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Gredos is a publisher of children's books. Some of the books published by Gredos include Metrica Espanola del Siglo XX (Biblioteca romanica hispanica) (Spanish Edition), Diccionario de USO del Espanol - CD ROM, Preceptiva dramatica espanola del Renacimiento y el Barroco / Spanish Drama Precepts of Renaissance and Baroque (Brh. Textos) (Spanish Edition), and Tragedias II.

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Updated 2/8/2005

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Results 1 - 25 of 44     # per page:
Title, Creators, Comments / Reviews Ages Date Published
1. Cuentos De Canterbury / Canterbury Tales (Spanish Edition) (Hardcover)
    Author: Geoffrey Chaucer
(Unknown)  05/25/2004
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2. Traduccion / Translation: Historia Y Teoria (Biblioteca Romanica Hispani...
    Author: Valentin Garcia Yerba
(Unknown)  06/28/1994
1 Reviews  
3. Interpretacion y Analisis de La Obra Literaria (Spanish Edition) (Paperb...
    Author: Wolfgang Kayser
(Unknown)  06/1995
1 Reviews  
4. Metrica Espanola del Siglo XX (Biblioteca romanica hispanica) (Spanish E...
    Author: Francisco Lopez Estrada
(Unknown)  11/2000
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5. Diccionario de USO del Espanol - CD ROM (Spanish Edition) (CD-ROM)
    Author: Maria Moliner
(Unknown)  03/2000
2 Reviews  
6. Poesia Espaola (Spanish Edition) (Paperback)
    Author: Damaso Alonso
(Unknown)  02/1992
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7. La Imitacion Colectiva / The Collective Imitation (Biblioteca Romanica H...
    Author: Jesus Torrecilla
(Unknown)  10/17/1996
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8. Poetas Hispanoamericanos Contemporaneos (Biblioteca romanica hispanica :...
    Author: Andrew P. Debicki
(Unknown)  11/2000
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9. Antologia de La Literatura Hispanica Medieval (Biblioteca Romanica Hispa...
    Author: Dennis P. Seniff
(Unknown)  11/2000
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10. Preceptiva dramatica espanola del Renacimiento y el Barroco / Spanish Dr...
    Author: Alberto Porqueras Mayo, F. Sanchez Escribano
(Unknown)  02/1972
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11. Claudicacion en el uso de preposiciones (Biblioteca universitaria Gredos...
    Author: Valentin Garcia Yerba
(Unknown)  11/2000
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12. Eneida / Aeneid (Spanish Edition) (Paperback)
    Author: Virgil
(Unknown)  05/29/1992
4,588 Reviews  
13. Obras Completas X - Verso y Prosa Literaria (Spanish Edition) (Paperback)
    Author: Damaso Alonso
(Unknown)  11/2000
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14. Los huerfanos de Petrarca / Orphans of Petrarch: Poesia Y Teoria En La E...
    Author: Ignacio Navarrete
(Unknown)  05/30/1997
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15. Unamuno y la vida como ficcion / Unamuno and Life as Fiction (Spanish Ed...
    Author: Francisco Rubia Prado
(Unknown)  04/13/1999
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16. Cuentos / Stories (Biblioteca Universal Gredos) (Spanish Edition) (Hardc...
    Author: Oscar Wilde
(Unknown)  12/18/2002
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17. Macbeth / Macbeth (Spanish Edition) (Hardcover)
    Author: William Shakespeare
(Unknown)  10/19/2005
1,328 Reviews  
18. El Rey Lear / King Lear (Spanish Edition) (Hardcover)
    Author: William Shakespeare
(Unknown)  03/23/2006
2,206 Reviews  
19. Historia de La Literatura Griega (Spanish Edition) (Paperback)
    Author: Albin Lensky
(Unknown)  04/1996
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20. Todo Ben Quzman - 3 Volumenes (Spanish Edition) (Paperback)
    Author: Emilio Garcia Gomez
(Unknown)  11/2000
1 Reviews  
21. Historia de La Critica Moderna VI (Spanish Edition) (Paperback)
    Author: Rene Wellek
(Unknown)  11/2000
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22. Metrica espanola del siglo XX (Biblioteca romanica hispanica : 3. Manual...
    Author: Francisco Lopez Estrada
(Unknown)  /1974
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23. Ensayos linguisticos / Linguistic Essays (Spanish Edition) (Paperback)
    Author: Louis Hjelmslev
(Unknown)  10/30/1972
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24. Historia de La Critica Moderna ( 1750-1950) Vol IV (Spanish Edition) (Pa...
    Author: Rene Wellek
(Unknown)  11/2000
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25. Linguistica Moderna y Filologia (Spanish Edition) (Paperback)
    Author: Bernard Pottier
(Unknown)  04/1996
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