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Cackleberry Press

Cackleberries Entertainment Inc. is a fully integrated children's entertainment company with our basis in merchandising. We are taking advantage of the exploding Internet retailing market. This is the doorway to consumers for the 21st century. Our site is destined to be unique on the web, fully interactive, user-friendly and above all a safe place for kids to play. We are fully aware of the growing dissatisfaction that parents are feeling towards the products offered for their children and we are determined to change that. Oville is an exciting non-violent environment full of laughter, adventure, a little danger and some subtle life lessons. Our high quality standards will set a new precedent in the industry. Cackleberries' wholesome attitude will be reflected in our plush characters, cartoons, DVDs, music, games, toys and all other ancillary products. Our completely interactive website will be a place where children of all ages come to play games, complete craft projects, watch videos, listen to and create music, advance their reading skills, stretch their imaginations, learn about commerce and of course become more and more computer literate. As our wonderful characters find a place in children's hearts, they will want to take them home with them. Our unique and ethical approach to selling to children will help them become savvy consumers. Our ever-expanding toy box will offer merchandise, which will meet parents' approval and excite the young shoppers.

Specifically interested in books with these subjects or themes: please see description

Main Address: 105 - 4664 Lougheed Highway
Burnaby BC V5C 5T5 Canada
Phone: 604-298-8400
Fax: 604-298-8422
Updated 11/15/2006

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Manuscript SubmissionsPolicy: please use contact form on website for details. E. [email protected]
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Results 1 - 4 of 4     # per page:
Title, Creators, Comments / Reviews Ages Date Published
1. Rockhopper Rangers Map the Town (Cackleberries) (Paperback)
    Author: Joh Nichols
    Illustrator: Ken Rolston
Ages 4-8 08/2001
2 Reviews  
2. Eggbee's Dream (Cackleberries) (Paperback)
    Author: Joh Nichols, Darrell-Lee McKenzie
    Illustrator: Ken Rolston
Ages 4-8 08/30/2000
17 Reviews  
3. Cackleberries Search for Cackasaurus (Paperback)
    Author: Joh Nichols
    Illustrator: Ken Rolston
Ages 4-8 08/2001
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4. The Shellball Express (Paperback)
    Author: Joh Nichols
    Illustrator: Ken Rolston
Ages 4-8 08/2002
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