my MA..." more

Sunday, May 10, 2009 9:47:49 AM
Laura Handy wrote a blog post titled Ahhh, did you miss me?:
Laura said, "As Staind would say, "It's Been Awhile . . ."I wish I could say I've been tracking man-eating piranhas in the Amazon or ghost hunting in Gettysburg or even sipping wine while touring the ruins of Pompeii, but I can't. The only thing with teeth I've..." more

Friday, April 3, 2009 5:07:25 PM
Laura Handy wrote a blog post titled Ode To My Critique Group:
Laura said, "In honor of Poetry Month, I thought I'd write an ode to my critique group.(And Diane, our Queen of the Meter, and all you other poem-extraordinaries, I apologize in advance, for I know this only-one-stanza, slightly-stretched-rhyme,..." more