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Allie the Christmas Spider

Average rating
4 out of 5
Based on 34 Ratings and 4 Reviews

Book Description
This Christmas, Beth knows there won't be many presents under the tree. Mama and Papa can't afford to buy new toys, and the Christmas tree looks bare. Allie the spider, who lives in a window corner in their house, wishes there was something she could do to make Beth's holiday a little brighter. Late on Christmas Eve, after the family has gone to bed, popcorn strings encircling the tree inspire All... More
Book Information
PublisherDutton Children's Books
Reading LevelBaby to Pre-K
# of Pages32
Publication Date09/23/2002
The Creators
About Shirley Menendez (Author) : Shirley Menendez is a published author of children's books. Published credits of Shirley Menendez include B is for Blue Crab: A Maryland Alphabet Edition 1. (Discover America State By State. Alphabet ... more
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About Maggie Kneen (Illustrator) : If you would like to look at my new website, you will be able to read a little bit about me and my work. It's at www.maggie-kneen.com Hope you find it interesting! You can send me a message about... more
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