Heritage Press: Annotative Bibliography, Volume 1, Authors AD, 2nd Edition MICHAEL C. BUSSACCO With over 1000 Heritage Press books, Michael C. Bussacco has one of the largest and most complete collections in the United States. In Heritage Press: Annotative Bibliography, Volume 1, Authors AD, 2nd Edition, collectors learn what books were issued by the Heritage Press, their descriptions, when they were issued, and whether they are first editions or reprints. This bibliography is the standard ...
Heritage Press: Annotative Bibliography, Volume 1, Authors AD, 2nd Edition MICHAEL C. BUSSACCO With over 1000 Heritage Press books, Michael C. Bussacco has one of the largest and most complete collections in the United States. In Heritage Press: Annotative Bibliography, Volume 1, Authors AD, 2nd Edition, collectors learn what books were issued by the Heritage Press, their descriptions, when they w...
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on 3/9/2009