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The Great Book Foundation

The Great Book Foundation is a publisher of young adult books. Books published by The Great Book Foundation include Junior Great Books Series 7: Student Anthology, Junior Great Books, Junior Great Books, and Junior Great Books Series 2, Volume 2.

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Updated 3/9/2006

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All Books   Books by JacketFlap members
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Results 1 - 10 of 10     # per page:
Title, Creators, Comments / Reviews Ages Date Published
1. Junior Great Books (Series 3) - First Semester (Paperback)
    Author: Arthur Ransome, Barbara K. Walker, Brothers Grimm, Flora Annie Steel, Hans Christian Andersen, Joan Grant, Natalie Savage Carlson, Robert Graves, Various, Charles Perrault
(Unknown)  /1992
10 Reviews  
2. Junior Great Books (Paperback)
    Author: Anne Sibley O'Brien, Barbara K. Walker, Brothers Grimm, Diane Wolkstein, Ethel Pochocki, I. G. Edmonds, Joan Grant, Susan Cooper, Harold Courlander and Wolf Leslau, George and Helen Papashvily
(Unknown)  /2006
3 Reviews  
3. Junior Great Books Series 7: Student Anthology (Paperback)
    Author: N/A
Young Adult 06/03/1992
8 Reviews  
4. Junior Great Books (Series 4, Book One) (Paperback)
    Author: alma flor ada, Hans Christian Andersen, Jennifer Armstrong, Langston Hughes, Norma Fox Mazer, Philippa Pearce, Ray Bradbury, Madame de Villeneuve, Humphrey Harman, Agnes Szudek
(Unknown)  /2006
12 Reviews  
5. Even Deadlier : A Sequel to the 7 Deadly Sins Sampler (Hardcover)
    Illustrator: Lisa Haney
(Unknown)  /2009
2 Reviews  
6. Junior Great Books (Series 3: First Semester) (Audio Cassette)
    Author: Brothers Grimm, Hans Christian Andersen, Joan Grant, Robert Graves, Charles Perrault
    Illustrator: Ed Young, William Seabright
(Unknown)  /1995
8 Reviews  
7. Sophocles: Antigone (The Great Books Foundation) (Paperback)
    Author: Sophocles
(Unknown)  /1954
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8. Junior Great Books (Series 3) [Paperback] (Unknown Binding)
    Author: Various
(Unknown)  /1992
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9. Junior Great Books [Paperback] (Unknown Binding)
    Author: Diane Wolkstein
(Unknown)  /2006
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10. Junior Great Books Series 2, Volume 2 (Junior Great Books Series Two, Vo...
    Author: Aesop, Chase, Oscar Wilde, Curcija-Prodanovic
(Unknown)  /1967
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