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Editorial Planeta, S.A. (Barcelona)

Editorial Planeta, S.A. (Barcelona) is a publisher of children's books. Some of the books published by Editorial Planeta, S.A. (Barcelona) include El Gran Gigante Bonachon (Alfaguara Juvenil) (Spanish Edition), Don Quixote de la Mancha / Don Quixote of La Mancha (Clasicos Universales Planeta) (Spanish Edition), César (Spanish Text) (Spanish Edition), and Los Miserables / Les Miserables (Clasicos Universales Planeta) (Spanish Edition).

Main Address: Avda. Diagonal, 662-664, 3 planta
Barcelona 08034 Spain
Phone: 34 93 4928596
Fax: 34 93 4967041
Updated 10/18/2008

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Results 1 - 25 of 33     # per page:
Title, Creators, Comments / Reviews Ages Date Published
1. El Gran Gigante Bonachon (Alfaguara Juvenil) (Spanish Edition) (Paperback)
    Author: Roald Dahl
    Illustrator: Quentin Blake
(Unknown)  07/31/2004
9,479 Reviews  
2. El Ingenioso Hidalgo Don Quijote de La Mancha (Clasicos Universales Plan...
    Author: Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra
(Unknown)  06/1997
4,818 Reviews  
3. El Caballero De Olmedo (Clasicos Universales Planeta) (Spanish Edition) ...
    Author: Lope de Vega
(Unknown)  /1982
5 Reviews  
4. César (Spanish Text) (Spanish Edition) (Hardcover)
    Author: Colleen Mccullough
(Unknown)  01/1999
85 Reviews  
5. Jane Eyre (Clasicos Universales Planeta, Vol. 5) (Paperback)
    Author: Charlotte Bronte
(Unknown)  06/1998
66,551 Reviews  
6. Los Miserables / Les Miserables (Clasicos Universales Planeta) (Spanish ...
    Author: Victor Hugo
(Unknown)  06/1998
10,735 Reviews  
7. Ast�rix en Am�rica: El �lbum de la Pel�cula (Spanish Edition) (Paperback)
    Author: Albert Uderzo, Rene Goscinny
All Ages 04/1997
2 Reviews  
8. La Celestina (Paperback)
    Author: Fernando De Rojas
(Unknown)  12/31/1998
856 Reviews  
9. Moby Dick / Moby Dick (Clasicos Universale Planeta) (Spanish Edition) (P...
    Author: Herman Melville
(Unknown)  06/1998
6,314 Reviews  
10. Cronicas de los Hurones 2. en el Aire (Spanish Edition) (Hardcover)
    Author: Richard Bach
(Unknown)  10/2002
7 Reviews  
11. Ernesto Guevara: Tambien Conocido Como El Che (Hardcover)
    Author: Paco Ignacio Taibo
(Unknown)  12/02/1996
79 Reviews  
12. del 1 Al 10 (Pequenos Lectores) (Hardcover)
    Author: Richard Scarry
Ages 4-8 06/1998
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13. Emma (Paperback)
    Author: Jane Austen
(Unknown)  06/1998
4,164 Reviews  
14. Ex Libris (Spanish Edition) (Hardcover)
    Author: Ross King
(Unknown)  06/2002
68 Reviews  
15. Como lo escribo (Paperback)
    Author: Juan Carlos Kreimer
(Unknown)  01/01/1990
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16. Buenas noches blue (Paperback)
    Author: Angela C. Santomero
(Unknown)  /2002
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17. Mi libro de inventos (Paperback)
    Author: Lara Bergen
(Unknown)  01/01/2002
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18. Una isla bajo el sol (Hardcover)
    Author: Stella Blackstone
(Unknown)  /2002
17 Reviews  
19. Ernesto Guevara, Tambien Conocido Como El Che (Hardcover)
    Author: Paco Ignacio Taibo
(Unknown)  /2000
1 Reviews
20. La Guerra de los mundos (Paperback)
    Author: H. G. Wells
(Unknown)  01/01/2001
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21. EVA LUNA (Unknown Binding)
    Author: Isabel Allende
(Unknown)  /2002
41 Reviews  
22. Wicked memorias de una bruja mala (Paperback)
    Author: Gregory Maguire
(Unknown)  01/01/2009
1,671 Reviews  
23. Cumbres Borrascosas (Hardcover) (Unknown)  /2000
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24. El Resto De La Vida (Spanish Edition) (Paperback)
    Author: Angeles Caso
(Unknown)  12/12/1998
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25. Cumbres Borrascosas (Hardcover)
    Author: Emily Bronte
(Unknown)  /1900
114 Reviews  
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