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Miss Snark vents her wrath on the hapless world of writers and crushes them to sand beneath her T.Rexual heels of stiletto snark.
Statistics for Miss Snark, the literary agent
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Blog: Miss Snark, the literary agent (Login to Add to MyJacketFlap)
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Dear Miss Snark,
As a hugely successful and incredibly wealthy New York literary agent, I gotta tell you that you’re really causing me heartburn.
In the good old days, crappy writers did a crappy job of submitting their crappy queries, and I was able to cull through the crap at the rate of five per nanosecond, no problemo. And then you came along, dishing up advice and giving away our industry secrets.
I now have thousands of submissions in my slush pile that are perfectly executed, beautifully formatted, and follow my agency’s amazingly complex and intentionally contradictory instructions precisely.
So, even though 99.9% of the actual writing is still atrocious, it’s taking me ten times longer to slog through the slush.
Are you trying to make my life a living hell, or what?
Clearly my work here is done!
Blog: Miss Snark, the literary agent (Login to Add to MyJacketFlap)
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Dear Miss Snark,
I’ve got papyrophobia (fear of paper) and bibliophobia (fear of books). My therapist says my phobias are the most severe she’s ever seen, and there’s no hope of a cure for me.
I’ve written a novel (on my PC, as you might expect), and now the publication date is looming. I’m deathly afraid of seeing my novel rendered on paper, in the form of a book. And yet I’m thrilled that others will be able to pick up a copy and read it. I want to make sure the book is okay, but because of my phobias I can’t get anywhere near one.
So, since you’re in New York, and my publisher is in New York, would you be willing to pick up a copy, call me, and read it to me over the phone?
oh shur, no problem.
Is your phone number 648-9487?***
*clue: telephone numbers also have letters
Blog: Miss Snark, the literary agent (Login to Add to MyJacketFlap)
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Killer Yapp (activating Nextel two way collar radio): "Grandma Dog! Grandma Dog!"
Grandmother Snark: "KY? What's wrong?"
KY: Snark! Snark! Melting!
GS: Miss Snark is melting? I'll be right there, open the patio doors!
(Grandmother Snark rappels down east face of building and swan dives into Snark Central).
KY: Here! Here!
Grandmother Snark: (aghast) oh dear dog in heaven, hell must be freezing over, where are my skates, Miss Snark has tears running down her flinty cheeks!
Miss Snark: 300 plus comments on the blog retirement post. I thought I was tough. They got me! They really got me!
Grandmother Snark: And it's only Saturday night. I better buy stock in Kimberly Clark.
Blog: Miss Snark, the literary agent (Login to Add to MyJacketFlap)
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Some questions have popped up in my email and in the comments:
1. What are you doing next?
The only thing retiring is the blog. I'm still agenting. KY is still chasing squirrels and Grandmother Snark is still blessedly unaware of Miss Snark's potty mouth. Please resist the urge to reveal all to her.
2. What about the blog?
The blog will stay up. You can search the archives (most of the posts have labels now and google will turn up a lot if you use "miss snark" and "what ever you're looking for" as search terms).
3. We can still comment, right?
No, comments are now off as of 5/22/2007. You can see the previous comments but you can't comment now.
4. Are you going to write a book?
5. Can I print up your blog as a book on Lulu?
No. Please don't. If you want to print it out and put it in a pink unicorn binder for your own personal use, ok, but please don't turn it into book form or sell it, even at no-profit.
6. Was it something anyone said or did, and if so, can I kill them for you?
No. It wasn't a specific event. The questions were increasingly ones I'd already answered or ones I couldn't answer. Managing the mail was actually more time consuming than the blog.
7. Are you alright? You're not sick or anything are you?
No, I'm not dead, dying or disabled. I'm slightly dehydrated cause the outpouring of such marvelous comments and email and video and blog posts has been very very overwhelming, but you didn't make me cry, you didn't you did NOT.
8. Are you marrying George Clooney?
Blog: Miss Snark, the literary agent (Login to Add to MyJacketFlap)
JacketFlap tags: Housekeeping, aw hell (as requested), aw hell (as requested), Add a tag
Two years; two million hits (2.5 actually as of 5/20/07);
yes, Miss Snark has run out of new things to say.
It's been an amazing run.
This blog wouldn't have been any fun at all without you, my devoted readers.
I know I'll miss hearing from you.
I hope you'll miss hearing from me.
Yes, the blog will stay up cause I'm pretty proud of what we did here. And by "we" I don't mean just me and Killer Yapp, I mean you too. You sent me questions, trusted me to snark your work, made "crapometer" an industry term and most of all, you gave me perspective on what it's like to be on the other side of the slush pile.
There will be a few more days of clean up as I close out my email and spruce up the blog roll.
You can reach me through Killer Yapp.
Thank you for everything.
Dear Miss Snark:
I've sent out a bunch of e-mail queries and noticed when I received some answers (and my query shows up at the end of the responses) that sometimes my letter looked strange on the other end. I copy and pasted my query from a Microsoft word document into the body of the e-mails and some of them apparently look like I wrote it in a foreign tongue. My apostrophes have been replaced by Russian looking letters. The columns and everything look out of whack. Other replies show that my query looked fine, just as I had sent it from my end. It looks normal from my "sent" column and it also looked fine when I sent a test run on some of my friends' computers. What's going on? Am I doing something wrong? Are these agents seeing Russian letters instead of my apostrophes? Thanks.
Yup, they are, in some cases.
I have one colleague who reliably sees weirdness in my emails so I have prevailed upon her to be my "reader". All she has to do when I send her a practice/draft email is hit reply when I send it to her for testing (her email program prints the text of my email at the bottom).
That way I get back what the finicky computers see, and I can fix it. It usually takes three or four "send/reply" cycles to get all the problems fixed.
The trick is to find the one friend who will see it like that, and bribe her into helping you.
There are other tricks to employ here too, and I'm sure some of the comments will give you some additional good ideas.
The good news is, most of us are pretty used to seeing that. It's annoying, but it's not a deal breaker. You DO want to fix it though cause it's really hard to read.
Blog: Miss Snark, the literary agent (Login to Add to MyJacketFlap)
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Dear Miss Snark,
I recently received this email:
(Agent's name)
I see you've already rejected my query on (title redacted) oh, a month ago. And you're in great company. Sorry-- please disregard the query I sent ten minutes ago because I don't need another rejection.
It's a fun read. Why is everyone passing?
Can I borrow a match to set my hair on fire too?
Yes indeed.
Just to underscore the obvious:
If you screw up and send a query twice, don't compound the mistake by writing to say so. Don't say you don't need more rejection, cause really, who does??
I know you get tired of hearing no, but the person to ask "why" is not the agent.
