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ThePublishingSpot is a writing resource built on a simple premise: with blogging, podcasting, and web publications, there has never been a better time for writers to find their audiences.
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1. 脱毛で毛が薄くなる!


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2. 脱毛の光は目に悪い?


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3. 美人はうなじ脱毛している!


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4. 脱毛後の運動はNG?


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5. 脱毛でお肌に赤みが出てしまったら?


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6. 全身脱毛を体験!!

男性女性に関わらず、全身には毛が生えています。女性は男性よりは薄いですが、細かい産毛が多く生えている場合もあれば濃い毛が生えていることもあります。女性で全身に濃いめの産毛などが生えている場合はコンプレックスを感じて全身脱毛を考えることもあります。全身脱毛の特徴は、広範囲の脱毛が可能です。全身脱毛という名称から全身くまなく脱毛をやるかというと、多くの脱毛サロンでは顔の脱毛は全身の脱毛に含まれていないことが殆どです。そのため、全身脱毛というと首からしたのムダ毛の脱毛と考えます。VラインなどのVIO脱毛は、首から下になるため、全身の脱毛コースに含まれていることは多いです。料金については、月額コースや数回通うコースなどがあります。月額コースはどこのサロンでも1万円程度の料金設定です。いつでも脱毛を止めることができるメリットもあったりと手軽に利用することができることが特徴的です。数回施術に通うコースは、クレジットカードや分割払いが可能な脱毛サロンもあるため、一括で支払いできない場合には便利です。どちらのコースがよいかは、ライフスタイルや施術に行ける期間や時間にもよります。短期的に全身を脱毛したい場合には月額コースで、忙しく毎月通うことが難しい場合には、保証なども約束されている回数コースが良い選択です。 それでは!!口コミの評価を公開します!自分ではちゃんと処理したつもりでも、数日後にはもう元通りに生えている全身のムダ毛がとてもストレスでした。全身脱毛は費用がかかるイメージでしたが、以前と比べると大分料金が安くなってきたので思い切って施術をお願いしました。施術完了後は自己処理する必要がなくなり、常にツルスベ肌でいられるので嬉しいです。★★★★★ 38歳 ふかきょん最初は、全身脱毛って時間がかかって面倒くさそう、と思っていましたが、今は始めて良かった!と思っています。ムダ毛が無くなったので、一年中いつでも人前で肌を露出することができます。特に夏は半袖もラクラク着られて快適です!★★★★ 34歳 かしっち若い頃は、脱毛にお金をかけるのがもったいなく感じて、自己処理を続けていました。でもどんどんムダ毛が濃くなって目立つので、ついにサロンでの全身脱毛を決意しました。楽だし、生えてくる毛も薄く目立たない。お肌も透明感がでてきたみたいに綺麗になりました。もっと早くすればよかったと、後悔しています。★★★★ 43歳 しんじょう全身脱毛をしましたが施術中寒かったので不満に感じました。スタッフは優しく声かけを行ってくれたりして過ごしやすかったのですが、寒ささえなければ満足できたのにと思います。ムダ毛はしっかりと無くすことができたのでよかったです。★★★ 28歳 なな全身脱毛に通い始めて、少しづつ効果が出ています。まだ自己処理無しでは人前に出るのは恥ずかしいけれど、施術前に比べると薄くなってきているのがわかります。私は毛深いので、その分効果が出るのに時間がかかるようです。★★★ 31歳 あっきーな全身脱毛をしたくてサロンに通い始めたのですが、なんだか自分が思っていた全身と違い、納得する施術をしてもらえていないので不満です。料金も結構するし、これならもう契約を破棄して、他のサロンに通うかと考えています。★ 28歳 ひめちゃん全身脱毛を行って、ムダ毛が無くなりお肌がツルツルになりました。脱毛前は、ムダ毛が気になって夏でも肌を隠す格好ばかりしていましたが、おかげさまで今ではノースリーブやショートパンツも楽しめます。自己処理しなくていいので、いつでも好きな洋服が着られるのが嬉しいです。★★★★★ 29歳 かのたん

