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Chancelor Press

Chancelor Press is a book publisher. Some of the books published by Chancelor Press include A TOLKIEN BESTIARY, Sleeping Beauty, African Mythology Library of the World, and The Complete Illustrated Works of Edgar Allan Poe.

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Updated 1/26/2006

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Results 1 - 25 of 61     # per page:
Title, Creators, Comments / Reviews Ages Date Published
1. A Tolkien Bestiary (Paperback)
    Author: David Day
(Unknown)  /2001
176 Reviews  
2. Adrian Mole from Minor to Major (Hardcover)
    Author: Sue Townsend
(Unknown)  /1989
9 Reviews  
3. The Complete Illustrated Works of Edgar Allan Poe (Hardcover)
    Author: Edgar Allan Poe
(Unknown)  12/31/2003
3,325 Reviews  
4. The Complete Illustrated Works of the Brothers Grimm (Hardcover)
    Author: Brothers Grimm, Jacob Grimm
(Unknown)  03/10/1994
1,085 Reviews  
5. Persian Mythology (Hardcover)
    Author: John R. Hinnells
(Unknown)  10/15/1997
61 Reviews  
6. African Mythology Library of the World (Library of the World's Myths and...
    Author: Edward Geoffrey Parrinder
(Unknown)  04/15/1996
8 Reviews  
7. Mark Twain: The Adventures of Tom Sawyer * The Adventures of Huckleberry...
    Author: Mark Twain
(Unknown)  06/30/2001
1 Reviews  
8. Henry James: Daisy Miller * Washington Square * The Portrait of a Lady ...
    Author: Henry James
(Unknown)  08/28/2004
1 Reviews  
9. Sultans, Sorcerery and the Supernatural: An Exciting Collection of Fairy... (Unknown)  04/1992
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10. Sherlock Holmes: The Complete Illustrated Novels (Hardcover)
    Author: Arthur Conan Doyle
(Unknown)  05/28/2002
3 Reviews  
11. A Tolkien Bestiary (Paperback)
    Author: David Day
(Unknown)  /2001
70 Reviews  
12. The Complete Illustrated Works of William Shakespeare (Hardcover)
    Author: William Shakespeare
(Unknown)  06/30/2000
1,108 Reviews  
13. A Christmas Carol (Hardcover)
    Author: Charles Dickens
(Unknown)  /1985
2,038 Reviews  
14. Mark Twain: The Adventures of Tom Sawyer * The Adventures of Huckleberry...
    Author: Mark Twain, Mr. Mark J. Twain
(Unknown)  08/28/2004
1 Reviews  
15. Japanese Mythology (Hardcover)
    Author: Juliet Piggott
(Unknown)  10/15/1997
13 Reviews  
16. Alices Adventures in Wonderland. (Paperback)
    Author: Lewis Carroll
(Unknown)  /1985
174 Reviews  
17. Thomas Hardy: Tess of the D'Urbervilles The Mayor of Casterbridge Far fr...
    Author: Thomas Hardy
(Unknown)  10/28/2002
41 Reviews  
18. Sherlock Holmes: The Complete Illustrated Novels (Hardcover)
    Author: Arthur Conan Doyle
(Unknown)  08/28/2004
6 Reviews  
19. The Oxford Junior Companion to Music (Hardcover)
    Author: Percy Alfred Scholes
(Unknown)  10/1991
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20. Cinderella. (Paperback)
    Author: Arthur Rackham, C. S. Evans, C. S. Illus. By Arthur Rackham Evans
    Illustrator: Arthur Rackham
(Unknown)  /1987
6 Reviews  
21. Jane Austen: Pride and Prejudice Mansfield Park Persuasion (Hardcover)
    Author: Jane Austen
(Unknown)  10/2002
1,169 Reviews  
22. The Complete Illustrated Works of Edgar Allan Poe (Hardcover)
    Author: Edgar Allan Poe
(Unknown)  08/28/2004
1,234 Reviews  
23. Jane Austen: Pride and Prejudice * Mansfield Park * Persuasion (Hardcover)
    Author: Jane Austen
(Unknown)  08/2004
2,616 Reviews  
24. Sleeping Beauty (Hardcover)
    Author: C. S. Evans
    Illustrator: Arthur Rackham
(Unknown)  12/31/1986
28 Reviews  
25. A Christmas Carol (Hardcover)
    Author: Charles Dickens
(Unknown)  06/1984
5,048 Reviews  
Bestselling order determined by Amazon.com SalesRank(tm)