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These are the most recent 10 blog posts mentioning Rachel Markwick in JacketFlap's Children's Publishing Blog Reader



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About Rachel

I'm an artist specialising in making stamp collages - and you can see my work on my website, . I've been making these intricate pictures for more than 10 years, having inherited stamps from my parents' stamp dealing business. Stamps are little tiny works of art and it never ceases to amaze me how much variety there is and how much we can learn from them. I've recentl... More
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(c) 2024 Rachel Markwick
Books Recently Added to Rachel's Bookshelf Ages Date Added
Books 1 - 4 of 6 from Rachel's bookshelf, View all 6 books
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1. Minimus Pupil's Book: Starting out in Latin (Paperback)
    Author: Barbara Bell
    Illustrator: Helen Forte
    Publisher: Cambridge University Press
N/A 8/25/2013
Rachel said: Not just for children .. I've just been to Rome and wanted to brush up on my Latin to read inscriptions and this was an amusing way to get started again.
tags: I read , Inspired me , I recommend
100 Reviews  
2. Franklin Roosevelt's Postage Stamp Quilt: The Story of Estella Weaver Nu...
    Author: Kyra E. Hicks
    Publisher: Black Threads Press
N/A 8/25/2013
Rachel said: Such an interesting book! I have an interest in stamps and also in quilts so it combines the two for me and has given me new inspiration for my own work as a stamp collage artist.
tags: I read , Inspired me , I recommend
17 Reviews  
3. Overtaken (Paperback)
    Author: Valerie Storey
    Publisher: Dava Books
Adult 8/24/2013
Rachel said: Haven't read the whole book yet but the sample is tempting me ..
tags: I'm reading , I recommend
4 Reviews  
4. First Class (Hardcover)
    Author: Chris West
    Publisher: Square Peg
N/A 8/23/2013
Rachel said: Brilliant history of Great Britain through 36 postage stamps - each chapter outlines a period of our history using a particular stamp or stamps to illustrate that particular era.
tags: I read , I recommend
27 Reviews  
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Profile Comments
Comment by Valerie Storey on 8/24/2013 at 4:50 PM:
Glad to be friends, Rachel! Happy Creating!
Comment by Carole Anne Carr on 8/24/2013 at 12:44 PM:
Thanks for your kind suggestions, Rachel. I sell my books in the Ironbridge Gorge Museum Shop, reminder to self to take some more to the shop!, but I think your suggestion re River Dark is excellent. At Christmas I tend to have a stall at various village hall fairs, that helps. Kind regards, Carole.
Comment by Carole Anne Carr on 8/24/2013 at 8:58 AM:
These are amazing, Rachel.
Comment by Rachel Markwick on 8/23/2013 at 12:53 PM:
Thanks Eric - just trying to work my way round the Jacket Flap system .. hoping to post some more pictures soon. I make collages using stamps and subjects include gardens, flags, ships, animals etc.
Comment by Eric Hammond on 8/22/2013 at 8:26 PM:
Hello, Rachel.
Welcome to JacketFlap.
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