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7. 主婦にも通いやすい全身脱毛


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8. 全身脱毛は学生にも人気


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9. 全身脱毛サロンは通いやすさで選ぼう

全身脱毛サロンを利用する際、そのサロン選びのポイントになるのはその店舗がどれだけ通いやすいかという点ではないでしょうか。とはいっても、その通いやすさのポイントは人それぞれ異なってくるので一概に言う事はできません。ですが、より多くの人がチェックするポイントとしてあげられるものは限られています。3つの選び方ポイント!!立地的なポイント立地的な問題で主要駅の近くであったり、自宅や勤務先、学校の近くであること、スタッフの雰囲気が良く勧誘がないこと、そして施術の予約が取りやすいことといったポイントです。立地的なポイントで言えば、やはり移動がしやすいところ、頻繁に施術があっても通いやすいところを選ぶのがセオリーというものです。変に自宅や勤務先から離れているところでは、全身脱毛サロンのように複数回通う必要がある場合には不便な点が多くなるのです。勧誘の有無やはりサロンの中には勧誘がしつこく、こちらがその誘いに断るとあからさまに態度を変えるスタッフがいるところもあります。残念なことではありますが、やはりスタッフにもノルマがありますから人によっては執拗な勧誘をして成績を上げていこうとするケースもあるのです。せっかく気持ちよく脱毛施術をうけようと思っているというのに、こういった勧誘があればただただ気分が悪くなるだけです。予約の取りやすさ全身脱毛サロンは先にも述べたように複数回の施術を繰り返して行っていく必要があるため、施術のたびに次回の施術予約を入れていく流れになっていきます。その際、比較的予約が取りやすいサロンであれば自分の予定と毛周期、つまりムダ毛の生え変わりのタイミングに合わせて次回施術の日取りを決めていくことができます。ですが、それが出来ないサロンの場合、どうしても毛周期とは関係なく施術が勧められていくことになるので、どうしてもその脱毛効果を高めていくことが出来ないのです。時には予約が取れにくくて脱毛が完了するまでに年単位の期間がかかってしまうなんてサロンもあるので注意が必要です。ま と め全身脱毛サロンを選ぶ際にはより通いやすい店舗を選ぶ、さらにそのポイントとしてはこれら3つの点を重点的にチェックしていくことをおすすめします。各サロンのホームページの他、様々な比較サイトや口コミをサイトを活用して調べていくとよりスムーズに調査が可能です。この3つさえ押さえておけば、より自分の好みに合った、そして通いやすいサロンを見つけることが出来るのではないでしょうか。

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10. 全身脱毛サロンおすすめランキング

脱毛サロンでも、近年では全身脱毛を専門に行っているサロンも増えてきました。たくさんある全身脱毛サロンは、どこに通っても同じというわけではありません。それぞれに違ったサービスが行われており、脱毛を目的として通うのですから効果が一番に求められるところですが、その他にもスタッフの質や店内の雰囲気、肌の手入れの方法や通う回数、料金などは人によって評価の仕方も違ってきます。全身脱毛サロンおすすめランキングなどもネットで簡単に見ることができて比較検討をすることもできますが、自分に合ったサロンを見つけてみてはいかがでしょうか。全身脱毛サロンでは、使用している機種が違うことも多いものです。サロンオリジナルで開発した機種を使用しているというところもあります。また、施術後に行われる肌の手入れ方法もそれぞれ違ってきます。光脱毛は、強い光を肌に浴びた熱から肌が乾燥しているものであり、施術後の肌の手入れをしっかりすることで脱毛効果も変わってくるため保湿が重要になります。各サロンでは、コラーゲンやヒアルロン酸、プラセンタなどサロンオリジナルの化粧品類が用意されています。また、サロンによっては自分の肌の悩みから化粧品類の選択ができるところもあります。脱毛は、毛の周期に合わせて二か月に一度施術を受けるというのが一般的です。一回で全身の施術を受けるのであれば二か月ごとに通えばいいということになりますが、サロンによっては一回で全身をやってもらえないということもあります。上半身と下半身を分けて行っているサロンであれば一か月に一度通う必要があり、また体の1/4ずつなら半月に一度受けることになります。また、サロンによっては基本的に通う周期が決められていても、オプションで回数を減らして一回に行う施術範囲を広げることもできます。忙しい人や通うのが面倒だという人であれば二か月に一度だけ通うのはとても便利ですが、全身を処理するということは時間がかかるということでもあり、長時間にわたって横になっているのは苦痛だという人もいます。仕事帰りに会社の近くのサロンによって脱毛を受けていきたいと考えているのであれば、月二回まめに通わなくてはならないとしても短時間で終わるので向いています。ま と め全身脱毛は、料金や脱毛効果だけで良し悪しを評価することはできません。サービス全体を考えて、より自分に向いている全身脱毛専門サロンを選んでみてはいかがでしょうか。

