Publisher Information
O Books
O Books began publishing in 2003. The name �O Books� was chosen because �O� is a symbol of the world, of oneness and unity. Giotto treated it as a symbol of perfection. In different cultures it also means the �eye�, symbolising knowledge and insight, and in Old English it means �place of love or home�. We began with publishing a title every couple of months, and now bring out around 80 titles a year. Our policy is inclusive. We interpret religion in its original sense, with the first meaning of its Latin root being �relationship�, and the second �sacred�. Relationship is with ourselves, others and the world. The sense of �sacred� that we invest it with supplies meaning and worth. Of course there are thousands, hundreds of thousands of different ways by which we have tried to describe these relationships. And all traditions have their value. But many people today want to find their own point of relevance, weighing religion against reason, one tradition against another, testing them against their own experience. So we publish books for people of all faiths, and of none. We aim to create a forum for many different points of view, united by their respect for each other, reflecting both the diversity and common wisdom of a global village. We look for books that give us new paradigms of belief and behavior, whether individual or social, more hopeful ones than those that have created the world we know today. At the same time we realize there is nothing new under the sun, and try to recapture insights from past ages that have been lost or distorted. Seeing the world as whole means embracing everything we know, so we bring out titles that represent the best of popular science, philosophy, anthropology, history and other disciplines, as well as those on personal growth and development, healing, meditation, and other practices more traditionally thought of as �religious�. As a result it's a broad list, and we hope you find some titles of interest. Click on the categories on the left here to search the different subject areas. Click on individual covers to find a wealth of detail about the book and the author. If you would like a catalogue listing all titles do e-mail us. Books should be available in all good English language bookstores worldwide (except in the two or three cases indicated where we don't have worldwide rights on a particular title). All are available in $US, � sterling, or euros. There is a currency converter on home page and the individual book pages. If you don't see the book on the shelves ask the bookstore to order it for you, quoting the ISBN and title. If that fails contact the distributor in the relevant country, they would like to know that there's a problem and can supply direct. We also work closely with a number of specialist bookshops that can supply direct, who are listed here (under "How to order"). If you are a bookshop who would like to be added to this list, do contact us direct. Our apologies that we don't sell books direct ourselves from the website, we've tried it but doing it worldwide in different currencies from one source is just too difficult, and we prefer to support specialist shops. Many authors have contact details and websites listed if you would like to contact them direct, and we are developing a broad range of articles that expand on their areas of interest. We welcome feedback on books and new ideas for titles (for submissions, please see "Contact us").
Specifically interested in books with these subjects or themes: childrens (spirituality, bible stories, board, novelty)
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Updated 11/18/2006 |
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