Blog: Miss Snark, the literary agent (Login to Add to MyJacketFlap)
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I recently entered a writing contest (a well-known one) and didn't make the short-list. No biggie, I learned a lot and made some good progress with my writing. Then I got a very encouraging letter from one of the contest judges (the chair), letting me know that I'd made the informal "long-list" of the top 20 entries and giving me some feedback on my submission. She didn't have to do this (the contest stated that feedback would only be given to short-listed folks), and made it clear she did it on her own behalf. This was very cool and much appreciated. My question is this...would it be okay to send her a short thank-you note care of her publisher? Just a "thanks for taking the time to do this, much appreciated" kinda deal? I'm not looking to come off as some psycho-stalker chick, so should I be grateful in silence, or is a brief note okay?
A short thank you note via the publisher is always in order.
You'd do better to email her from her website; publishers are notoriously slow about forwarding author mail.
You only come off as psycho-stalker chick if you send gifts, or more than one note.
Never send any object to an agent or an editor until you've signed a deal with them. Given the lunacy of this day and age, gifts from strangers mostly get thrown away still wrapped and unused.
Blog: Miss Snark, the literary agent (Login to Add to MyJacketFlap)
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Dear Miss Snark,
If your oven wasn’t already in use as a file cabinet, I’d be asking to stop by so I could stick my head in and turn on the gas. After the one-millionth rewrite and almost as many rejections, two agents requested my manuscript AFTER reading partials. Such a hopeful sign, but alas, both NO’s. But it was the nature of their comments that has me competing for space in your oven.
The first pass was from a pair of agents who work together. Their comments were all very positive, but they didn’t think the market was large enough for the novel. They did, however, ask me to resubmit my next project.
The second agent passed because she felt the story needed to be told in a far more brutal voice. Because of the nature of the material, I purposely avoided sensationalizing the story.
Who to believe? At this point I am committed to finishing my second novel, a very commercial project, furiously rewriting with the hope of submitting next fall. But I can’t completely shake a nagging doubt that agent #2 is right about my first novel and the first agents were just too kind to tell me my writing sucks.
I’m trying to talk myself into putting the first manuscript away for now, stop submitting and rewriting it and hope that, some day, it finds a good home at a small press where it probably would be most happy.
I really need someone, who is objective, to say, “Stop! Put it away and get on with the next project.” I am so confused.
Thank you for all you have done to help writers like me and please give Killer Yap a big kiss on his furry snout and, of course, a cookie.
Killer Yapp says "excellent idea" and heads for the cookie jar.
One of the ironclad rules of rejection letters is they all say different things. Too long, too short, too violent, too placid. You don't have a large enough sample to draw any reliable conclusions.
And NO agent asks to see future work if they think your writing sux. Never.
You in fact have TWO agents who said something other than "not right for me" and that says to me you're probably a damn fine writer, and it's other things that needs some work.
You're exactly right in what I'm going to tell you: finish the second book. Send it out on a round of queries. THEN look at novel #1 and see (with what you learned from writing #2) what, if anything, you'd chanage.
Quit obsessing. Write well.
Killer Yapp adds "eat cookies".
Dear Mistress of the Highest Snarkitude
I'm in the early stages of querying my mystery novel, and a top New York agent is currently reviewing the full manuscript. Meanwhile, an acquaintance of mine recently read my manuscript and gave it glowing reviews. Knowing she'd be too polite to tell me if it sucked, I smiled and moved along. But apparently, she was serious. She's contacted a friend who works for a production company that develops movies for, ahem,well, a women's cable network. This person is now asking for a screenplay based on my novel, which she has NOT read by the way. I have no screenplay, and creating one would take precious time and effort –time I'd allocated to crafting the novel's sequel.I've tried to politely decline this request, but my acquaintance is pushing the issue.
What to do?
-Should I drop everything else to write a screenplay? No
-Am I correct in suspecting the production-company contact is just being polite? Yes
-Even if the interest is genuine, would you advise an unpublished author to pursue this?No
I mean, if the story is "used up" in a made-for-TV movie, will it hurt my chances to have the book published? No Will it piss off my dream agent(s)?Yes
-Am I a snob for wincing at the thought of my masterpiece appearing on a woman's TV network? In the book, the love interest is a delightfully dangerous hottie who owns a gun store. I fear the TV folks would transform him into a first-grade teacher who owns a
little antique shop. Now, I like teachers and antiques as much as the next gal, but my guy's an alpha male, and I like him that way.
- On a scale of one to ten, how paranoid am I? The voices tell me not to worry, but they also suggested I seek your advice.
I'd be eternally grateful for your insight. All of us– me, the voices, and my fictional hottie - send you and Killer Yapp our kindest regards.
First, you have no clue how to write a screenplay and if you think writing a novel was good practice for that, you're wrong.
Second, you don't want to go anywhere near film people without an agent. That industry works on much more stringent rules about what they'll consider (and I think that most legit places require you to register your work before they'll look at it). And, film rights are in important piece of the package for a novel. You write a screenplay, send it off, and you've just made it a LOT harder for an agent to sell film or TV rights. Do NOT do this.
Clearly this friend of yours has badgered her friend at the production company and this is the standard brush off.
What you need to do with this clueless friend is say "thanks for your help. I appreciate it" and STOP talking to her about your novel. Her "helpfulness" does not oblige you to accept it or report back on your progress. Once you're published lots more people will have "helpful" ideas for you. Some of them are good; 99% are not. This is good practice for how to deal with them politely. Respect the intention, but that's it.
Blog: Miss Snark, the literary agent (Login to Add to MyJacketFlap)
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Dear Miss Snark,
Since I read your advice not to mix genres in query letters I've been planning to market my novel as a mystery. The problem is that although I throw out some hints early on, the 'mystery' itself doesn't emerge till page 100 or so. I've also tried to make the book stylistically interesting. Is 'literary mystery' a viable genre option, or should I just leave well enough alone?
Nothing makes me want to set my hair on fire faster than hearing "I've tried to make the book stylistically interesting". You tell me that in a query letter, I'm reaching for the lighter fluid.
And when you say the "mystery" doesn't emerge till page 100, that's akin to saying the "the plot doesn't start till page 100".
And avoid the use of the word "literary" with "mystery". Tell me where it goes in the bookstore. That's all.
I'm gonna suggest you scan down the previous posts till you come to the one that has a bunch of crit groups and the Crapometer Annex listed in the comment column. The post title is "Miss Snark is Clueless" I think.
I have a feeling you need some readers to look at this before you send it off to hot-headed Miss Snark or her colleagues.
Blog: Miss Snark, the literary agent (Login to Add to MyJacketFlap)
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An agent whose name I have seen several times with offerings but who has no deals listed under her name on Agent Query or P.M. has asked to see my complete manuscript. She requires a 1 year contract. (Yes I know I'm getting ahead of myself.) I've heard "no agent is better than a bad agent." On the other hand, everybody has to start your thoughts?