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11. Taking a Rest

The Publishing Spot is taking an indefinite vacation.

While I won't be posting here for awhile, I just started blogging for the good folks at GalleyCat. And, as always, my personal site is loaded with content. Stop by both places and say hello!

It's been three years of non-stop content, and I just want to say thank you to everyone who kept this little writing community going. Until we return, the archives and comments are still open, so feel free to explore. Here is some of my favorite content from the past three years...

Up top, you have my video coverage of the 2007 National Book Awards. We'll be back there again this year.

Check out how Janice Erlbaum literally walked us through her memoir.

Screenwriter Allen Rucker taught us about writing for television, movies and memoirs.

Novelist DeLauné Michel showed us how acting can help your writing.

Richard Grayson explained how he used Print-On-Demand Publishing to save his novels.

Sam Douglas gave us Real Advice from a Real Fiction Editor.

Robert Boynton taught us How To Survive as a Freelance Writer.

Then watch Best Literary Friends Forever, a video featuring our special journalist guests, Kate Torgovnick and Joie Jager-Hyman.

Then there's journalist Jeff Gordinier explaining how he built his magazine writing career and wrote a book.

Don't forget when Jeffrey Yamaguchi Explained How To Write Your Book At The Dayjob.

And remember how Felicia Sullivan talked about her memoir.

Or when Novelist Ed Park showed us how to write office satire and really, really long sentences.

And Susan Henderson taught us How To Beat Writer's Block.

Then Jeff Gordinier Showed You How To Promote Your Book.

And finally, Tony D'Souza taught us The Fine Art of the Action Scene


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12. Taking a Rest

The Publishing Spot is taking an indefinite vacation.

I just started blogging for the good folks at GalleyCat. And, as always, my personal site is loaded with content. Stop by both places and say hello!

It's been three years of non-stop content, and I just want to say thank you to everyone who kept this little writing community going. Until we return, the archives and comments are still open, so feel free to explore. Here is some of my favorite content from the past three years...

Up top, you have my video coverage of the 2007 National Book Awards. We'll be back there again this year.

Check out how Janice Erlbaum literally walked us through her memoir.

Screenwriter Allen Rucker taught us about writing for television, movies and memoirs.

Novelist DeLauné Michel showed us how acting can help your writing.

Richard Grayson explained how he used Print-On-Demand Publishing to save his novels.

Sam Douglas gave us Real Advice from a Real Fiction Editor.

Robert Boynton taught us How To Survive as a Freelance Writer.

Then watch Best Literary Friends Forever, a video featuring our special journalist guests, Kate Torgovnick and Joie Jager-Hyman.

Then there's journalist Jeff Gordinier explaining how he built his magazine writing career and wrote a book.

Don't forget when Jeffrey Yamaguchi Explained How To Write Your Book At The Dayjob.

And remember how Felicia Sullivan talked about her memoir.

Or when Novelist Ed Park showed us how to write office satire and really, really long sentences.

And Susan Henderson taught us How To Beat Writer's Block.

Then Jeff Gordinier Showed You How To Promote Your Book.

And finally, Tony D'Souza taught us The Fine Art of the Action Scene


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13. Taking a Rest

The Publishing Spot is taking an indefinite vacation.

I just started blogging for the good folks at GalleyCat. And, as always, my personal site is loaded with content. Stop by both places and say hello!

