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Books Wayne tagged with:
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Results 1 - 6 of 6     # per page:
Title, Creators, Comments / Reviews Ages Date Added
1. The South Was Right! (Hardcover)
    Author: James Ronald Kennedy
    Publisher: Pelican Publishing
N/A 1/20/2015
Wayne said: A well written, well argued polemic that will make readers view the Leviathan federal government in a blindingly critical light. Once read, you will NEVER see America the same way, again. I promise.
tags: I read , Inspired me , I recommend
449 Reviews  
2. Lectures on the Holocaust: Controversial Issues Cross Examined (Holocaus...
    Author: Germar Rudolf Jurgen Graf
    Publisher: Theses & Dissertations Press
N/A 1/20/2015
Wayne said: Probably the best book on today's MOST contentious subject. A great introduction to REVISIONIST history. Although for those too lazy to read, You Tube has many good lectures/documentaries, also.
tags: I read , Inspired me , I recommend
14 Reviews  
3. The Known World: A Novel (Paperback)
    Author: Edward P. Jones
    Publisher: Harper Paperbacks
N/A 1/20/2015
Wayne said: A novel that took the author TEN years to complete - and won the Pulitzer Prize. What more can I add, other than it is so well written. Great use of the language. Awesome story plot that annoyed/shock...more
tags: I read , I recommend
3,590 Reviews  
4. Let Me Stand Alone: The Journals of Rachel Corrie (Hardcover)
    Author: Rachel Corrie
    Publisher: W. W. Norton & Company
N/A 1/20/2015
Wayne said: A heart rending anthology of this AMERICAN activist's written and sketched works compiled by her parents. family, and friends after her MURDER whilst helping the victims of hatred and genocide in Gaza...more
tags: I read , Inspired me , I recommend
76 Reviews  
5. Tragedy and Hope: History of the World in Our Time (Paperback)
    Author: Carroll Quigley
    Publisher: Dauphin Publications Inc.
N/A 1/20/2015
Wayne said: Easily in the top FIVE books I've read, this work is a must read for ALL Americans. Quigley's book may not be banned, but, IMHO, it is certainly suppressed. He was BILL CLINTON's professor and mentor ...more
tags: I read , Inspired me , I recommend
112 Reviews  
6. The Culture of Critique: An Evolutionary Analysis of Jewish Involvement ...
    Author: p>Kevin


    Publisher: Praeger
N/A 1/20/2015
Wayne said: Third in a trilogy, this is quite possibly THE most important book I have ever read out of thousands over 50+ years. One cannot understand the 21st ,nor the just completed 20th, centuries unless one p...more
tags: I read , I recommend , Inspired me
81 Reviews  
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