First, let's all remember that PM and AQ are self-reporting websites. Not all agents post their deals there.
The key piece of information you need to find out is this: has this agent made any sales. Don't assume she hasn't just cause you can't find them on the web. ASK. It's ok to ask at this stage. She wants your full, that means she's interested in your work.
If she's new to the biz, she may not have any sales at all. In that case, ASK about her previous experience. If she has not ever worked in a company that does book deals, on either side of the desk, I'd be wary. I see a lot of websites with well intentioned people who want to help authors sell their books but what they don't know about how to do that or who to approach would be a book in and of itself.
As for the one year contract, there are several quite reputable agents who do that. They give you a year and if they can't sell it, you're released from the agency.
An inexperienced agent is not a bad agent by default. And "experience" isn't some sort of universal either. I'm pretty experienced but if you hand me category romance, I'd be a VERY bad agent since I don't know the genre, don't read it, and don't know the editors who buy it.
Blog: Miss Snark, the literary agent (Login to Add to MyJacketFlap)
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I have been peddling a completed middle grade novel for some time now and have had three requests for full submissions. The first two came back with personal rejections and invitations to submit future projects. I am still waiting to hear back on the third full but have been told to expect a wait of 3-5 months. Having endured an additional 40 query rejections and several others on partials with seemingly personal invitations to query future projects--I now have all my proverbial eggs in this one last basket.
However, I am nearly finished with my latest "future project" and wondered if I should wait the 3-5 months to hear back regarding the full sub of my last book before sending queries to the inviting agents on the new one. Is it unwise to overlap the query/submission process of two different projects?
Their slow pokieness should have no bearing on your forward motion.
You can have a variety of things in submission at any given time.
IF Slow Poke Publisher makes you an offer, great. If they pass, you've got other irons in the fire.
If EVERYONE makes you an offer you'll have fun juggling offers.
There's no down side to getting your "new" work out into circulation.
Blog: Miss Snark, the literary agent (Login to Add to MyJacketFlap)
JacketFlap tags: query letters, sase, sase, Add a tag
As a service to an author who isn't in it for the money and who can afford my rates, I'm putting together queries for a nonfiction book I edited (his secretary will do the printing and mailing; he will sign the letters himself--big of him, I know). I'm dutifully checking the submission guidelines for each and every agent on the list I've assembled so far, with every intention of following the instructions to the letter.
Then I come to this one:
"SASE – Due to new postal regulations, all self-addressed envelopes must follow these guidelines. Use postal stamps only. No metered mail. Envelopes must be addressed and include our address as the return address in the top left corner of the envelope. Use self-sealing envelopes."
How anal can an agent get? Yeah, sure, if I were the author, I'd probably just go out and buy special envelopes and do the return address thing, too. But geez, don't you people even have rubber stamps you can use for the return address? And you can't wet a gummed envelope with a sponge? Gimme a break!
Bottom of the list, dude. Plonk!
OK, I know you think it's anal, but its only cause I'd burst into flame from your enraged glare that I don't have this on MY site too. I LOVE it when people send self sealing envelopes, the ones with the pull strips.
The meter mail thing IS a rule at the post office. I drop SASEs in the box with meter stamps all the time, but I have NO idea if they get back to the querier. The thing about meters is they have dates. You meter an SASE and it says I mailed it the same day you mailed your query to me. You'll need to be writing more than science fiction to make that happen.
The only thing I think is weird is having the agent's name for the return address. I'd rather you put your own, but again, I've read in the comments column from people that the post office does require that.
And for a general comment on the overall obsessive nature of agents, trust me on this, this is a quality you WANT in an agent. You want someone who researches what works, tells you about it up front and makes it easy to understand what they need. Careless, slipshod, and "it'll all work out" are not things you want to say about the person negotiating your contract.
Blog: Miss Snark, the literary agent (Login to Add to MyJacketFlap)
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Dearest Miss Snark,
I fear that I already know the answer to this question, but I am compelled to ask, nonetheless...
I have a successful "day job" career, but I'm trying to pursue my dream of writing a novel. I therefore recently signed up to attend my first writers' conference (a costly affair). I will have two one-on-one sessions with well-known agents. So far the writing is going well, and I hope to have a polished, final copy in about six months. Here's the catch: the conference is in one month.
I know, I know... I normally would not even dream of prematurely attempting to launch an unfinished work of fiction. I know that it should be finished, polished, put away, re-polished, etc., ad nauseum. The only reason that I am even thinking about dashing my chances prematurely with these two highly-coveted agents is because a) I am writing in a genre that is considered "hot" right now (and all things hot burn out quickly, as we well know), and b) my prominence in my "day job" gives me an excellent platform (it is directly related to the genre) that I believe any P.R.-minded agent or editor would drool over.
Am I a complete nitwit to even consider pitching an unfinished work, given the above?
Feel free to waste my time at a conference, I really don't care. I have to sit there all day anyway and one more guy with an unfinished novel is one easy answer: no. That said, we can sit there and drink gin.
No matter how enticing or hot or yummy, I can't sell an unfinished novel from a first time novelist. Maybe someone else can, but I'd get laughed off the phone by most of the editors I deal with.
They know, like I do, that the final 20% of the novel is harder to write than the preceding 80%. They know too that a first draft (which is what you're talking about when you first write THE END) is hardly ever something you should show anyone except your dog. That means you're a year from being really done, if you ever finish at all.
You've spent a lot of money hoping the rules don't apply to you. Even if you GET lucky and these agents ARE interested, they're buying for 2009 right now so anything you think of as hot NOW is something we were selling two years ago.
There are lots of reasons to attend a conference other than meeting agents. Take full advantage of them but do NOT expect agents are going to be falling all over a hot idea with an unfinished novel.
Blog: Miss Snark, the literary agent (Login to Add to MyJacketFlap)
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Miss Snark is glad to see that others too like to light their hair on fire.
Blog: Miss Snark, the literary agent (Login to Add to MyJacketFlap)
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Hi Miss Snark--
I've been querying my novel since March and have gotten responses from a few big agencies. I'm in my second round now, sending samples to the agents who said yes to a letter, and presentation packets to those who said yes to a sample. All of the former have turned me down. (what the fuck is a presentation packet for a novel anyway??)
One agency requested temporary exclusivity on a three-chapter sample after reading my letter. This is, I've read, one of the most (reputable? powerful?) agencies in the industry, but they had no submission guidelines listed anywhere, not even on their own website. I sent the sample over, but also sent an e-mail saying that while I'd be happy to give them exclusivity effective that day, my submission was already simultaneous (this was also stated in my query). Their rejection came less than a week later.
Given the very quick turnaround, I can't help but think that this was because I could not offer them exclusivity. But had they been interested, I might have been caught in a lie, which I think is no way to establish a business relationship. Would it have been better to lie? Am I just being naive here?
