Algebra lineal con aplicaciones/ Linear Algebra With Applications
Book Description
Rico en ejemplos, ejercicios y aplicaciones, este texto incluye toda la teoria basica del algebra lineal, los metodos numericos mas importantes e integra la tecnologia, sin sacrificar material basico para el curso.
Book Information
Publisher | I.T.P. Latin America |
Binding | Paperback (2 editions) |
Reading Level | Uncategorized |
# of Pages | N/A |
ISBN-10 | 9687529865 |
ISBN-13 | 978-9687529868 |
Publication Date | 06/19/1999 |
The Creators
About George Nakos (Author) : George Nakos is a published author of children's books. Published credits of George Nakos include Algebra Lineal Con Aplicaciones.
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