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Good Night, Little Sea Otter (Paperback, 2010)
    By Janet Halfmann
Ages 4-8 6/21/2011
smmorris said: 5 stars Little Sea Otter is ready to go to bed, snug in his Mamma’s lap, head against her chest, floating on the ocean’s surface. Still, he fights his drooping eyes and mother’s urgings, by saying good night to every animal he can see or hear, in and out of the ocean’s calm blue waters. “I forgot to say good night to the harbor seals,” Little Sea Otter said to his momma. “Good night harbor seals.” Little Sea Otter then said good night to the sea lions, sea gulls, and the orange, yellow, and purple fish. Then he spots the sea urchins, sea stars, sea slugs, clams, and crabs, bidding them all good night. Little Sea Otter continued his good nights until he believed he was finished, but he had missed saying good night to one creature of the sea. Can you guess whom? This is an adorable bedtime book. Children will love the cute Little Sea Otter and all his friends. I can hear children reciting the lines, having memorized them from night after night readings. Moms and Dads might even get a rendition of Rock-a-Bye Baby as the back cover folds closed. Wish William’s illustrations use deep, rich colors and are wonderfully detailed. If enlarged, the side-by-side pictures without text would make awesome posters. Good Night, Little Sea Otter is a must-have bedtime story that will endear children for years. Note: received from netgalley, courtesy of the publisher
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