It's been three years of non-stop content, and I just want to say thank you to everyone who kept this little writing community going. Until we return, the archives and comments are still open, so feel free to explore. Here is some of my favorite content from the past three years...

Up top, you have my video coverage of the 2007 National Book Awards. We'll be back there again this year.

Check out how Janice Erlbaum literally walked us through her memoir.

Screenwriter Allen Rucker taught us about writing for television, movies and memoirs.

Novelist DeLauné Michel showed us how acting can help your writing.

Richard Grayson explained how he used Print-On-Demand Publishing to save his novels.

Sam Douglas gave us Real Advice from a Real Fiction Editor.

Robert Boynton taught us How To Survive as a Freelance Writer.

Then watch Best Literary Friends Forever, a video featuring our special journalist guests, Kate Torgovnick and Joie Jager-Hyman.

Then there's journalist Jeff Gordinier explaining how he built his magazine writing career and wrote a book.

Don't forget when Jeffrey Yamaguchi Explained How To Write Your Book At The Dayjob.

And remember how Felicia Sullivan talked about her memoir.

Or when Novelist Ed Park showed us how to write office satire and really, really long sentences.

And Susan Henderson taught us How To Beat Writer's Block.

Then Jeff Gordinier Showed You How To Promote Your Book.

And finally, Tony D'Souza taught us The Fine Art of the Action Scene


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14. What Do Young, Anxious Writers Need To Know Right Now?

alana%20taylor.jpgWhat would you tell this young, anxious student about the future of journalism?

Over at MediaShift, a New York University undergraduate journalism student Alana Taylor (studying, coincidentally, where I teach) wrote a critical essay about the online aspects of her education. Her essay was custom-built to stir up controversy (and boy, did it ever), but we should all check it out:

"[The professor] informs us that people actually get paid to blog. That they make a living off of this. For me this was very much a “duh” moment and I thought that it would be for the rest of the students as well. They should be fully aware at this point that blogging has become a very serious form of journalism. Furthermore, they should be aware that it is the one journalistic venture that requires little or no ladder-climbing."

Honestly, .0000001 percent of all writers actually support themselves completely online, and I am frank with all my students about that fact--and I give them suggestions about ways to cobble together more online experience with web writing, citizen journalism tools, and webby-videos.

Young writers are seeking answers to questions that won't be answered for another 50 years until after all the dust from digital publishing has settled. In the meantime, what's your advice to young writers? Chime in, and I'll collect the answers in a post this week.


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15. What Do Young, Anxious Writers Need To Know Right Now?

alana%20taylor.jpgWhat would you tell this young, anxious student about the future of journalism?

Over at MediaShift, a New York University undergraduate journalism student Alana Taylor (studying, coincidentally, where I teach) wrote a critical essay about the online aspects of her education. Her essay was custom-built to stir up controversy (and boy, did it ever), but we should all check it out:

"[The professor] informs us that people actually get paid to blog. That they make a living off of this. For me this was very much a “duh” moment and I thought that it would be for the rest of the students as well. They should be fully aware at this point that blogging has become a very serious form of journalism. Furthermore, they should be aware that it is the one journalistic venture that requires little or no ladder-climbing."

Honestly, .0000001 percent of all writers actually support themselves completely online, and I am frank with all my students about that fact--and I give them suggestions about ways to cobble together more online experience with web writing, citizen journalism tools, and webby-videos.

Young writers are seeking answers to questions that won't be answered for another 50 years until after all the dust from digital publishing has settled. In the meantime, what's your advice to young writers? Chime in, and I'll collect the answers in a post this week.


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16. What Do Young, Anxious Writers Need To Know Right Now?

alana%20taylor.jpgWhat would you tell this young, anxious student about the future of journalism?

Over at MediaShift, a New York University undergraduate journalism student Alana Taylor (studying, coincidentally, where I teach) wrote a critical essay about the online aspects of her education. Her essay was custom-built to stir up controversy (and boy, did it ever), but we should all check it out:

"[The professor] informs us that people actually get paid to blog. That they make a living off of this. For me this was very much a “duh” moment and I thought that it would be for the rest of the students as well. They should be fully aware at this point that blogging has become a very serious form of journalism. Furthermore, they should be aware that it is the one journalistic venture that requires little or no ladder-climbing."

