Search Results
Click a Member's name in the list below to view their Profile Page:Full Name | Occupation |
1. wissam abdel samad | Teacher |
2. epackage aging | Agent, The Packaging Centre Ltd. |
3. Mary Arrigan | Writer, self-employed |
4. carol azams | Writer, carolazams |
5. Martin Beckett | Illustrator, Martin Beckett |
6. Annette Bellamy | Translator |
7. Ciara Black | Librarian, Donegal County Council |
8. Rebecca Bowden | Stable Manager |
9. Kathryn Boyd | Parent |
10. Claire Boyle | Teacher, Department of Education |
11. Kevin Bracken | Writer |
12. Ted Brennan | Publisher, Ted Brennan Motors |
13. Brenna Briggs | Writer |
14. bronagh brogan | Other, omagh district council |
15. Alex Brophy | retired, retired |
16. Bob Burke | Writer, Self |
17. Caroline Burke | Writer, Self employed |
18. David Butler | Illustrator, |
19. Amy Byrne | student, xxx |
20. louise callaly | musician, priory church tallaght |
21. Jesse Campbell-Brown | Wanna be illustrator; Parent, Self |
22. maura canning | |
23. Anne Mary Carmel Carton | Writer, Illustrator, - |
24. Dee Casey | Lecturer, Letterkenny Institute of Technology |
25. Tom Caulfield | Writer |

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