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Hovel Audio

Hovel Audio is a publisher of children's books. Some of the books published by Hovel Audio include Blue Like Jazz: Nonreligious Thoughts on Chrisian Spirituality, The Cost of Discipleship MP3, Dark Night of the Soul, and The Cross and the Switchblade.

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Updated 6/22/2005

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Results 1 - 25 of 37     # per page:
Title, Creators, Comments / Reviews Ages Date Published
1. The Cost of Discipleship MP3 (MP3 CD)
    Author: Dietrich Bonhoeffer
(Unknown)  02/18/2009
1,372 Reviews  
2. Dark Night of the Soul (Audio CD)
    Author: St John of the Cross
(Unknown)  08/01/2007
169 Reviews  
3. The Practice of the Presence of God: Being Conversations and Letters of ...
    Author: Brother Lawrence
(Unknown)  06/01/2004
2,023 Reviews  
4. The Release of the Spirit (Audio CD)
    Author: Watchman Nee, Nee
(Unknown)  03/01/2005
108 Reviews  
5. My Utmost for His Highest: An Updated Edition in Today's Language - MP3 ...
    Author: Chambers, Oswald Chambers
(Unknown)  08/01/2007
937 Reviews  
6. Blue Like Jazz: Nonreligious Thoughts on Christian Spirituality (Audio CD)
    Author: Donald Eugene Miller
(Unknown)  09/30/2007
2,200 Reviews  
7. The Pilgrim's Progess (unabridged) (Audio CD)
    Author: John Bunyan
(Unknown)  05/01/2006
2,396 Reviews  
8. Hearing God: Developing a Conversational Relationship with God (Audio CD)
    Author: Dallas Willard, Willard
(Unknown)  01/01/2005
40 Reviews  
9. Hannah Coulter: A Novel (Audio CD)
    Author: Wendell Berry
(Unknown)  03/01/2008
949 Reviews  
10. Hearing God: Developing a Conversational Relationship with God - MP3 (Au...
    Author: Dallas Willard, Willard
(Unknown)  01/01/2005
68 Reviews  
11. The Cost of Discipleship (Audio CD)
    Author: Dietrich Bonhoeffer
(Unknown)  02/18/2009
675 Reviews  
12. Orthodoxy (Audio CD)
    Author: G. K. Chesterton
(Unknown)  05/01/2006
388 Reviews  
13. The Hiding Place (Audio CD)
    Author: Corrie Ten Boom
(Unknown)  02/18/2009
7,187 Reviews  
14. My Utmost for His Highest (Audio CD)
    Author: Oswald Chambers
(Unknown)  06/30/2007
376 Reviews  
15. How to Pray (Audio CD)
    Author: R. A. Torrey, R. A., Torrey
(Unknown)  05/01/2005
17 Reviews  
16. The Cross and the Switchblade (Audio CD)
    Author: David Wilkerson
(Unknown)  12/01/2007
661 Reviews  
17. The Way of Perfection (Audio CD)
    Author: Teresa of Avila
(Unknown)  10/30/2009
46 Reviews  
18. How Now Shall We Live (Audio CD)
    Author: Charles W. Colson, Nancy Pearcey
(Unknown)  03/01/2006
132 Reviews  
19. The Man Who was Thursday (Audio CD)
    Author: G. K. Chesterton, G. K.
(Unknown)  05/01/2005
727 Reviews  
20. The Pilgrim's Progress: Retold for the Modern Reader (abridged) (Audio CD)
    Author: Bunyan, John Bunyan
(Unknown)  06/01/2004
5 Reviews  
21. The Book of the Dun Cow (Audio CD)
    Author: Walter Wangerin
(Unknown)  09/01/2007
765 Reviews  
22. The Religious Affections: How Man's Will Affects His Character Before Go...
    Author: Jonathan Edwards
(Unknown)  03/01/2007
257 Reviews  
23. The Golden Key (Fairy Tale (Hovel Audio)) (Audio CD)
    Author: Fiona MacDonald, George MacDonald
(Unknown)  06/01/2004
61 Reviews  
24. The Light Princess (Classic Fairy Tale Collection) (Audio CD)
    Author: Fiona MacDonald, George MacDonald
(Unknown)  06/01/2004
299 Reviews  
25. Aquinas for Armchair Theologians (Audio CD)
    Author: Timothy Mark Renick, Renick
(Unknown)  07/01/2005
64 Reviews  
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