Another agent sent along a few criticisms with her rejection, and, my gigantic writer ego aside, I thought they were preposterous. She suggested that I stop using the passive voice, add more dialogue, and put in more vivid descriptions--all intentional personal style choices that were direct results of the novel's story.
My own business sense and understanding of the market, coupled now with the fact that big agencies have responded to my queries, tell me that this novel is most likely sellable. That being said, I'm thinking that this agent--and the others who said no to a requested sample--liked the premise, but not my writing style in executing it.
But if a novel has marketability, does its style really affect that? Or is there something I'm missing here?
Yea, a clue.
What on earth led you to conclude the novel was "sellable" (and it's "saleable" but maybe you chose that word on purpose too)? You've got a fistful of rejections from people who've READ the thing!!
Just because someone said no quickly doesn't mean they didn't read it. I can turn things around pretty damn fast if I see right away that it doesn't work.
You've got passive voice, limited dialogue and flat description. Yes, I know you described it differently but that's what I get from what you said. Say what you will about downmarket fiction, it's usually full of dialogue and pretty vivid.
What you have here sounds like a high concept, badly executed book. Of course I haven't read it, so take that with a grain of salt. The only thing that really makes me think I'm right on the money here is the idea you actually have a presentation packet for a novel. I'm almost afraid to ask whats in it.
Blog: Miss Snark, the literary agent (Login to Add to MyJacketFlap)
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Dear Miss Snark,
Please help me avoid acting clueless. I want to maximize my opportunities without doing something that will make agents snarl. Here's the deal. I will be submitting my recently completed novel in a contest. The contest meets the Snark Test, as it is one YOU posted some months ago with a note that if we felt compelled to enter a contest it was a good one. (Bless was your blog that put me onto the contest.) The winner gets a publishing contract with St. Martin's.
So, the question. I want to query agents while the ms. is under contest consideration. If I wait until I hear that I did not win, I've lost six months. If I do win (Dear Dog in Heaven, get me the smelling salts), then I'd like an agent anyway to advise me on the 'standard contract' they will offer the winner. But will prospective/interested agents be put off that the ms. is in a competition?
Querying agents while the ms is in a contest: bad form or good business? Please advise.
I think it's fine. I wouldn't elevate an eyebrow at that info in a query letter.
In fact you're smart to pursue all avenues.
(You do want to mention it in your cover letter of course.)
And if you win, email me again. I have a lifetime supply of salts here at Snark Central. One must always be prepared for a sighting of Mr. Clooney...or this guy
Blog: Miss Snark, the literary agent (Login to Add to MyJacketFlap)
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Your Snarkiness,
While lounging at the bookstore today, browsing through the tables of "Was $25, now $3.99" books, I wondered... who takes the loss on these huge discounts? The publisher has sent the books to the bookstore, but I know the bookstore can get its money back if it returns the books to the publisher. But if the bookstore instead sells them at what I presume is a loss, is it the bookstore that takes the hit? Or does the publisher somehow not get its full price?
Basically, I'm just hoping it's not the author, but I have a bad feeling...
My two cats send a wary greeting to Killer Yapp and wish him a pleasant afternoon, as far away from them as possible.
Killer Yapp is safely passed out cold on the sofa after a busy day at Grandmother Snark's gnawing on roast beast and fetching a red rubber ball that seemed to always be bouncing around (silly humans, losing things, you don't notice poodles losing their toys).
I think I know the answer to this but I'm going to foist it off on Ben at BleakHouse for his podcast.
Ben...would you school us all on remainders?
Blog: Miss Snark, the literary agent (Login to Add to MyJacketFlap)
JacketFlap tags: this crazy industry, this crazy industry, Add a tag
You want to find out what goes on at a publishing company?
Here's your chance.
Ben at Bleak House books is doing a podcast a day about publishing.
Here's the link.
First thing I wanna know....
When's the new John Galligan book coming out?? I'm desperate here.
Blog: Miss Snark, the literary agent (Login to Add to MyJacketFlap)
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Dear Miss Snark,
There are approximately 6,800 spoken languages in the world, but only around 2,200 of them have writing systems. That leaves 4,600 languages that don’t have alphabets. When I saw that data I pounced on the opportunity, and I’ve just completed my new book titled “How to Invent an Alphabet”.
But I can’t print the book in any of those 4,600 languages, because they don’t have alphabets yet! And if it’s published as an audio book, those people might not see the need for an alphabet in the first place.
I know my book will be a best seller if I can get past those tiny little details. Any suggestions?
Who wouldn't want to have books and a library after seeing this
**when she's not down to the PigglyWiggly of course
Blog: Miss Snark, the literary agent (Login to Add to MyJacketFlap)
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Well, this is a clever way to see the limits of artificial intelligence.
Just type in Thomas Pynchon and see what comes up.
I mean David Sedaris is a wonderful writer and I love his work, but putting him closer to Pynchon than say Bill, just no.
And Wayne Dyer on the same page as Laura Lippman? No, no, really no.
Dear Miss Snark,
I have a novel in revision that I hope will be ready for querying in about a year. I've also written some short stories, which I plan to start submitting to markets. My hope is that when I'm ready to query agents about the novel, I'll have some publication credits to include in the query letter. I also want to establish a website.
My problem is my awkward, difficult-to-spell last name. If I find an agent, I imagine he or she can advise me on whether I should write under a different name that's easier for readers to remember and spell. But what about in the meantime? I'm concerned that if I publish short stories under my real name, and start a website under my real name, any visibility I'll have built up before I start querying will be lost if the novel is published under a different name. I wonder if it might make more sense to send out the short stories under my maiden name. It's an odd name, but since it's only 4 letters long, it's easier to remember and spell. Am I a nitwit for thinking about such things at this stage?
Well it didn't hurt: Mary Kay Zuravleff (I know and love her work, and I still had to look up the correct spelling of her name)
or Chuck Palahniuk
or Elfried Jelinek
or Michael Ondaatje (which I got from Kristin Nelson's blog post here, and she's of another mind on this subject)
If you've got a name thats hard to say, or easily misspelled one of the first things you want to do is put in keywords for your site that are the WRONG things people will type in trying to find you.
So if you are Killer Yapp, you also want "Killer Yap" as a keyword cause a lot of people spell it that way. Same with "Ms Snark" (sound of cocking clue gun as optional audio would be good here too).
People come in every variety of cluelessness about author names and titles. An easy to say or spell name is no guarantee they won't get it wrong.
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I know every one's gonna be over here in another minute. Hope it's okay to post here and not there. I'll miss you, dear Miss.
I’m brought low, this day.
Yet, she lives on
To bring forth a new age,
Alas, less one Snark.
So more or less
A coiterie of nitwits
Slog On,
Their devotions supplicate,
Their querys prevaricate,
When they doth strive to impress
She aimith staunchly,
Launching a clue at their digress.
