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Gallaudet University Press

Gallaudet University, founded in 1864, is a multipurpose institution dedicated to meeting the educational needs of deaf people. Through the years, Gallaudet University has responded to emerging trends and issues related to deaf and hard of hearing people and the field of deafness. The University’s mission includes public outreach and advocacy, and it serves as an international resource for information about deafness and hearing loss. Gallaudet University Press was established in 1980 to respond to the need for worthy publications that make a significant contribution to the literature on deafness. The Press publishes scholarly manuscripts that deal with the many facets of the field of deafness, including culture, history, sociology, education, psychology, disability studies, sign language, linguistics, and research; biography by and about deaf adults; and works by deaf authors. Manuscripts accepted by the Press are published under one of two imprints: Gallaudet University Press (for scholarly, informational, and general interest books) and Clerc Books (for textbooks).

Main Address: 800 Florida Avenue, NE
Washington DC 20002 USA
Phone: 202-651-5488
Fax: 202-651-5489
Updated 11/24/2008

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Manuscript SubmissionsPolicy: http://gupress.gallaudet.edu/submissions.html
Contact Information:Ms. Ivey Pittle Wallace
Assistant Director, Editorial
Gallaudet University Press
800 Florida Avenue
Washington DC 20002
[email protected]


Updated 12/8/2006
Contact Information:Ms. Ivey Pittle Wallace
Assistant Director, Editorial
Gallaudet University Press
800 Florida Avenue NE
Washington DC 20002
[email protected]


Updated 11/16/2007
All Books   Books by JacketFlap members
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Results 1 - 25 of 102     # per page:
Title, Creators, Comments / Reviews Ages Date Published
1. Deaf Hearing Boy: A Memoir (Deaf Lives Series, Vol. 2) (Paperback)
    Author: R.H. Miller
(Unknown)  09/17/2004
4 Reviews  
2. Teach Your Tot to Sign: The Parents' Guide to American Sign Language (Pa...
    Author: Stacy A. Thompson
    Illustrator: Valerie Nelson-Metlay (Illustrator)
(Unknown)  04/29/2005
33 Reviews  
3. Signing Fun: American Sign Language Vocabulary, Phrases, Games, and Acti...
    Author: Penny Warner
    Illustrator: Paula Gray
(Unknown)  11/15/2006
8 Reviews  
4. The Silent Garden: Raising Your Deaf Child (Paperback)
    Author: Paul W. Ogden
(Unknown)  11/01/1996
9 Reviews  
5. Fantastic D: Imagination, Actors, and "Deaf Way!" video [VHS] (VHS Tape)
    Author: Gallaudet Tv
(Unknown)  10/1991
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6. Laurent Clerc: The Story of His Early Years (Kindle Edition)
    Author: Cathryn Carroll
Ages 9-12 10/31/2009
2 Reviews  
7. Chris Gets Ear Tubes (Paperback)
    Author: Betty Pace
    Illustrator: Kathryn Hutton
Baby−PreK 11/01/1987
12 Reviews  
8. Fantastic E: From Post Offices to Dairy Goats! video [VHS] (VHS Tape)
    Author: Gallaudet Tv
(Unknown)  10/1991
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9. Fantastic F: Colonial Times, Chocolate, and Cars video [VHS] (VHS Tape)
    Author: Gallaudet Tv
(Unknown)  10/1991
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10. The Gallaudet Survival Guide to Signing (Paperback)
    Author: Leonard G Lane
(Unknown)  02/01/1990
6 Reviews  
11. Fantastic C: Dogs at Work and Play video [VHS] (VHS Tape)
    Author: Gallaudet Tv
(Unknown)  10/1991
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12. Laurent Clerc: The Story of His Early Years (Paperback)
    Author: Cathryn Carroll
Ages 9-12 04/01/1991
14 Reviews  
13. Fantastic: Roller Coasters, Maps, and Ice Cream! [VHS] (VHS Tape)
    Author: Gallaudet Tv
(Unknown)  10/1991
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14. Sleeping Beauty Video [VHS] (VHS Tape)
    Author: Robert Newby
(Unknown)  /1994
1 Reviews  
15. Fantastic A: Exciting People, Places, Things! video [VHS] (VHS Tape)
    Author: Gallaudet Tv
(Unknown)  10/1991
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16. Kid-Friendly Parenting with Deaf and Hard of Hearing Children (Paperback)
    Author: Daria J. Medwid
(Unknown)  12/01/1995
5 Reviews  
17. In Silence: Growing Up Hearing in a Deaf World (Paperback)
    Author: Ruth Sidransky
(Unknown)  03/15/2006
23 Reviews  
18. Animal Signs: A First Book of Sign Language (Board book)
    Author: Debby Slier
Baby−PreK 10/01/1995
13 Reviews  
19. Little Red Riding Hood: Told in Signed English (Hardcover)
    Author: Harry Bornstein
Ages 4-8 11/01/1990
6 Reviews  
20. Nursery Rhymes from Mother Goose: Told in Signed English (Hardcover)
    Author: Harry Bornstein
Ages 4-8 01/01/1972
7 Reviews  
21. Goldilocks and the Three Bears: Told In Signed English (Hardcover)
    Author: Harry Bornstein
Ages 4-8 09/01/1996
1 Reviews  
22. Speak to Me! (Paperback)
    Author: Marcia Calhoun Forecki
(Unknown)  01/01/1990
5 Reviews  
23. The Night Before Christmas: Told in Signed English (Hardcover)
    Author: Clement Clarke Moore
    Illustrator: Jan Skrobisz, Steve Marchesi
Ages 4-8 09/01/1994
2,906 Reviews  
24. Word Signs: A First Book of Sign Language (Board book)
    Author: Debby Slier
Baby−PreK 10/01/1995
9 Reviews  
25. My First Book of Sign (Hardcover)
    Author: P. Baker
Ages 4-8 01/01/1987
19 Reviews  
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