
  • Name:
    Christopher Holcroft
  • Occupation: Writer
  • Company: Red Raven Communications
  • Locale: Australia
  • Member Since: 6/12/2009

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Title / Year, Comments Ages Add Date
Only The Brave Dare (Paperback, 2008)
    By Christopher J. Holcroft
Young Adults 6/12/2009
Redraven said: Scott Morrow is your typical teenager but events turn him into the hero he never thought he would be. He is a Venturer Scout on a Christmas holiday camp with his Unit when international drug smugglers try to pick up their prize booty that has the potential to turn thousands of Australians into drug addicts. Follow Scott as he pits his bravery against the might of war experienced drug runners in a race to free his fellow Venturers who have been imprisoned in a Convict jail. Join the race by Australian Defence and law enforcement authorities as they chase a mother ship believed to have dropped off millions of dollars in drugs off the coastline where Scott and his Unit are holidaying. Only The Brave Dare is a novel full of adventure and cunning as a teenage boy grapples with his fears and rushes to understand a technology that provides the key to the final climax.
tags: boys, scouts, eagle scouts, rover scouts, adventure, abseiling, canyoning, rescue, teenage boys, I wrote, I recommend
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Comment by Christopher Holcroft on 6/12/2009 at 5:14 AM:
Only The Brave Dare
Poseidon Books, 2008 ( )

(Age 12+) Described by the author as a modern Biggles, Only the brave dare is the story of a group of Venturers who uncover a drug deal by the Russian Mafia while exploring a wrecked submarine. Taken capti... more
Comment by Christopher Holcroft on 6/12/2009 at 5:11 AM:
Review by Christopher Ganert,18, Ramsgate, NSW, Australia
Only The Brave Dare, by Christopher Holcroft, is a novel about Venturers on a camping trip who cross paths with the Russian Mafia.
The book begins with a Queens Scout presentation and then introduces the main character.
The ... more

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