Brian Selznick a Mantova 08 Brian Selznick al Festivaletteratura di Mantova, settembre 2008.
Dalla storia della collezione di automi del regista francese Georges Méliès, donat...
Hugo cabret Knjiga, ki se gleda kot film, in film, ki se bere kot knjiga. Uspešnica, ki je prejela nagrado za mladinsko književnost caldecott medal 2008.
A Invenção de Hugo Cabret - 2º Cap... Trailler do 2º Capitulo da obra "A Invenção de Hugo Cabret" de Brian Selznick. Uma autêntica experiência cinematográfica!
A Invenção de Hugo Cabret - 3º Cap... Trailler do 3º Capitulo da obra "A Invenção de Hugo Cabret" de Brian Selznick.
Uma autêntica experiência cinematográfica!
Booktrailer "La straordinaria invenzione di Hugo Cabret".
Un libro straordinario. Dal genio di Brian Selznick, un capolavoro di originalità e fantasia.
Tra rom...
A Model and A Haircut Learn how Brian Selznick put an old fashioned haircut on a real little girl to make Isabelle
Words vs. Pictures Brian Selznick explains how he decided when to show pictures and when to tell the story in words
Seeing and Hearing the Movies Brian Selznick explains how silent films and early talkies inspired The Invention of Hugo Cabret
Just Like a Movie Camera Brian Selznick explains how The Invention of Hugo Cabret tells a story through picture sequences rather than words
Inside the Walls of the Station Brian Selznick imagines hidden passages and secret spaces to create the world of Hugo Cabret
Finding the Automaton Brian Selznick talks about the research he did on automata before writing The Invention of Hugo Cabret
A Mechanical Genius While writing The Invention of Hugo Cabret, Brian Selznick met a man who really can fix clockwork.
A Closer Look Brian Selznick explains how he uses light and detail to help the reader know where to look
Inventing Hugo Cabret Watch an video clip in which Brian Selznick uses a toy named Hugo and a boy named Garrett as inspiration.
A Visual Masterpiece for Kids and Fil... An artful blend of narration, illustration, and cinematic magic awaits the young readers of a new book by Brian Selznick, THE INVENTION OF HUGO CABRET...
Publisher: Scholastic Press
Author: Brian Selznick
Illustrator: Brian Selznick
Ages 9-12
Date published: 1/30/2007