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Gautier-Languereau is a book publisher. Some of the books published by Gautier-Languereau include Bravo, Zan Angelo!, Le livre de la jungle, Le plus grand livre du monde, and Poucette.

Main Address: 43, Quai de Grenelle
Paris Cedex 15 75905 France
Phone: 33 1 43923000
Fax: 33 1 43923338
Updated 9/25/2007

While JacketFlap strives to maintain up-to-date information, we recommend that you contact the publisher using the information here to confirm that the contact information is current. If you have more up-to-date information, please click the Edit or Add links on this page to edit this publisher's information and earn points, which you can redeem for Amazon.com or BookSense gift certificates.

Manuscript Submissions
Contact Information:Mme Brigitte LeBlanc
Editorial Director
43, Quai de Grenelle
Paris Cedex 15 75905
Updated 10/3/2007
Illustrator Submissions
Contact Information:Mme Maryvonne Denizet
Artistic Director
43, quai de Grenelle
Paris Cedex 15 75905
Updated 12/11/2007
All Books   Books by JacketFlap members
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Results 1 - 16 of 16     # per page:
Title, Creators, Comments / Reviews Ages Date Published
1. Les Fables de La Fontaine (Pg 69) (Les Petits Gautier) (French Edition) ...
    Author: Jean De LA Fontaine
All Ages 04/01/2011
49 Reviews  
2. Le vilain petit canard: Un conte (French Edition) (Hardcover)
    Author: Hans Christian Andersen
(Unknown)  /1983
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3. Bravo, Zan Angelo! (Board book)
    Author: Niki Daly
(Unknown)  10/14/1998
2 Reviews  
4. Casse-Noisette (Paperback)
    Author: Ernst Theodor Amadeus Hoffmann
(Unknown)  11/23/2001
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5. Fables (French Edition) (Board book)
    Author: Jean De LA Fontaine
(Unknown)  10/21/2009
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6. Alice Au Pays Des Merveilles (Albums) (French Edition) (Hardcover)
    Author: Lewis Carroll
(Unknown)  11/01/2010
96 Reviews  
7. 15 histoires de Provence (Serie 15 [i.e. Quinze]) (French Edition) (Unkn... (Unknown)  /1977
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8. 15 aventures du Far West (Serie 15) (French Edition) (Paperback) (Unknown)  /1985
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9. 3 romans de montagne (French Edition) (Hardcover) (Unknown)  /1976
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10. 3 romans dans la foret (French Edition) (Hardcover) (Unknown)  /1976
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11. Robin, le rouge-gorge (Premiers livres) (French Edition) (Hardcover)
    Author: Elisabeth Ivanovsky
(Unknown)  /1977
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12. Han-Han, le panda (Premiers livres) (French Edition) (Paperback)
    Author: Marcelle Verite
(Unknown)  /1978
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13. Poucette (French Edition) (Paperback)
    Author: Hans Christian Andersen
(Unknown)  /1986
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14. Le livre de la jungle (Board book)
    Author: Rudyard Kipling
(Unknown)  07/24/1991
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15. Le plus grand livre du monde (French Edition) (Board book)
    Author: Richard Scarry
(Unknown)  07/01/1991
5 Reviews  
16. Enjoying the world of art (Unknown Binding)
    Author: Pierre Belves
(Unknown)  /1966
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