Honestly, .0000001 percent of all writers actually support themselves completely online, and I am frank with all my students about that fact--and I give them suggestions about ways to cobble together more online experience with web writing, citizen journalism tools, and webby-videos.

Young writers are seeking answers to questions that won't be answered for another 50 years until after all the dust from digital publishing has settled. In the meantime, what's your advice to young writers? Chime in, and I'll collect the answers in a post this week.


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17. Surface Tension: Weekend Poems

The Trouble with PoetryAs you sneak away for the weekend, take some poetry with you.

The Bluestocking book blog has a great post about poet Billy Collins and his poem-a-day project for high school students. There's an inspiring collection of poems on that website, they can turn your writing upside down if you read them carefully.

Don't believe me? Try it yourself. Here's a line from Herd Of Buffalo Crossing The Missouri On Ice by poet William Matthews. These images will boggle your brain:

“If dragonflies can mate atop the surface tension / of water, surely these tons of bison can mince / across the river”


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18. Surface Tension: Weekend Poems

The Trouble with PoetryAs you sneak away for the weekend, take some poetry with you.

The Bluestocking book blog has a great post about poet Billy Collins and his poem-a-day project for high school students. There's an inspiring collection of poems on that website, they can turn your writing upside down if you read them carefully.

Don't believe me? Try it yourself. Here's a line from Herd Of Buffalo Crossing The Missouri On Ice by poet William Matthews. These images will boggle your brain:

“If dragonflies can mate atop the surface tension / of water, surely these tons of bison can mince / across the river”


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19. Surface Tension: Weekend Poems

The Trouble with PoetryAs you sneak away for the weekend, take some poetry with you.

The Bluestocking book blog has a great post about poet Billy Collins and his poem-a-day project for high school students. There's an inspiring collection of poems on that website, they can turn your writing upside down if you read them carefully.

Don't believe me? Try it yourself. Here's a line from Herd Of Buffalo Crossing The Missouri On Ice by poet William Matthews. These images will boggle your brain:

“If dragonflies can mate atop the surface tension / of water, surely these tons of bison can mince / across the river”


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20. Publishing Spotted: Spam and Drink

Out of the millions of book blogs and writing-help websites, you have to dig pretty deep to find practical advice. Luckily, Joshua Henkin, author of Matrimony, is once again guest blogging on Mark Sarvas's site. Tune in every day for his straight-ahead thoughts:

"I'm always reminding my students to vary their cadences, that too much repetition is numbing. They'll give me a sentence with three great images, but what they don't understand is that those images are competing with each other and are therefore lessening the effect of the sentence: too much meat in the can and you get Spam"

And, if the hunt for meat and Spam is driving you mad, you might need a drink. If you need help with that, the New York Post has a great article about writers and booze, complete with some tasty cocktail recipes.

Publishing Spot alum Janice Erlbaum (you can find out more about her memoir in that video) weighed in with this tasty beverage:

"The key lime martini; it's vanilla vodka with lime juice and a little cream. Some places will even put a graham cracker crust around the rim ... I have a sentimental attachment to it. But I also have a taste-bud attachment. It's girlie, and I like that in a drink. The glass balances so elegantly in one's little fingers. The drink is twee, but writers are twee, so I'm allowed."


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21. Publishing Spotted: Spam and Drink

Out of the millions of book blogs and writing-help websites, you have to dig pretty deep to find practical advice. Luckily, Joshua Henkin, author of Matrimony, is once again guest blogging on Mark Sarvas's site. Tune in every day for his straight-ahead thoughts:

"I'm always reminding my students to vary their cadences, that too much repetition is numbing. They'll give me a sentence with three great images, but what they don't understand is that those images are competing with each other and are therefore lessening the effect of the sentence: too much meat in the can and you get Spam"

And, if the hunt for meat and Spam is driving you mad, you might need a drink. If you need help with that, the New York Post has a great article about writers and booze, complete with some tasty cocktail recipes.

