Harbour Publishing Company
Mainly on topics concerning the west coast of British Columbia, but with regards to children's titles recently published Boys, Girls and Body Science and Skookum Sal, Birling Gal.
Main Address: |
Box 219 Madeira Park Madeira Park BC V0N 2H0 Canada | Phone: 604-883-2730 |
| Fax: 604-883-9451 |
Updated 4/12/2006 |
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Manuscript Submissions | Policy: We accept unsolicited manuscripts and regularly receive 1,000 per year, which we read as time permits. Please begin with a letter of enq... MoreWe accept unsolicited manuscripts and regularly receive 1,000 per year, which we read as time permits. Please begin with a letter of enquiry which includes an outline and a sample of the work. Manuscripts must be legible. Please make your submission to the mailing address above on hard copy, not e-mail or computer disk. Please write your name and address on the manuscript, not just the envelope and covering letter. Although we will make our best effort to return materials where a self-addressed, stamped envelope (SASE) is included, we do not guarantee it. Manuscripts can and do get lost. All submissions are made at the senders own risk, even where the press has indicated interest. Do not send original art or photos. |
Contact Information: | Mr. Howard White Harbour Publishing Company Box 219 Madeira Park Madeira Park BC V0N 2H0 Canada | Phone:
Fax: | 604-883-2730
604-883-9451 |
Updated 4/12/2006 |
Illustrator Submissions | Policy: We accept unsolicited manuscripts and regularly receive 1,000 per year, which we read as time permits. Please begin with a letter of enq... MoreWe accept unsolicited manuscripts and regularly receive 1,000 per year, which we read as time permits. Please begin with a letter of enquiry which includes an outline and a sample of the work. Manuscripts must be legible. Please make your submission to the mailing address above on hard copy, not e-mail or computer disk. Please write your name and address on the manuscript, not just the envelope and covering letter. Although we will make our best effort to return materials where a self-addressed, stamped envelope (SASE) is included, we do not guarantee it. Manuscripts can and do get lost. All submissions are made at the senders own risk, even where the press has indicated interest. Do not send original art or photos. |