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Eurobook Ltd

Eurobook Ltd is a book publisher. Some of the books published by Eurobook Ltd include Gods and Pharaohs from Egyptian Mythology, Demons, Gods and Holy Men from Indian Myths and Legends, Gods and Heroes from Viking Mythology, and Kings, Gods and Spirits from African Mythology.

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Updated 9/22/2006

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Results 1 - 10 of 10     # per page:
Title, Creators, Comments / Reviews Ages Date Published
1. Gods and Pharaohs from Egyptian Mythology Hb (World mythology series) (H...
    Author: Geraldine Harris
    Illustrator: David O'Connor
(Unknown)  10/12/1982
11 Reviews  
2. Mother Goose Nursery Rhymes (Hardcover)
    Author: Frank Baber
    Illustrator: Frank Baber
(Unknown)  06/1988
1 Reviews
3. Gods and Heroes from Viking Mythology (World mythology series) (Hardcover)
    Author: Brian Branston
    Illustrator: Giovanni Caselli
(Unknown)  01/01/1978
11 Reviews  
4. Demons, Gods and Holy Men from Indian Myths and Legends Hb (World Mythol...
    Author: Shahrukh Husain
    Illustrator: Durga Prasad Das
(Unknown)  03/31/1987
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5. Warriors, Gods and Spirits from Central and South American Mythology (Wo...
    Author: Douglas Gifford
    Illustrator: John Sibbick
(Unknown)  /1983
2 Reviews  
6. Ancestors: The Origins of the People and Countries of Europe (Paperback)
    Author: Martin Berg, Miles Litvinoff
(Unknown)  05/29/1992
3 Reviews  
7. Fables of Aesop Hb (Hardcover)
    Author: Aesop, Ruth Spriggs
    Illustrator: Maggie Downer
(Unknown)  10/30/1995
2,649 Reviews  
8. The Golden Mouse and Other Stories from the Meadows (Hardcover)
    Author: Frances Ball
    Illustrator: Shirley Felts
(Unknown)  03/1995
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9. Ancestors (Hardcover)
    Author: Martin Berg, Miles Litvinoff
(Unknown)  05/29/1992
4 Reviews  
10. The Flying Squirrel and Other Stories from the Woodlands (Hardcover)
    Author: Frances Ball
    Illustrator: Cliff Wright
(Unknown)  03/1995
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