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How to use this Page

  • If this is a large event, such as a festival or conference, please type the event name in the event search first, as someone may have already entered it. You can then add yourself at the bottom of this page as a participant.

    If you do not find the event, please enter the new event information and venue information and then add yourself as a participant.

1) Search for or Add an Event

Type a few letters to search. Optionally add a comma and 2 letter state code.
Event search:
Examples: festival,ca ; book signing ; author visit

2) Search for or add a Venue (place) where the event will be held

Type a few letters to search. Optionally add a comma and 2 letter state code.
Venue search:
Examples: Storyopolis ; Borders,CA ; Los Angeles Convention Center

3) If you or someone else you know is attending this event, add the participating Author, Illustrator, Speaker, Person, etc. and choose what they will be doing