But now, we Snarklings gently weep.
Our cyber tears
No less real
Than the company we keep.
Thus it has been and thus will forever be:
What lurks and sleeps and stealthily slinks
Beneath our collective soul – You
Were a virtual blessing to us all.
See Miss Snark. It's just like Jimmy Stewart's character in "It's a Wonderful Life." You are loved and needed. Our world wouldn't be the same without you.
Please don't retire. Just cut back. We'll understand. Tell us what we can do to help. Anything!
I'd have to agree with "the anti-wife." Even if you stopped answering reader questions and posted your own thoughts on books and publishing and George Clooney, say, several times a month... well, that'd be MUCH better than nothing.
Oh, don't start showing weakness now! If you do that, the squirrels win!
You're not melting. No bad witch for you, dear! You're like Glenda, the Good Witch, who floats in on a bubble and tells us that we've had what we needed all along, we just didn't see it 'til you showed us.
Could you at least drop in on writers' blogs for a brief hello once in a while?
You're an icon -- we can't quit cold turkey.
Katie's right - you can't show weakness. We'll drag you screaming down from the tree where you're hiding with KY. And that would just be a tragic end to the saga.
Hey - you ought to repost that mock book cover from the very beginning of the blog. You know, for proper cyclical ending is beginning crap.
So i was the one with all the glory,
While you were the one with all the strain.
A beautiful face without a name for so long.
A beautiful smile to hide the pain.
Did you ever know that you're my hero,
And everything i would like to be?
I can fly higher than an eagle,
For you are the wind beneath my wings.
Yeah, I know...lame, but it's truthful! Chumplet has it right when she asks if you might possibly consider guest appearences on blogs? Maybe? Per chance?
I still can't believe it.
Are you sure I didn't fall asleep and it's April 1, 2008?
Who the hell is gonna tell me if my hook sucks or not with such honesty, such...Snarkiness?
I hope you pop in around the blogsphere occasionally ~ it won't be the same without you, you know.
You better stay open! I just got DSL and can now visit again after 8 months without a snarky read.
Praise the Lord... I have to go find Mr. Clooney!
(to the tune of "Bobby Jean" by Bruce Springsteen and the E Street Band, from the album "Born in the USA")
Well I went by your blog the other day
Your grandmother said you went away
She said there was nothing that I could have done
There was nothing nobody could say
Now I learned from you what not to do
And KY too, when he did bark
I wished I would have known
I wish I could have called you
Just to say goodbye Miss Snark.
Now you hung with me when all the others
Turned away, turned up their nose
We liked the same novels, we liked the same writers
We liked good strong prose
You posted the wildest, the strangest things
I ever did see, just like Space Ark
I wish you would have told me
I wish I could have talked to you
Just to say good bye, Miss Snark.
Now I just set my hair aflame
And threw my rejections in the bin
There ain't nobody nowhere no how
Could teach me like you did -- pass me the gin...
Maybe you'll be out in the 212 somewhere
On the IRT, inching along
Or in the Hamptons one August, there'll be a radio playing
And you'll hear me sing this song.
Well if you do you'll know I'm thinking of you
Walking with George in Central Park
And I'm just posting one last time
Not to change your mind
But just to say I'll miss you, baby
Good luck, good bye, Miss Snark.
(Clarence Clemons sax solo here until we fade out...)
Chumplet's right. Your not really going to ask us to quite cold turkey, are you?
I still have questions... =(
But I understand. I really do. Can we throw cluegun fodder (instead of rice) at your wedding?
Miss Snark,
I had a very serious family crisis this week and stopped all work until tonight (something so bad I even ignored a contract, which I've never done in my life!)But I'm glad I took the time from my hospital visits tonight to read the blog.
Thank you so much for all this. There isn't a blog on the web with a voice like yours.
Good lord, these poems are making me cry...and laugh. ::blows nose::
Thanks for sharing them.
I'm also in the camp with Chumpley - come and visit us from time to time, won't you? Maybe then we won't miss you quite so much...
Nah - we will, but at least it'd be something to look forward to!
God, please don't go. I just found you. You made me laugh. You made me think. I'm in lust. I'm in love. I'm in devastation. How can you possibly think it's enough? How can you possibly know we've been satiated? We're not. And neither are you. And you know it. Reconsider. It can't be the end. What about the next Crap-o-meter? Surely that would lure you back.
You created a community--a strange community to be sure, but an important one. It will live on even after the blog is taken down. I've certainly met people through your blog that I will keep up with for years to come.
I'm going to try to make an effort to visit a few more of those blue hyperlinked names before the blog is gone--lots of cool people have passed through here in the last couple years.
It will take quite a few pails of gin before we're all able to adjust to this loss. Thanks for giving us at least a few posts to work through the transition and try to locate our actual lives again. I know I left mine around here somewhere.
Do what ya gotta do with at least my (and many other's I'm sure) blessing.
I have absolutely enjoyed reading what you had to write.
I personally think you could (if you wanted) just write. Let people comment but don't moderate them. Take the emails out. Then on days when you want to communicate with the people here you can but on the days when you can't you don't need to.
Honestly I worry about ya..what will you do without this fantastic (and entertaining) means to vent.
Best wishes.
Dear Killer Yapp--
I just want to say that with the sad, sad melting away of Miss Snark, there is a place for you in our home. We have no squirrels or cats. But we do have two children. Um. But they are really snarky. I think you would like them.
p.s. So sorry to see Miss Snark go. If she hadn't just MELTED (!) I would like to tell her thanks for selflessly sharing her knowledge and sense of humor and time with all us clueless folk. And if I could just figure out who she was, I would make sure I wrote a novel she would love so that I could hang out with her. Adios, Miss Snark and muchas gracias.
Sung to the "We Love You Conrad" tune in Bye, Bye Birdie.
We love you Snar-r-ky, oh yes we do.
We don't love much as you!
When you're not near-r us, we're blue.
Oh Snar-r-ky, we love you
While I am still in stage one of the grief process - see below, I'm going to try and bypass... anger... and go straight to bargaining... I'll start with returning the two spurs for two posts a weeks - and comments only once a week...
Denial (this isn't happening to me!)
Anger (why is this happening to me?)
Bargaining (I promise I'll be a better person if...)
Depression (I don't care anymore)
Acceptance (I'm ready for whatever comes)
Just noticed the "About" info on the blog has been changed to past tense with a note about going dark. I'll still read your archives.
Mister Clooney is one damn lucky man! I hope you can leave him for a couple of hours once a month or so for just a little, teeny, tiny visit with us snarklings.
Whatever your decision--thank you, thank you.
I want to second what others are saying. If the letters are too much or too repetitive, cut them. If the blog is too much work, scale back. Act like most other bloggers: post when you have something pithy to say, even if it's only once a month.
