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Scholastic Canada

(Imprint of Scholastic, Inc.)

Scholastic Canada Ltd. is a wholly owned subsidiary of Scholastic Inc. Scholastic Canada is one of the country's leading publishers and distributors of children's books and educational materials in both official languages. For over 50 years Scholastic Canada has introduced young people to the joys of reading, and has enlarged their understanding of Canada and the world. Today we continue that mission with award-winning Canadian books and outstanding classroom materials, along with related educational software. Incorporated in 1957, Scholastic Canada Ltd. was the first of an international family of companies that now includes members in the United Kingdom, Australia, New Zealand, Mexico, India and Hong Kong. All evolved from the original Scholastic company founded in 1920 by M.R. (Robbie) Robinson in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Scholastic Canada has also grown dramatically. Its impressive head office and distribution warehouse in Markham, Ontario is complemented by eleven Book Fair branches across Canada. From coast to coast, Scholastic Canada employs approximately 800 Canadians, both full- and part-time. Scholastic Canada Ltd. serves children, parents and teachers through a variety of businesses including Scholastic Book Clubs and Book Fairs, Scholastic Education, Classroom Magazines, Trade, and Les éditions Scholastic. Scholastic Canada is also highly regarded internationally for its Canadian publishing program, which includes many award-winning authors and illustrators dedicated to producing books that delight children and inspire them to become lifelong readers.

Specifically interested in books with these subjects or themes: Books by Canadians

Main Address: 604 King Street West
Toronto Ontario M5V 1E1 Canada
Phone: 905-887-7323
Fax: 416-849-7912
Updated 2/2/2009

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Scholastic publishes recreational reading for children and young people. Its publishing focus is on books by Canadians. Unfortunately, d... More
All Books   Books by JacketFlap members
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Results 1 - 25 of 485     # per page:
Title, Creators, Comments / Reviews Ages Date Published
1. Jillian Jiggs (Paperback)
    Author: Phoebe Gilman
(Unknown)  /2004
55 Reviews  
2. Gretzky's Game [Paperback] (Paperback)
    Author: Mike Leonetti
(Unknown)  /2011
7 Reviews  
3. Brian's Winter (Paperback)
    Author: Gary Paulsen
(Unknown)  /1996
1,814 Reviews  
4. To Be a Princess : The Fascinating Lives of Real Princesses (Hardcover)
    Author: Hugh Brewster
(Unknown)  /2003
5 Reviews  
5. Science Is...: A source book of fascinating facts, projects and activiti...
    Author: Susan V. Bosak
Ages 9-12 05/06/2000
18 Reviews  
6. Zac Power: Frozen Fear (Paperback) (Unknown) 
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7. Ghost Liners : Exploring the World's Greatest Lost Ships (Paperback) (Unknown)  /1999
10 Reviews  
8. How Is a Crayon Made? (Paperback)
    Author: Charles
(Unknown)  /1988
16 Reviews  
9. Old Yeller (Mass Market Paperback)
    Author: Fred Gipson
(Unknown)  /1989
3,241 Reviews  
10. In My Enemy's House (Paperback) (Unknown)  --
39 Reviews  
11. Tom Goes to Kindergarten (Paperback)
    Author: Margaret Wild
(Unknown)  /9999
6 Reviews  
12. Garden (Paperback)
    Author: Carol Matas
(Unknown)  /1998
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13. The Big Block of Chocolate (Paperback)
    Author: Janet S. Redhead, Christine Dale
(Unknown)  /1998
2 Reviews  
14. Whispers of War: The War of 1812 Diary of Susanna Merritt (Hardcover)
    Author: Kit Pearson
(Unknown)  /2002
28 Reviews  
15. Angel Child, Dragon Child (Paperback)
    Author: Michele Maria Surat
(Unknown)  /1992
1 Reviews
16. Have You Seen Birds? (Paperback)
    Author: Joanne Oppenheim
(Unknown)  /1991
7 Reviews  
17. Ms. Frizzle's Adventures: Medieval Castle (Paperback)
    Author: Joanna Cole
    Illustrator: Bruce Degan
Ages 4-8 04/2002
11 Reviews  
18. Not a Nickel to Spare Sally Cohen : The Great Depression Diary of Sally ...
    Author: Perry Nodelman
(Unknown)  /2007
56 Reviews  
19. What's That Bug (Paperback) (Unknown) 
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20. It's Christmas David (Paperback)
    Author: David Shannon
(Unknown)  /2010
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21. A Poppy Is to Remember (Paperback)
    Author: Heather Patterson
(Unknown)  /2005
7 Reviews  
22. Science Is... : A Source Book of Fascinating Facts, Projects and Activit...
    Author: Susan V. Bosak
(Unknown)  /1991
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23. With Nothing But Our Courage: The Loyalist Diary of Mary MacDonald (Hard...
    Author: Karleen Bradford
(Unknown)  /2002
62 Reviews  
24. I Want to Go Home! (Paperback)
    Author: Gordon Korman
(Unknown)  /2004
258 Reviews  
25. Alligator Baby (Paperback)
    Author: Robert N. Munsch
    Illustrator: Michael Martchenko
(Unknown)  /1997
19 Reviews  
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