Publisher Information
Visual Manna
God is a creative God and we were created in his image. We believe each child is imbued by God to be innately creative. It is our goal to bring out that special and creative individuality in each student that we teach. In teaching core skills through art, we believe that children learn better by doing. In Dale's Cone of Learning, we see that people retain 10% of what they read, 20% of what they hear, 30% of what they see, 50% of what they hear and see, 70% of what they say and 90% of what they say and do. Doing art to support core learning not only make learning fun, but helps children retain what they learn. In teaching art skills, we believe it is important to introduce children to many different mediums and a variety of techniques so they have the skills necessary to express their creativity, individual thinking, and problem solving. We believe the study of master works of art can facilitate the student's understanding of how techniques have been applied in the past. This gives them understanding of how previous masters have overcome various technical problems to express their creativity more fully. Most education today is geared to rote memorization of the facts, techniques and methods. Many times art is taught in a similar method to math, science, history, or English. Pressure to perform to arbitrary standards is often placed on students restricting their creativity to the demands of conformity, and to the need for expedience in measuring performance in relationship to the norm. We believe our method of teaching the core subjects through art is the very best for visual and kinesthetic learners. Creativity is as unique and individual as snowflakes. If three architects are presented with a design problem for a particular building, they will all solve the problem differently. Art is a catalyst for engineering and invention when taught properly. It generates excitement in the learning environment. So many of the greatest minds in history were independent thinkers and problem solvers. This is our goal for each Visual Manna student. In the teaching of techniques, vocabulary and art appreciation, we strive to produce students that have a well rounded and thorough understandng of art so they can use their creativity to the maximum. In teaching of core subjects, we use art as a fun supplement to core learning!
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Po Box 553 Salem MO 65560 USA | Phone: 888-275-7309 |
Fax: 573-729-0021 | ||
Updated 12/9/2008 |
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Title, Creators, Comments / Reviews | Ages | Date Published | |||
1. Teaching Geography Through Art (Plastic Comb) Author: Sharon Jeffus, Richard Jeffus |
Ages 9-12 |
01/2001 Add | |||
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