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Ediciones Toray, S.A.

Ediciones Toray, S.A. is a book publisher. Some of the books published by Ediciones Toray, S.A. include Cuentos de Grimm, Los Hollister y el Misterio del Caballo Fantasma, Cuentos de Perrault, and Miguel Angel.

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Updated 2/1/2005

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Results 1 - 11 of 11     # per page:
Title, Creators, Comments / Reviews Ages Date Published
1. Cuentos Grimm (Cuentos famosos) (Hardcover)
    Author: Grimm, Maria Pascual
    Illustrator: Maria Pascual
(Unknown)  01/1992
996 Reviews  
2. Cuentos de Andersen (Cuentos famosos) (Hardcover)
    Author: Hans Christian Andersen, Maria Pascual
    Illustrator: Maria Pascual
(Unknown)  01/1992
455 Reviews  
3. Cuentos de Grimm (Cuentos famosos) (Hardcover)
    Author: Grimm, Maria Pascual
    Illustrator: Maria Pascual
(Unknown)  01/1992
881 Reviews  
4. En Las Garras Del Dinosaurio/in the Dinosaur's Paw (Paperback)
(Unknown)  09/1986
1 Reviews  
5. La Estrella De San Valentin (El Caballo Volador) (Paperback)
    Illustrator: Blanche Sims
(Unknown)  /1993
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6. Cuentos de Grimm (Hardcover)
    Author: Eugenio Sotillos
(Unknown)  02/01/1968
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7. Los Hollister y el Misterio del Caballo Fantasma (The Happy Hollisters) ...
    Author: Jerry West
(Unknown)  /1983
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8. Miguel Angel (Hombres famosos) (Hardcover)
    Author: E. Sotillos
    Illustrator: A. Campillo
(Unknown)  01/1991
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9. Cuentos Famosos (Cuentos famosos) (Hardcover)
    Author: Maria Pascual, Miscellaneous
    Illustrator: Maria Pascual
(Unknown)  01/1992
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10. J.F. Kennedy (Hombres famosos) (Hardcover)
    Author: E. Sotillos
    Illustrator: A. Borrell
(Unknown)  01/1992
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11. Cuentos de Perrault (Cuentos famosos) (Hardcover)
    Author: Maria Pascaul, Perrault
    Illustrator: Maria Pascaul
(Unknown)  01/1992
584 Reviews  
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