Does the effort have to be all or nothing?
God, I never thought I'd be begging a blogger to keep blogging, but your absence is going to create an enormous gap in the community.
I just heard the news, Miss Snark. This morning at an MWA meeting another writer told me, knowing I'm a fan. And I thought, I was just on there last night, just finished reading the latest...
So I asked those attending for two minutes of silence in your honor. Had there been gin, we would've lifted our pails. The closest I got was Sierra Nevada Pale Ale... (Pale/pail... not bad when you think about it.)
Thanks for everything, and thanks for letting me interview you for the MWA Third Degree.
Your fan,
I'd just like to add my "NOOOOOOO!" to the numerous others already voiced. I'm really going to miss you.
And say that I would really like to hear from you on the blog from time for time, no matter how infrequently.
Oh, one more thing. Thank you SO much for running such a superb website for as long as you did. I'm not sure how I'll manage without you, but reading it taught me a lot.
I fully respect -- nay, HONOR! -- your decision to live your life as you choose.
Perhaps one last Clue-Gun attack on those nitwits who still seem to believe it's all about them! People! Get a grip!
Best of everything to you! My only regret is that when my novel is published, I won't be able to thank you personally for all your wisdom and good humor.
Relax. Enjoy. Spend your time with George, as the Goddess intended you to do...
To the tune of 'To Sir With Love'
Those nitwit days of pictographs and sending crap are gone
But in the slush I know they will still live on and on
But how do you thank someone who has taken you from Parker to Pynchon
It isn't easy but I'll try
If you wanted the sky I would write across the sky in letters
That would soar a thousand feet high 'To Miss Snark, With Love'
The time has come for closing blogs and beverage alerts must end
And as I leave I know that I am leaving my best friend
A friend who taught me eight point font ain't what you want
That's a lot to learn, but what can I give you in return?
If you wanted the moon I would try to make a start
But I would rather you let me give my heart 'To Miss Snark, With Love'
Yup, I decided to give up blogging as well.
But instead of melting. I’ve flown.
You really must reconsider. You're not just a font of good advice and fun. You're provide an outlet for socially deprived pixies and goats.
My day is not a good one unless I can come here and read the latest comments, gossip, and ... sometimes ... foolishness.
You're really making me and Bill E. Goat very unhappy. It's not nice to be mean to pixies. Truly it isn't.
I was going to do a lyrical tribute, but I decided I'd make you one instead.
Don't worry, the song is used with plenty of irony!
Miss Snark? You rock.
Yanno, quite apart from the no-bullshit help and information, we'll miss KY and Grandmother Snark and the smelling salts...
You learned who I was through this blog of yours. You looked out for me when I got my agent. I know that. You are more than a blogger. You are a conduit for the business who makes a difference to individual writers at ALL levels. You don't promote authors, you have no personal agenda, you don't need to sugarcoat to protect your reputation because of the anonymity. Who else can really talk about the S&S situation with honesty? An agent using her name must be careful not to overstep while Miss Snark and grind her stiletto heels in her response. That matters.
Change the format - instead of a constant barrage of questions from we the unwashed newbies, you choose the topic. How about an occasional "Miss Snarks Sister" like when Sesame Street brought in Mr. Noodle's brother Mr. Noodle for when Bill Erwin wasn't available to shoot? Maybe???
Thank you.
Dear Respect and HONOR! Anon:
The best compliment you can pay someone who is retiring is an emotional plea not to retire. I'm not a nitwit who needs a cluegun, I'm a fan who wants to say "I love you" as well as "goodbye."
Wow- I miss a few weeks of trolling through the blogs because of life, and what do I find when I return? I'm speechless.
I've learned so much from you.
Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.
Much success to you!
We're going to make it, fellow snarklings. It's not like the real person is moving to Mars. She's still in the 212 and we still have the archives.
Please let her go. She needs to rest. Tell her thank you, wish her luck and let her go.
I think you should just stop answering questions and still continue to use the Miss Snark platform, once a month, say, to write a witty column about whatever catches your fancy at the time. The blogging/questions thing is a bit much, but you shouldn't just go away. My two cents.
Miss Snark, I discovered you through a writer's forum only a year ago. In that year, you've saved me from thousands of nitwittery mistakes.
I know you think you've said it all,there nothing new to say, but I'm so thick headed, I had to HEAR is more than once.
I'm so sad that you're stopping. You're the fourth funny, snarky blog I've lost in the last month.
I do hope you'll reconsider.
But wait, before you go. I just have one other question. Maybe two.
If I'm including gifts with my query letters to all of my dream agents, do I need to include an SASE? Yanno, just in case they feel uncomfortable accepting a gift.
If yes, does that mean I should include 2 SASEs? One for the standard reject, the other for the returned gift?
And, Miss Snark, what's your forwarding address?
I know I've never posted here before (never had anything to add), but I'd like to throw in my two cents.
Reading this blog has been a highlight of my day for the past several months. Both because it contained good practical advice that I, as an aspiring writer, could use, and because it showed me that I'm not the dumbest querier (is that a word?) out there, and that I'm probably actually on the right track.
I'll miss the daily laughs and advice.
The greatest tribute we can give our beloved Queen Snark is to carry her Snarkilicious Torch forward into the next generation of Snarklings. As Yoda once said, "Pass on what you have learned."
Not to sound incredibly self centered and self referential, but this is the worst news I've had since I began reading your blog and feeling as if maybe my writing had a chance. Honest to goodness, Miss Snark, you matter to people who are trying to live up to their ambitions without acting like blithering morons. If you were a character in a novel some wit-free wannabe sent you for review, would you accept this as plot development or ask for a rewrite?
Sheesh, next you'll be mailing yourself envelopes full of glitter and unicorn decals.
I'm crushed. I realize that and 50 cents will get you fifty cents, but I'm still crushed.
verification: ttjqne (the sound of me being crushed)
Give me some hope this isn't really the end. Why not re-open the blog for one 24 hour period once a year. We'll mark the date in our diaries (Christmas Eve?) and gather here awaiting Miss Snark's brief return,
May I paint and draw the pictures of the baby animals?
Please! Thank-you, Quilt Knit.
Ooooh, does this mean we can't keep you away!?!?!?!? It's kind of like what I'm doing trying to get off my anti-depressant--you have to wean us!!! Sllloooooowwly...
Like how about you post maybe just like twice a week instead of two or three times a day?? Huh, can ya, Puhleeeease!!!
I'm also thinking a Miss Snark Tells All book, including some of the best Q&A of the past two years. And your snarkism and wit, and maybe the FOREWARD BY GEORGE CLOONEY!
And hey, I know a good agent or two who can probably get ya that book deal (and I know you said once you'd never do a book, but come on, we never thought you'd LEAVE US!!!) A book--it's tangible. We can hold it. We can refer to it as needed, DAILY!!!
