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Mariposa Printing & Publishing Co

Mariposa Printing & Publishing Co is a publisher of children's books. Some of the books published by Mariposa Printing & Publishing Co include Turtle Dream: Collected Stories from the Hopi, Navajo, Pueblo, and Havasupai People, Como ordenan sus habitaciones los dinosaurios?: Spanish, A Heart Full of Turquoise: Pueblo Indian Tales, and How Sweet the Sound: African-American Songs for Children.

Main Address:
Santa Fe NM USA
Phone: 505.988.5582
Updated 12/1/2008

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Results 1 - 12 of 12     # per page:
Title, Creators, Comments / Reviews Ages Date Published
1. A Heart Full of Turquoise: Pueblo Indian Tales (Paperback)
    Author: Joe Hayes
(Unknown)  /1988
4 Reviews  
2. Turtle Dream: Collected Stories from the Hopi, Navajo, Pueblo, and Havas...
    Author: Gerald Hausman
Baby−PreK 09/1989
1 Reviews  
3. Como ordenan sus habitaciones los dinosaurios?: (Spanish language editio...
    Author: Jane Yolen
    Illustrator: Mark Teague
(Unknown)  09/01/2004
80 Reviews  
4. A Comer!/Let's Eat (Spanish Edition) (Paperback)
    Author: Ana Zamorano
    Illustrator: Julie Vivas
(Unknown)  06/1999
14 Reviews  
5. The Day It Snowed Tortillas: Tales from Spanish New Mexico (Paperback)
    Author: Joe Hayes
    Illustrator: Lucy Jelinek
Ages 9-12 10/1982
28 Reviews  
6. Everyone Knows Gato Pinto: More Tales from Spanish New Mexico (Paperback)
    Author: Joe Hayes
    Illustrator: Lucy Jelinek
Ages 4-8 04/1993
3 Reviews  
7. El Autobus Magico Sube y Baja: Un Libre Sobre Como Flotar y Hundirse (Pa...
    Author: Jane B. Mason, Scholastic
Ages 4-8 02/1997
19 Reviews  
8. Los Osos Scouts Berenstain y Los Siniestros Anillos de Humo (Spanish Edi...
    Author: Susana Pasternac, Janice (Jan) Berenstain
    Illustrator: Michael Berenstain
(Unknown)  02/1997
12 Reviews  
9. Los Osos Scouts Berenstain y El Monstruo de Hielo (Berenstain Bear Scout...
    Author: Susana Pasternac, Janice (Jan) Berenstain
    Illustrator: Michael Berenstain
Ages 9-12 12/1997
4 Reviews  
10. How Sweet the Sound: African-American Songs for Children, with Cassette ...
    Author: Wade Hudson
    Illustrator: Floyd Cooper
(Unknown)  02/1997
5 Reviews  
11. Ghost Walk: Native American Tales of the Spirit (Gerald Hausman's Origin...
    Author: Gerald Hausman
(Unknown)  03/1991
3 Reviews  
12. �N-o es NO! (Coleccion Hola, Lector: Level 2) (Paperback)
    Author: Teddy Slater
    Illustrator: Meredith Johnson
(Unknown)  04/01/2003
10 Reviews  
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