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McDonald and Woodward Publishing Company

McDonald and Woodward Publishing Company is a publisher of children's books. Some of the books published by McDonald and Woodward Publishing Company include The New Patterns in the Sky: Myths and Legends of the Stars, Chaining Oregon, Woman of the Green Glade: The Story of an Ojibway Woman on the Great Lakes Frontier, and Let the River Run Silver Again!: How One School Helped Return the American Shad to the Potomac River � And How You Too Can Help Protect And Restore Our Living Waters.

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Updated 2/9/2005

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Results 1 - 12 of 12     # per page:
Title, Creators, Comments / Reviews Ages Date Published
1. The New Patterns in the Sky: Myths and Legends of the Stars (Paperback)
    Author: Julius D. W. Staal
(Unknown)  09/01/1996
8 Reviews  
2. Let the River Run Silver Again!: How One School Helped Return the Americ...
    Author: Sandy Burk
Young Adult 06/19/2005
3 Reviews  
3. Chaining Oregon (Paperback)
    Author: P. Baker, Kay Atwood
Ages 9-12 06/25/2008
3 Reviews  
4. Woman of the Green Glade: The Story of an Ojibway Woman on the Great Lak...
    Author: Virginia M. Soetebier, Virginia Soetebier
(Unknown)  04/22/2000
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5. New Patterns in the Sky: Myths and Legends of the Stars (Hardcover)
    Author: Julius D. W. Staal
(Unknown)  06/1988
7 Reviews  
6. Bright Ideas Calendar: 365 Writing Activities (Hardcover)
    Author: Peggy Hapke-Lewis
(Unknown)  /1993
1 Reviews  
7. Voices from the Ice (Paperback)
    Author: John L. Peyton
Ages 4-8 06/1990
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8. Australia: The American Geographical Society's Around the World (America...
    Author: Tom L. McKnight
(Unknown)  09/1996
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9. Metric & Standard Measurement (Paperback)
    Author: Victoria Sonnenberg
Ages 4-8 12/1997
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10. Switzerland: Confoederatio Helvetica (American Geographical Society Arou...
    Author: Charles A. Heatwole
(Unknown)  08/1997
1 Reviews
11. Australia (American Geographical Society Around the World Program Series...
    Author: Tom L. McKnight
(Unknown)  08/1995
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12. Switzerland: The American Geographical Society's Around the World (Ameri...
    Author: Charles A. Heatwole
    Illustrator: Billy Merryman
(Unknown)  10/01/1996
1 Reviews
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