Please don't go!
Goodbye Miss Snark. I'm sure you've heard it a million times before, but I'm going to miss you.
Enjoy your honeymoon with Mr. Clooney. Perhaps if he does another sequel, he'll let you be the fourteenth Ocean.
Bernita said: Yanno, quite apart from the no-bullshit help and information, we'll miss KY and Grandmother Snark and the smelling salts...
Oh, and that lovely burnt smell of Miss Snark's flaming tresses.
It's hard to let her go, but this parting must be very difficult for her as well. I can't imagine it was easy to just quit. Yes, she'll have more time, but she won't have us, her adoring snarklings. :)
Good-bye and God bless you, Miss Snark.
I thought Clooney was gay. This brings into question everything you posted. Hmnn.
Best wishes. Don't be too embarrassed to change your mind and come back at a later date!
I'm sorry to see you leave. Best of luck in everything you do. I've enjoyed your blog immensely.
Just when I had a question you hadn't answered before (sniffs indignantly).
Come on, MS. How can you sleep at night, knowing you've pushed us poor snarklings out of the nest, into the big, bad writing world all on our own...
Why, at this very moment, I'm about to make a Snarkless decision that could wind up costing me my writing career.
Well, okay. Maybe not the WHOLE career--maybe I'll just end up looking like a nitwit.
Still...will you enjoy having that on your head??
Kidding, Miss Snark. Thanks for all the hours of enjoyment, the words of wisdom, and the impatience with stupidity.
You're truly a legend.
You've given us your best and only asked in return that we learn.
God bless you, Miss Snark, and your little dog too.
I agree with Kimber An. I, for one, choose to honor Miss Snark by passing on what I have learned. At least once a week, I tell my writer friends to "quit obsessing" or hit them with a "clue-by-four." Even my children now say, "Dear dog...." When my 7-year old makes a promise, she says, "I swear to dog."
It's the finest tribute I can imagine.
We'll miss you, Miss Snark.
How fitting that I heard the news about Snark going Dark on the very day my agent sent me my first book contract to peruse...thanks, Miss Snark. I owe you one. We all do.
Don't mention the crapometer as a ploy to lure her back! That'll just send her away screaming!
Miss Snark, thanks very much for all the hard work. If you ever want to temporarily un-retire for a brief update, we'll understand.
This time "yemizu" is my word verification.
Picking up on what Bran Fan said, you've contributed a substantial vocabulary to the industry (dear dog, clue gun, and so on) that will live indefinitely. Years from now, for example, some brand new agent who never heard of you will make a reference to Rabbitania, and some of us old timers will know from whence it came.
Damn, I'm gonna miss you.
Well just fabulous. I actually stop being online so much to ohhh, I don't know - WRITE - and I finally pop through my fave sites to see you're LEAVING? That simply blows goat ass.
There has to be a compromise somewhere. Post only once a week or every two weeks. The information gleened here simply is not found anywhere else. Promise. It's beyond cruel to remove yourself from our greedy little claws. We can offer up human sacrifices. Would that help? Here - I'll start with my husband, k? Case in point:
Me: Holy crap, Miss Snark's retiring.
Him: Who?!
Yup, he needs to die. And then the I'm-so-bloody-exhausted-from-blogging-and-answering-nimrods-online-who-can't-read-archives-to-get-the-damn-answer gods will rain down blissful peace on you again. Such a simple solution. I knew we'd think up one if we worked hard enough.
In all honesty, I can't fathom the work you must put into this blog on a regular basis, and I know the Crapometers are beyond exhausting, with so little reward for you while an invaluable asset to us. There comes a time when we must prioritize, and it seems you're doing that now. I hope you reconsider, of course, or at least find a happy medium where we can still interact with you, but if you truly are gone, please know you've touched more lives than you'll ever know, and aspired writers to reach for heights we never knew existed.
You are loved and cherished and your wisdom will remain with us always.
A tribute to Miss Snark.
On Orion's blog.
Will miss you dearly, even my cats Sigh, Thai & Arabella are going to miss you! Ha! :-)~
Never lose that spit-fire, snark-a-dasical spirit!
You created a phenomenally helpful, creative and inspirational community from scratch.
You maintained your professionalism to the highest degree.
And you bowed out to thunderous applause instead of burning out.
I can only imagine how steller it must be to be one of your clients!
I'm hopeing fervently that a sequel will come out in a year or two. =)
P.S. my word verification is "ohjann". Only three letters off from my feelings. <3
To Killer Yapp, Grandma Snark and Miss Snark her self... You will be sadly missed, however sometimes you need to do stuff for yourself and this clearly is one of them times.
First off all thank you for taking the effort to clarify exactly why you are quiting the blog, and your reasons make perfect sence. There is only so many ways you can make the same point. Plus Blogging and dealing with emails is also very time consuming and so I at least partually understand why you would not want to deal with that anymore.
Best wishes in future projects, I wish you a lifetime of success. It is clear from the comments a lot of people owe their success so far at least partually from the blog and I hope that the same success comes your way.
Again thank you for taking the time to offer help and advice, a much needed hit from the clue gun and recomendations for reading.
You are , as us Brits say, A legend, and now I know the blog is staying up I will still be sending people over here.
Hasta Luego! Its been much fun!
A tribute to Miss Snark on Anti-Wife's blog too!
I heart Miss Snark and Killer Yapp!
I'm only doing this because Pat shamed me into it.
Enjoy your retirement Miss Snark. God speed. So long and thanks for all the fish.
You've linked to some great blogs in the past, and done a lot for all of us (me, especially, as I'm one of the lucky many who you Crapometered). I can honestly say that I will miss your blog.
There is not a writer's group meeting (MSVWA, we're not fancy or anything, being Alaskan and what not, but we are) that I attend where you are not mentioned. Even if you retire, I imagine that will stay true. "What Would Snark Do" has become a second motto for many of us (after Magic, Mystery, and Mafia, our genres, of course), and a valuable phrase to young writers everywhere.
I don't know where I'm going to find my news for the writing world without you. Not the general information, but the important bits (like Librarians on Parade and a reference to NaNoWriMo). I don't know that any blogger in all the world has your tone, your penchant for focusing on things that matter, and things that genuinely make an impact on the lives of your readers.
Once I get past denial, and get done roasting this squirrel, I'm going to miss you.
Miss Snark,
You have been a shining light in this writer's journey for publication. You will be sorely missed. Following your post, I have been lucky to get a fabulous agent, and have just put my other un-agented writing friends onto your Snarkiness. They will all be crushed. Best of luck and THANK-YOU.
Miss Snark,
Before you leave for good can you do a post on Simon and Schuster's new contract terms? I'd love to hear your take on this. I'm so sad that you're leaving. You rock. Goodbye.
