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Red Crane Books

Red Crane Books is a publisher of children's books and young adult books. Some of the books published by Red Crane Books include La cuentista, Garden of Stories / Jard�n de cuentos, Always the Heart / Siempre el coraz�n, and Where the Cinnamon Winds Blow: Donde soplan los vientos de canela.

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Updated 2/10/2005

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Results 1 - 16 of 16     # per page:
Title, Creators, Comments / Reviews Ages Date Published
1. Where the Cinnamon Winds Blow: Donde soplan los vientos de canela (Spani...
    Author: Jim Sagel
    Illustrator: Bernadette Vigil
Young Adult 09/01/1993
1 Reviews  
2. LA cuentista (Paperback)
    Author: Teresa Pijoan
    Illustrator: Rachel Lazo
(Unknown)  11/01/1994
5 Reviews  
3. Garden of Stories / Jard�n de cuentos (Paperback)
    Author: Jim Sagel
    Illustrator: Sergio Tapia
Ages 4-8 09/01/1996
2 Reviews  
4. Listen, a Story Comes / Escucha, que viene un cuento (Paperback)
    Author: Sharon Franco, Teresa Pijoan
    Illustrator: Gary Bigelow
Young Adult 09/01/1996
14 Reviews  
5. Chocolate, Chipmunks, and Canoes: An American Indian Words Coloring Book...
    Author: Juan Alvarez
(Unknown)  01/1992
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6. Always the Heart / Siempre el coraz�n (Red Crane Literature Series) (Pap...
    Author: Jim Sagel
Young Adult 09/01/1998
2 Reviews  
7. Stories from a Dark and Evil World (Paperback)
    Author: Teresa Pijoan
(Unknown)  06/15/1999
1 Reviews  
8. Jose Rabbit's Southwest Adventures: An ABC Coloring Book with Spanish Wo...
    Author: Juan Alvarez
Baby−PreK 08/1990
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9. Peril at Thunder Ridge (Paperback)
    Author: Anthony Dorame
Young Adult 09/1993
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10. The Navajo Brothers and the Stolen Herd (Paperback)
    Author: Maurine Grammer
    Illustrator: Fred Cleveland
(Unknown)  09/1992
1 Reviews  
11. La Cuentista (Hardcover)
    Author: Teresa Pijoan, Rachel Lazo
(Unknown)  04/1995
2 Reviews  
12. Always the Heart / Siempre el coraz�n (Red Crane Literature Series) [Pap...
    Author: Jim Sagel
(Unknown)  /1998
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13. Chocolate, Chipmunks, and Canoes: An American Indian Words Coloring Book...
    Author: Juan Alvarez
(Unknown)  /1991
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14. Where the Cinnamon Winds Blow: Donde soplan los vientos de canela (Spani...
    Author: Jim Sagel
(Unknown)  /1993
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15. Creatures Underneath (Paperback)
    Author: Jennifer Owings Dewey
Ages 4-8 05/1994
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16. Creatures Underneath (Hardcover)
    Author: Jennifer Owings Dewey
Ages 4-8 05/1994
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