I'm Just Like My Mom; I'm Just Like My Dad/ Me parezco tanto a mi mama; Me parez
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Book Description
I'm just like my mom.
Me parezco tanto a mi mam�.
I'm just like my dad.
Me parezco tanto a mi pap�.
With Akemi Guti�rrez's charming illustrations, renowned journalist Jorge Ramos explores the many ways in which all children are just like their parents-in two languages!
Junto con las simp�ticas ilustraciones de Akemi Guti�rrez, el respetado p... More
Book Information
Publisher | Rayo |
Binding | Hardcover (3 editions) |
Reading Level | Ages 4-8 |
# of Pages | 40 |
ISBN-10 | 0061239682 |
ISBN-13 | 978-0061239687 |
Publication Date | 07/29/2008 |
The Creators
About Akemi Gutierrez (Illustrator) : Akemi Gutierrez is a published author and an illustrator of children's books. Some of the published credits of Akemi Gutierrez include I'm Just Like My Mom; I'm Just Like My Dad/ Me parezco tanto a mi... more
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