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Helm Publishing

Helm Publishing is a small independent publisher specializing in new and emerging authors for both fiction and nonfiction genres. We are a visionary publisher renowned for pioneering a distinctive, highly visual style in books for adults and children. Helm Publishing books feature a unique combination of words, illustrations, and photographs that convey information in a truly dynamic way. Our books are not only informative, they are fun to read, too. Our goal is to develop high-quality, innovative books that enrich your lifestyle. No matter your age or interests, we have a book to suit you. Please take a moment to browse our website - inside you'll find books that are beautiful, educational, and entertaining!

Specifically interested in books with these subjects or themes: childrens/young adult (Speculative/Science Fiction, Horror, Romance, Cookbook, Self Help, or Business genres)

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Rockford IL 61108 USA
Phone: 815-398-4660
Updated 3/10/2007

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Results 1 - 25 of 48     # per page:
Title, Creators, Comments / Reviews Ages Date Published
1. The Journeyers (Kindle Edition)
    Author: Neil Crawford
(Unknown)  06/27/2012
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2. Indefensible (Kindle Edition)
    Author: Rebecca Frankeny
    Illustrator: Aaron Rich
(Unknown)  04/06/2011
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3. Never Regret the Pain: Loving and Losing a Bipolar Spouse (Paperback)
    Author: Sel, Erder Yackley
    Illustrator: Vin Libassi
(Unknown)  03/31/2006
52 Reviews  
4. Curse the Darkness (Kindle Edition)
    Author: Phillip J. Medley
(Unknown)  05/20/2007
4 Reviews  
5. Never Regret the Pain (Kindle Edition)
    Author: Sel, Erder Yackley
(Unknown)  05/19/2007
44 Reviews  
6. Cabbage Requiem (Kindle Edition)
    Author: R. L. Paul
(Unknown)  05/21/2007
14 Reviews  
7. Indefensible (Perfect Paperback)
    Author: Rebecca Frankey
    Illustrator: Aaron Rich
All Ages 10/01/2009
8 Reviews  
8. Gameplayer (Kindle Edition)
    Author: Gary Anderson
Young Adult 05/22/2007
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9. The Tales of Tanglewood: The Lon Dubh Whistle (Kindle Edition)
    Author: Scott Michael Kessman
(Unknown)  12/01/2007
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10. The Heart of a Legend (Kindle Edition)
    Author: Amy Lignor
(Unknown)  05/19/2007
3 Reviews  
11. Lottie Bright and the Starmaker's Universe (Kindle Edition)
    Author: Greg, Grannis
Ages 4-8 06/02/2007
1 Reviews  
12. Void of Moon, The Emotional Journey Through Marital Separation (Paperback)
    Author: Denise Falcone
(Unknown)  04/01/2005
11 Reviews  
13. The Heart of a Legend (Kindle Edition)
    Author: Amy Lignor
(Unknown)  08/03/2011
6 Reviews  
14. Mice Don't Taste Like Chicken (Kindle Edition)
    Author: Scott Heydt
    Illustrator: Aaron Rich
(Unknown)  07/18/2011
1 Reviews  
15. The Griffin's Gauntlet (The Necromancer War) (Kindle Edition)
    Author: Wesley Lowe
(Unknown)  11/23/2011
6 Reviews  
16. Curse the Darkness (Kindle Edition)
    Author: Philip Medley
(Unknown)  07/28/2011
5 Reviews  
17. The Dragon Child (The Noirfonika Series) (Kindle Edition)
    Author: C. K. Miller
(Unknown)  08/03/2011
1 Reviews
18. The Coven Initiates (The Necromancer Wars) (Kindle Edition)
    Author: Wesley Lowe
(Unknown)  03/20/2012
3 Reviews  
19. Castle Ladyslipper (Paperback) (Unknown)  12/27/2007
5 Reviews  
20. The Griffin's Gauntlet (Paperback)
    Author: Wesley Lowe
    Illustrator: Vin Libassi
(Unknown)  01/01/2004
9 Reviews  
21. Switcher (Paperback)
    Author: Diane Mayer Christiansen
    Illustrator: Aaron Rich
Young Adult 04/15/2008
9 Reviews  
22. O.Y.L. (Kindle Edition)
    Author: Scott Heydt
(Unknown)  02/14/2009
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23. The Coven Initiates (Paperback)
    Author: Wesley Lowe
    Illustrator: Vin Libassi
(Unknown)  04/02/2004
3 Reviews  
24. The Bubblegum Babes' Guide to Sixth Grade (Paperback)
    Author: Doreen Lewis
    Illustrator: Vin Libassi
(Unknown)  08/01/2005
6 Reviews  
25. The Heart of a Legend (Paperback)
    Author: Amy Lignor
    Illustrator: Vin Libassi
(Unknown)  09/01/2005
24 Reviews  
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Samantha Schmealy is no one special, really. In her thirteen...

A debut YA novel by Scott Heydt. One dollar from every purch...