Publishing Spot alum Janice Erlbaum (you can find out more about her memoir in that video) weighed in with this tasty beverage:

"The key lime martini; it's vanilla vodka with lime juice and a little cream. Some places will even put a graham cracker crust around the rim ... I have a sentimental attachment to it. But I also have a taste-bud attachment. It's girlie, and I like that in a drink. The glass balances so elegantly in one's little fingers. The drink is twee, but writers are twee, so I'm allowed."


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22. Publishing Spotted: Spam and Drink

Out of the millions of book blogs and writing-help websites, you have to dig pretty deep to find practical advice. Luckily, Joshua Henkin, author of Matrimony, is once again guest blogging on Mark Sarvas's site. Tune in every day for his straight-ahead thoughts:

"I'm always reminding my students to vary their cadences, that too much repetition is numbing. They'll give me a sentence with three great images, but what they don't understand is that those images are competing with each other and are therefore lessening the effect of the sentence: too much meat in the can and you get Spam"

And, if the hunt for meat and Spam is driving you mad, you might need a drink. If you need help with that, the New York Post has a great article about writers and booze, complete with some tasty cocktail recipes.

Publishing Spot alum Janice Erlbaum (you can find out more about her memoir in that video) weighed in with this tasty beverage:

"The key lime martini; it's vanilla vodka with lime juice and a little cream. Some places will even put a graham cracker crust around the rim ... I have a sentimental attachment to it. But I also have a taste-bud attachment. It's girlie, and I like that in a drink. The glass balances so elegantly in one's little fingers. The drink is twee, but writers are twee, so I'm allowed."


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23. One Post Blogs Versus Ten Year Blogs

Personal Days: A NovelWhat have you left behind on the Internet? As writers tumble through the world wide webs, we leave behind thousands of old links and long lost stories.

Novelist Ed Park--meet him at The Publishing Spot Library--is exploring one-post blogs. It's haunting to check out these lost sites that began and ended on the same day. Check it out:

"Blogs that only lasted for one post, #1: Time for a Midwestern Culture Shock."

On the other side of the coin, novelist John Scalzi is revisiting ten years of amazing content on his blog. This essay comes from very early in his writing career, a reminder to all fledgling writers about what it takes to succeed. Check it out:

"I try to be honest with myself regarding “working on the novel.” If I’m actually writing, then I’m working on the novel; if I’m not writing, then I’m not working on the novel ... If you want to write a novel, don’t “work” on it — write the thing."


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24. One Post Blogs Versus Ten Year Blogs

Personal Days: A NovelWhat have you left behind on the Internet? As writers tumble through the world wide webs, we leave behind thousands of old links and long lost stories.

Novelist Ed Park--meet him at The Publishing Spot Library--is exploring one-post blogs. It's haunting to check out these lost sites that began and ended on the same day. Check it out:

"Blogs that only lasted for one post, #1: Time for a Midwestern Culture Shock."

On the other side of the coin, novelist John Scalzi is revisiting ten years of amazing content on his blog. This essay comes from very early in his writing career, a reminder to all fledgling writers about what it takes to succeed. Check it out:

"I try to be honest with myself regarding “working on the novel.” If I’m actually writing, then I’m working on the novel; if I’m not writing, then I’m not working on the novel ... If you want to write a novel, don’t “work” on it — write the thing."


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25. One Post Blogs Versus Ten Year Blogs

Personal Days: A NovelWhat have you left behind on the Internet? As writers tumble through the world wide webs, we leave behind thousands of old links and long lost stories.

Novelist Ed Park--meet him at The Publishing Spot Library--is exploring one-post blogs. It's haunting to check out these lost sites that began and ended on the same day. Check it out:

"Blogs that only lasted for one post, #1: Time for a Midwestern Culture Shock."

On the other side of the coin, novelist John Scalzi is revisiting ten years of amazing content on his blog. This essay comes from very early in his writing career, a reminder to all fledgling writers about what it takes to succeed. Check it out:

"I try to be honest with myself regarding “working on the novel.” If I’m actually writing, then I’m working on the novel; if I’m not writing, then I’m not working on the novel ... If you want to write a novel, don’t “work” on it — write the thing."


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