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Boys Town Press

Boys Town Press is the publishing arm of Girls and Boys Town. Our books, videos, DVDs, audiotapes, posters, and brochures provide useful information to parents, educators and professionals who work with youth and families. Our publications are based on the proven youth care, parenting and educational techniques used in our Girls and Boys Town programs across the country.

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Updated 6/28/2006

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All Books   Books by JacketFlap members
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Results 1 - 25 of 63     # per page:
Title, Creators, Comments / Reviews Ages Date Published
1. Making Friends Is an Art! (Paperback)
    Author: Julia Cook
    Illustrator: Bridget Barnes
Ages 4-8 03/12/2012
85 Reviews  
2. Teamwork Isn't My Thing, and I Don't Like to Share! (Best Me I Can Be!) ...
    Author: Julia Cook
    Illustrator: Kelsey De Weerd
(Unknown)  08/15/2012
69 Reviews  
3. The Misadventures of Michael McMichaels: The Angry Alligator (Paperback)
    Author: Tony Penn
    Illustrator: Brian Martin
(Unknown)  02/10/2016
1 Reviews  
4. Gas Happens!: What to Do When It Happens to You (Communicate With Confid...
    Author: Julia Cook
    Illustrator: Anita DuFalla
(Unknown)  02/28/2015
6 Reviews  
5. The Power of a Positive No: Willie Bohanon & Friends Learn the Power of ...
    Author: Kip Jones
    Illustrator: Chad Isely
(Unknown)  09/15/2016
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6. Cheaters Never Prosper (Paperback)
    Author: Julia Cook
    Illustrator: Anita DuFalla
(Unknown)  10/15/2016
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7. Is There an App for That?: Haily Discovers Happiness Through Self-Accept...
    Author: Bryan Smith
    Illustrator: Katia Wish
(Unknown)  04/30/2015
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8. The Power of Attitude of Gratitude: Willie Bohanon and Friends Learn the...
    Author: Kip Jones
    Illustrator: Chad Isely
(Unknown)  03/01/2016
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9. What Were You Thinking?: Learning to Control Your Impulses (Paperback)
    Author: Bryan Smith
    Illustrator: Lisa Griffin
(Unknown)  02/2016
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10. The Judgemental Flower (Building Relationships) (Paperback)
    Author: Julia Cook
    Illustrator: Anita DuFalla
(Unknown)  09/2016
4 Reviews  
11. Cliques Just Don't Make Cents! (Building Relationships) (Paperback)
    Author: Julia Cook
    Illustrator: Anita DuFalla
(Unknown)  08/22/2012
14 Reviews  
12. My Day Is Ruined!: A Story Teaching Flexible Thinking (Executive Functio...
    Author: Bryan Smith
(Unknown)  09/01/2016
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13. The Misadventures of Michael McMichaels Vol 2: The Borrowed Bracelet (Pa...
    Author: Tony Penn
    Illustrator: Brian Martin
(Unknown)  08/01/2016
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14. I Can't Believe You Said That! Activity Guide for Teachers: Classroom Id...
    Author: Julia Cook
    Illustrator: Kelsey De Weerd
(Unknown)  04/30/2015
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15. Common Sense Parenting of Toddlers and Preschoolers (Paperback)
    Author: Bridget A. Barnes, Steven M. York
(Unknown)  06/01/2001
13 Reviews  
16. The Power of Bystanders: Willie Bohanon & Friends Learn to Handle Bullyi...
    Author: Kip Jones
    Illustrator: Chad Isely
(Unknown)  04/30/2015
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17. Baditude! What to Do When Life Stinks! (Responsible Me!) (Paperback)
    Author: Julia Cook
(Unknown)  08/15/2015
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18. Priscilla�s Predicament: The Worrywart Woes (Paperback)
    Author: Stephie McCumbee
(Unknown)  09/2015
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19. But It's Not My Fault! (Responsible Me!) (Paperback)
    Author: Julia Cook
    Illustrator: Anita DuFalla
(Unknown)  04/30/2015
14 Reviews  
20. Table Talk: A Book about Table Manners (Building Relationships) (Paperback)
    Author: Julia Cook
    Illustrator: Anita DuFalla
(Unknown)  02/01/2016
4 Reviews  
21. Common Sense Parenting: Using Your Head as Well as Your Heart to Raise S...
    Author: Bridget A. Barnes, Ray Burke, Ronald W. Herron
(Unknown)  08/01/2006
10 Reviews  
22. If Winning Isn't Everything, Why Do I Hate to Lose? (Paperback)
    Author: Bryan Smith
(Unknown)  09/2015
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23. I Like Birthdays (Interactive Book about Me!) (Hardcover)
    Author: K. A. Bye
    Illustrator: Earl W., Jr. Ridgell, Earl W.
Ages 4-8 08/01/2008
5 Reviews  
24. A Good Friend: How to Make One, How to Be One (Boys Town Teens and Relat...
    Author: Ronald W. Herron, Val J. Peter
(Unknown)  03/01/1998
6 Reviews  
25. Boundaries: A Guide for Teens (Paperback)
    Author: Val J. Peter, Tom Dowd
(Unknown)  01/15/2000
7 Reviews  
Bestselling order determined by Amazon.com SalesRank(tm)