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D.C. Heath & Co

D.C. Heath & Co is a publisher of children's books and young adult books. Some of the books published by D.C. Heath & Co include Discovering French: Bleu, Algebra 2: An Integrated Approach, Discovering French: Bleu, and Basic Spanish Grammar.

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Boston MA USA
Updated 3/20/2009

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Results 1 - 25 of 578     # per page:
Title, Creators, Comments / Reviews Ages Date Published
1. Perspectives on Health (Hardcover)
    Author: Leroy H. Getchell
(Unknown)  06/1992
1 Reviews  
2. Algebra 1: An Integrated Approach (Hardcover)
    Author: Larson - Kanold - Stiff
Young Adult 01/1995
2 Reviews  
3. World History: Perspectives On The Past (Hardcover)
    Author: Larry S. Krieger, Steven Jantzen, Kenneth Neill
(Unknown)  02/1994
2 Reviews  
4. All Write: A Student Handbook for Writing and Learning (Paperback)
    Author: Dave Kemper, Mary Ross, Patrick Sebranek, Verne Meyer
    Illustrator: Chris Krenzke, Mary Ross, Verne Meyer
Young Adult 01/1998
3 Reviews  
5. The American Pageant Ninth Edition Guidebook (Paperback)
    Author: Thomas A. Bailey
(Unknown)  02/1991
80 Reviews  
6. Dime DOS (Hardcover)
    Author: Fabian A. Samaniego, Patricia Hamilton Carlin, M. Carol Brown
Young Adult 01/1997
3 Reviews  
7. Larson Algebra 2 Pe 95 (Hardcover)
    Author: Ron Larson
Young Adult 01/01/2006
1 Reviews  
8. Turtles Like to Sleep in: Level 4 (Hardcover)
    Author: N/A
Ages 4-8 01/1993
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9. Heath Grammar and Composition/Student Text/Grade 7 (Hardcover)
    Author: Heath
(Unknown)  02/1990
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10. World History: Perspectives on the Past (Hardcover)
    Author: D. C. Heath, Larry S. Krieger
Young Adult 01/01/2006
5 Reviews  
11. Algebra 1 (Hardcover)
    Author: Ron Larson
(Unknown)  01/1993
87 Reviews  
12. Geometry: An Integrated Approach- Complete Solutions Manual (Paperback)
    Author: Laurie Boswell, Ron Larson, Lee Stiff
Young Adult 01/01/1995
1 Reviews  
13. World History: Perspectives on the Past (Hardcover)
    Author: Larry S. Krieger, Steven Jantzen, Kenneth Neill
(Unknown)  06/1990
2 Reviews  
14. The Last Princess: The Story of Princess Ka'Iulani of Hawaii (Heath Lite...
    Author: Fay Stanley
Ages 9-12 01/1995
38 Reviews  
15. Dime DOS (Hardcover) Young Adult 01/1994
4 Reviews  
16. Algebra 1: An Integrated Approach (Hardcover)
    Author: Ron Larson, Lee Stiff, Timothy Kanold, Larson - Kanold - Stiff
(Unknown)  /1995
6 Reviews  
17. Album: Cuentos del mundo hispanico (Spanish Edition) (Paperback)
    Author: Jean-Paul Valette, Rebecca M. Valette
(Unknown)  03/1990
6 Reviews  
18. Algebra 2: An Integrated Approach (Hardcover)
    Author: Ron Larson, Timothy D. Kanold, Lee Stiff
Young Adult 01/1997
11 Reviews  
19. Major Problems in the History of the Italian Renaissance (Major Problems...
    Author: Alison Smith, B. Kohl
(Unknown)  01/02/1994
1 Reviews  
20. Algebra 2 (Hardcover)
    Author: Ron Larson
(Unknown)  /1993
23 Reviews  
21. Discovering French: Rouge (English and French Edition) (Hardcover)
    Author: D. C. Heath, Jean-Paul Valette
Young Adult /1997
1 Reviews  
22. La Navidad En Las Montanas (Hardcover)
    Author: Ignacio Manuel, Edith A. Hill, Mary Joy Lombard Altamirano
(Unknown)  /1922
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23. Dime!: Pasaporte Al Mundo 21 (Hardcover)
    Author: Fabian A. Samaniego, Francisco X. Alarcon, Nelson Rojas
Young Adult 01/01/2006
1 Reviews  
24. Discovering French: Bleu (Hardcover)
    Author: Valette
Young Adult 01/1997
17 Reviews  
25. Savoir Dire: Cours de phonetique et de prononciation (French Edition) (H...
    Author: Diane M. Dansereau
(Unknown)  12/1990
5 Reviews  
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