Goodnight, Miss Snarkabash, wherever you are.
Dear Miss Snark
I'm so sorry that you have chosen George Clooney over us. When you divorce him will you come back to us? My day in sunny Sydney is not as bright with your leaving.
OMG, I just got back from a writer's retreat in the mountains with no Internet access, to find this!
Miss S, I will miss you. And your little dog, too.
Thank you for all your amazing advice. I wish you all the best in your retirement from the blogosphere.
Thank you, Miss Snark, for all your advice. You deserve an award for decreasing the amount of nit-wittery in the world.
Godspeed, Miss Snark.
You are one hell of a writer yourself.
Thanks for everything.
Thank you, Miss Snark. I'll always remember and be grateful for the support you gave us over at Absolute Write during it's difficult times last spring.
Thanks for everything you've done! I will miss my daily visit...and the snark too.
"agtrudb" --what I said when I found Miss Snark was retiring this blog
Thanks Miss Snark. For bothering with such a nifty website. I have found it to be very useful already. I shall be bookmarking it right away.
One last comment while I still can. I loved going to my telephone and figuring out that number. What am I going to do without you? This reminds me (and dates me) of when Mary Hartman went off the air. The reruns (archives) just won't be the same. And nothing has felt so sad. I invented my blog name just for you when you did a French post a long, long time ago. I signed it Le Rayon Vert then, and I've been using The Green Ray ever since. You've been an inspiration and a total joy.
Vous me manquez beaucoup!
Le Rayon Vert
I bet Miss Snark is snuggled all up in her snuggy blankie with Georgey spooning her, whispering sweet nothings, and this might quite possibly be the best night's sleep she'll ever have, not thinking about the time and dedication and wit it took to run such a fabulous blog for two years.
Oh wait! Clooney's in bed with her?!?!
There will BE NO SLEEPING!
All the best, and I hate to see you go. I keep coming back for an encore.
Thanks. It's been a joy.
I hope yours is a Beverly Sills farewell. ;)
Oh No!I only just found your frightening and witty pages last week and now you are vanishing away. I do hope this is a joke or a test run to check how much we all love you.
Wow!!! I just caught up with my blog reading and am still in shock at seeing KY giving us the sign off.
I know that all good things must come to an end, but (*wail*) this seems so soon!!
Let me throw in my very sincere thank you. I've learned so much from reading your blog--little tidbits that will only serve me especially well in the future. Thanks for all the advice and all the snarky chuckles along the way.
Kimberly Clark is actually a pretty good company to buy stock in.
Good luck, girl!
Damn and blast it - you were such a help. Maybe if you keep your stuff here for a while you still will be.
Thanks ever so much for helping.
I've been with you, mostly lurking, from early days. You'll be missed. Your karma is all sparkly now from all the good you've done.
(My word verification is pmfqfof, which is pretty close to the sound I made when I read this news.)
Miss Snark,
Please don't go.
I just got back to LA from a week in NY - upstate along the Hudson, in absolute peace & quiet.
I am devastated to learn that you will be retiring from the blog - please reconsider. A post now and then as a surprise would be so welcomed.
Your fan,
My name is Anne, and I'm a snarkoholic.
Snarkoholism has cost me countless hours in front of my computer screen. It is an addiction.
I will always be a snarkoholic, but I will strive to replace my dependency on snark with more time spent writing well. Then I will query widely.
Thanks, Miss Snark.
Oh heck. I turn my back for a couple months and come back to find this. Miss Snark, I discovered you in early 2006, just around the time I signed with a great agent. Thanks to you I knew all the right questions to ask, and how to avoid looking like a nitwit. I can't begin to list the things I've learned here, or the fun I've had.
Last month my agent sold my first book to a great NY publisher. Among the people I have to thank for helping me along the way, you rank right up there. How can I express my gratitude?
Thank you. Blessings in all you do.
CR, who posted anonymously for over a year.
I'm sad, but excited for you. It must have been one of those tough/easy decisions. I sincerely hope you have a great time with all that free time you now have (Agents have free time?) to burn through slushpiles and use those clueguns on live targets. I envy yur clients and friends the extra YOU they will now get.
I really have to thank you. I am as yet unpublished (and will probably remain so for a while yet) but I went through a recent crapometer and you were the first person with no personal connection to ever suggest the stuff I wrote did not suck like a black-hole made of a million vacuum-cleaners. And you had no reason to do that. Sincere, genuine, deep and other heartfelt-synonyms of gratitude, Miss S. Thank you.
Dear Ms Snark, KY and Snarklings...
'Tis I, Frankenfoot. Thank you for your wonderful advice and help in the great footgear debate. I'm sorry I didn't get back to you sooner, but I went back into the blankety blankety hospital when I got back. Apparently I did too much during those two weeks.
Ms. Snark, your wit and wisdom will be sorely missed. Please drop by every now and again and say hello. I've noticed tribute-ish comments to you in other blogs 'round these parts. Thank you from the bottom of my heart and if I ever do get a book contract out of any of these literary albatrosses I'm lugging about, I will remember you on the acknowledgements.
Love from from Frankenfoot and Crash the Kitten, with ear scritches to KY!
And stop crying, you're waterin' the gin!
It's all Brady Westwater's fault, isn't it?
I second the motion that instead of answering nitwittery that you write a once-a-month column on books or bad query letters. Pretty please? After all, the snark in you needs an outlet. Anonymity gives you a cloak to say what you think. Won't you just explode if you can't, yanno, let it out once in a while?
Please don't go. But if you do, you still get an ack in my book. You didn't like my synopsis or hook... and that just made me work harder to make them irresistible to whatever agent I land.
Thank you for the snarkasm, the witticisms and the-- dare I say it?-- love that you have shared with us.
XOXOXOX 4ever to you and KY.
So long Snark. Whoever you are. Take care. What a service! What a woman! What a snark! I gotta go...don't speak...
Your Snarkiness is abdicating?
Thank you so much for everything you've done for us over the past two years - sadly I only found you a year ago, but what a year it's been!
I'll miss you so much! But enormous thanks for giving so much time to the clueless, stopping our nitwittery, making us laugh and giving us a huge amount of joy along the way. You're much loved.
But now you can have a life again, so that's great - in fact I can't imagine how you've managed to do anything but blog over the past two years! Enjoy it, be happy. I hope someone one day does as much for you as you've done for all of us.
One extremely grateful (and bereft) snarkling.
never in a million
you made me write haiku
so dark now the day
Boo-hoo. Boo, hoo.....
I barely knew ye and now I say fare thee well.......
Many Blessings, Miss Snark!!!!
I hear through the Desperate Author Grapevine that this is true. At least you know how to go out in style...though we expected nothing less.
Long live Killer Yapp!
Long live Miss Snark!
Deb Kinnard, a.k.a. T2
Good-bye, Miss Snark. You were a class act.