Let Me Stand Alone: The Journals of Rachel Corrie
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Book Description
One young woman's voice-intense and poetic-grapples with universal ideas as it chronicles a personal journey cut short. How do we find our way in the world? How do our actions affect others? What do we owe the rest of humanity? These are the timeless questions so eloquently posed by Rachel Corrie, a young American activist killed on March 16, 2003, as she tried to block the demolition of... More
Book Information
Publisher | W. W. Norton & Company |
Binding | Hardcover (6 editions) |
Reading Level | Uncategorized |
# of Pages | 336 |
ISBN-10 | 0393065715 |
ISBN-13 | 978-0393065718 |
Publication Date | 03/17/2008 |
The Creators
Reader Comments
1/20/2015 Wayne Costigan said:
tags: I recommend, Inspired me, I read
A heart rending anthology of this AMERICAN activist's written and sketched works compiled by her parents. family, and friends after her MURDER whilst helping the victims of hatred and genocide in Gaza. I gave $$ to have her face and story plastered on billboards across the country a decade or so ago... more
tags: I recommend, Inspired me, I read
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