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B T Batsford Ltd

B T Batsford Ltd is a publisher of children's books and young adult books. Some of the books published by B T Batsford Ltd include The Children's Book of Pottery, Costume in Context: The Tudors, Life in Wartime Britain, and Chess.

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Updated 10/22/2007

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Results 1 - 25 of 94     # per page:
Title, Creators, Comments / Reviews Ages Date Published
1. Elementary Drum Method (Paperback)
    Author: Roy Burns
Young Adult 03/22/1985
7 Reviews  
2. Chess: The Complete Self-Tutor (Paperback)
    Author: Edward Lasker
(Unknown)  08/1981
11 Reviews  
3. Chess: The Complete Self-Tutor (Algebraic Classics Series) (Paperback)
    Author: Edward Lasker, Graham Burgess, John Nunn
(Unknown)  10/1997
13 Reviews  
4. Costume in Context: The Victorians (Costume in Context Series) (Hardcover)
    Author: Jennifer Ruby
Baby−PreK 05/1988
1 Reviews  
5. Knights and Castles (Hardcover)
    Author: Madeline Jones
(Unknown)  /1994
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6. The Children's Book of Pottery (Children's books of crafts) (Hardcover)
    Author: Christine Rowe
Baby−PreK 10/1989
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7. Underwear (Costume in Context) (Hardcover)
    Author: Jennifer Ruby
Ages 9-12 05/1996
2 Reviews  
8. Costume in Context: The Tudors (Costume in Context Series) (Hardcover)
    Author: Jennifer Ruby
Baby−PreK 05/1988
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9. Medieval Times (Costume in Context Series) (Hardcover)
    Author: Jennifer Ruby
Baby−PreK 05/1990
1 Reviews  
10. The 1930s and 1940s (People in Costume) (Hardcover)
    Author: Jennifer Ruby
Ages 9-12 04/1995
1 Reviews  
11. Roundheads and Cavaliers (How It Was) (Hardcover)
    Author: Stewart Ross
Ages 9-12 01/1995
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12. The Tudors (People in Costume) (Hardcover)
    Author: Jennifer Ruby
Young Adult 04/1995
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13. The Fall of the Bastille (A Day That Made History Series) (Hardcover)
    Author: Nathaniel Harris
Baby−PreK 11/1987
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14. Spies and Espionage (World War II) (Hardcover)
    Author: Peter Neville
Young Adult 05/1993
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15. Britain in the 1950's (Living Through History) (Hardcover)
    Author: Pat Hodgson
Young Adult 02/1990
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16. The A-Z of the Sewing Machine (Paperback)
    Author: Maxine Henry
(Unknown)  07/1994
1 Reviews  
17. Victorians (People in Costume Series) (Hardcover)
    Author: Jennifer Ruby
Young Adult 10/1994
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18. The Great Depression (Living Through History) (Hardcover)
    Author: Nathaniel Harris
Young Adult 08/1988
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19. The British in India: From Trade to Empire (Peoples on the Move) (Hardco...
    Author: Stephen Ashton
Young Adult 09/1989
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20. Knights and Castles (How It Was Series) (Hardcover)
    Author: Madeline Jones
Young Adult 02/1992
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21. Experimenting With Batteries, Bulbs and Wires (Hardcover)
    Author: Alan Ward
Young Adult 07/1986
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22. Medieval World (People in Costume Series) (Hardcover)
    Author: Jennifer Ruby
Young Adult 10/1994
1 Reviews
23. Life in Wartime Britain (World War II Series) (Hardcover)
    Author: Richard Tames
(Unknown)  05/1993
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24. Elizabeth I (Reputations Series) (Hardcover)
    Author: Michael Palmer
(Unknown)  04/1989
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25. Elizabethan England (Living Through History Series) (Hardcover)
    Author: Geoffrey Regan
Baby−PreK 05/1990
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