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Rattlesnake Rules (Hardcover, 2009)
    By Conrad J. Storad
Ages 4-8 6/22/2011
fivestar said: Award-winning author and science editor Conrad J. Storad shares with young readers valuable information about rattlesnakes. A long-time resident of the Sonoran Desert, Conrad has always been fascinated by the animals and plants that call the desert home. WHAT MAKES THIS BOOK UNIQUE? ■Conrad has a long record of writing award-winning books to help young readers learn about and appreciate the natural world around them. Among his 32 science and nature titles are Don’t Call Me Pig! (A Javelina Story), Desert Night Shift (A Pack Rat Story), Lizards for Lunch (A Roadrunner’s Tale), Don’t Ever Cross that Road! (An Armadillo Story), and Sonoran Desert A to Z (Coloring/Learning Book). ■In addition to his books, Conrad is a contributing writer to and is the editor of the nationally award-winning ASU Research Magazine, which he has done for the past 23 years. He is also the founding editor of Chain Reaction, an award-winning magazine for young readers that highlights stories about science, learning, and creative activities taking place at Arizona State University. ■Conrad received his master’s degree in mass communication/science journalism from Arizona State University, and is a member of the university’s Walter Cronkite School of Journalism’s Hall of Fame. ■The author is a popular presenter in elementary schools across the nation, bringing alive the subjects of his many books.
tags: I recommend, pubilshed, arizona, snakes, author, school visits, puppets,
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