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American Camping Association

American Camping Association is a publisher of children's books. Some of the books published by American Camping Association include Camp Is for the Camper: A Counselor's Guide to Youth Development, Nature-Oriented Activities: A Leader's Guide, Rainy Day Games, and Including People With Disabilities in Camp Programs: A Resource for Camp Directors.

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Updated 1/29/2005

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Results 1 - 25 of 49     # per page:
Title, Creators, Comments / Reviews Ages Date Published
1. Nature-Oriented Activities: A Leader's Guide (Paperback)
    Author: Betty van der Smissen, Judy K. Brookhiser, Oswald H. Goering
Ages 4-8 04/2005
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2. Camp Is for the Camper: A Counselors Guide to Youth Development (Paperback)
    Author: Connie Coutellier, Kathleen Henchey
(Unknown)  09/2000
5 Reviews  
3. Including People with Disabilities in Camp Programs: A Resource for Camp... (Unknown)  03/1998
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4. The psychology of learning and behavior management: what it means for ca...
    Author: Ethan Schafer
(Unknown)  09/01/2004
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5. Tajar tales, (Unknown Binding)
    Author: Jane Shaw Ward
(Unknown)  /1947
8 Reviews  
6. Bullying prevention taken to new heights at Camp Sewataro.: An article f...
    Author: Joshua A. Schiering
(Unknown)  03/01/2005
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7. Green and sustainable design for camp facilities: why should you impleme...
    Author: Mark E. Benton, Nozik. Nancy K., John D. Guzik
(Unknown)  03/01/2005
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8. "This old camp" goes green: giving kids a natural world of goo...
    Author: Gary Forster
(Unknown)  03/01/2005
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9. European Camps: diverse programs, common goals.: An article from: Campin...
    Author: Linda Grier Pulliam
(Unknown)  03/01/2005
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10. Who are the young professionals? Young professionals.(American Camp Asso... (Unknown)  01/01/2005
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11. Beyond camper e-mail--what have you done for me lately? TechnoTrends.: A...
    Author: Andrew Ackerman
(Unknown)  03/01/2005
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12. Beyond surveys: exploring alternative ways to measure camp's benefits.: ...
    Author: Laurel Molloy
(Unknown)  07/01/2004
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13. Breaking the chains: camps that mentor children of prisoners.(Reprint): ...
    Author: Teresa Nicodemus
(Unknown)  07/01/2004
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14. Building principles: that's the night the lights went out.: An article f...
    Author: Rick Stryker
(Unknown)  07/01/2004
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15. Camp: something new for HIV/AIDS-affected youth in South Africa.(Camp Si...
    Author: Bruce O. Boston
(Unknown)  07/01/2004
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16. Campers with food allergies.: An article from: Camping Magazine (Digital) (Unknown)  07/01/2004
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17. Extraordinary transformations: the Byron Center's approach.(retreat cent...
    Author: Byron Pegram
(Unknown)  07/01/2004
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18. Family camping: building a community at warp speed the special case of f...
    Author: Brandon G. Briery
(Unknown)  07/01/2004
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19. Outreaching to diverse communities: the Hispanic community.: An article ...
    Author: David Lira Leveron
(Unknown)  07/01/2004
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20. Risk management: stretching your insurance budget.: An article from: Cam...
    Author: Ed Schirick
(Unknown)  07/01/2004
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21. A Peace Corps Volunteer goes to camp: a place to share.: An article from...
    Author: Lani Horowitz
(Unknown)  09/01/2004
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22. Woodsmoke & campfire (Unknown Binding)
    Author: Ernest F. Schmidt
(Unknown)  /1980
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23. Employee involvement: applications for summer camp.: An article from: Ca...
    Author: Meredith Cambre, Gwynn M. Powell
(Unknown)  09/01/2004
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24. Post-incident risk management: risk management.: An article from: Campin...
    Author: Ed Schirick
(Unknown)  09/01/2004
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25. Teaching a man to fish: Seacamp's gift to Russia and Ukraine.(Seacamp As...
    Author: Elena Istomina
(Unknown)  09/01/2004
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