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Cricket Books

(Imprint of Carus Publishing)

Cricket Magazine Group began with the launch of CRICKET� in 1973. Marianne Carus, founder and Editor-in-Chief, was determined to create a literary children's magazine that would appeal to a child's intellect and imagination. She insisted upon publishing only the highest quality children's literature and selected world-class illustrators to produce the art accompanying the stories. According to Carus, �The way to create in children a love of reading and an appreciation of good writing is to offer them beautifully illustrated, lively, well-written, interesting stories, sustaining a witty tone and a sense of humor. I am convinced that children will respond to quality if it's not forced upon them, but presented in an engaging manner.� Some of the world's best writers for children and adults have contributed to our family of magazines: Lloyd Alexander, Isaac Bashevis Singer, William Saroyan, Ursula K. Le Guin, and Rosemary Sutcliff. To complement the outstanding literature, we have commissioned art from topnotch illustrators around the globe: Tomie dePaola, Lisbeth Zwerger, Paul O. Zelinsky, Trina Schart Hyman, Eric Carle, and many others whose art enhances the beauty of the written words. CRICKET began offering top-quality children's literature 30 years ago, and since then we've created a line of beautifully illustrated literary publications for children of all ages: BABYBUG�, for children ages 6 months to 2 years; LADYBUG�, for ages 2 to 6; and SPIDER�, for ages 6 to 9. We also teamed up with Smithsonian magazine to publish three magazines that nurture a love for the sciences, arts, and humanities: MUSE�, for ages 10 and up, ASK�, for ages 7 to 10, and CLICK�, for ages 3 to 7. CICADA�, a challenging and entertaining literary magazine for teens and young adults ages 14 and up was added in 1998. In 2000 we acquired five additional children's magazines that focus on history and science: COBBLESTONE�, FACES�, CALLIOPE�, APPLESEEDS, ODYSSEYTM, and in 2001 we added DIGTM, which focuses on archaeology for kids. We are proud to add these high-quality titles to the CRICKET family of magazines. We have a magazine for every age and interest! Cricket Books is a division of Carus Publishing and brings the same high quality and standards of excellence to its books for children and young adults as Open Court brings to academic scholarship, the Cricket Magazine Group to children's magazines, and Cobblestone Publishing to educational nonfiction magazines and books. Publishing picture books, chapter books, poetry, nonfiction, and novels for children and young adults, Cricket Books, together with its Marcato imprint, will make young people fall in love with books and reading.

Specifically interested in books with these subjects or themes: picture books, chapter books, poetry, non-fiction and novels for children

Main Address: 315 Fifth St
Peru IL 61354 United States
Phone: 1-800-821-0115 or 603-924-7209
Fax: 815-224-2256
Updated 1/14/2007

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Manuscript SubmissionsPolicy:
primarily interested in chapter books, middle-grade fiction and young adult novels, as well as exceptional non-fiction for all ages, but... More
Illustrator SubmissionsPolicy:
for illustrations, send samples and tearsheets to - Ron McCutchan, 315 Fifth Street, Peru, IL 61354, USA. samples returned with sase. ... More
Contact Information: Ron McCutchan
art editor
Cricket Books
PO Box 300
Peru IL 61354
United States America

1-800-821-0115 or 603-924-7209

Updated 2/3/2008
Fiction SubmissionsPolicy: same as manuscript
Non-Fiction SubmissionsPolicy: same as manuscript
Photographer SubmissionsPolicy: same as illustrator
All Books   Books by JacketFlap members
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Results 1 - 25 of 160     # per page:
Title, Creators, Comments / Reviews Ages Date Published
1. Whisper and Shout: Poems to Memorize (Hardcover)
    Author: Patrice Vecchione
Ages 9-12 03/07/2002
13 Reviews  
2. If I Were a Kid in Ancient Egypt: Children of the Ancient World (Hardcover)
    Author: Cobblestone Publishing
Ages 4-8 02/15/2007
12 Reviews  
3. You Must Be Joking, Two! (Hardcover)
    Illustrator: Paul Brewer
Ages 4-8 09/28/2007
5 Reviews  
4. Who Is Baseball's Greatest Pitcher? (Hardcover)
    Author: Jeff Kisseloff
Ages 9-12 03/2003
7 Reviews  
5. Perseus (Hardcover)
    Author: Geraldine McCaughrean
Ages 9-12 04/10/2005
4 Reviews  
6. Theseus (Heroes) (Hardcover)
    Author: Geraldine McCaughrean
Young Adult 09/13/2005
17 Reviews  
7. Hercules (Heroes) (Hardcover)
    Author: Geraldine McCaughrean
Young Adult 09/20/2005
16 Reviews  
8. Dream-of-Jade: The Emperor's Cat (Hardcover)
    Author: Lloyd Alexander
    Illustrator: D. Brent Burkett
Ages 4-8 08/11/2005
30 Reviews  
9. In a Word: 750 Words and Their Fascinating Stories and Origins (Hardcover)
    Author: Rosalie F. Baker
    Illustrator: Tom Lopes
Young Adult 12/26/2003
14 Reviews  
10. You Must Be Joking!: Lots of Cool Jokes, Plus 17 1/2 Tips for Rememberin...
    Author: Paul Brewer
Ages 4-8 10/21/2003
7 Reviews  
11. Kokopelli and Company in Attack of the Smart Pies (Hardcover)
    Author: Larry Gonick
Ages 9-12 03/10/2005
11 Reviews  
12. Double-Dare to Be Scared: Another Thirteen Chilling Tales (Hardcover)
    Author: Robert D. San Souci
    Illustrator: David Ouimet
Ages 9-12 05/05/2004
37 Reviews  
13. The Power of Un (Hardcover)
    Author: Nancy Etchemendy
Ages 4-8 04/12/2000
72 Reviews  
14. Triple-Dare to Be Scared: Thirteen Further Freaky Tales (Hardcover)
    Author: Robert D. San Souci
    Illustrator: David Ouimet
Ages 4-8 03/20/2007
11 Reviews  
15. Celebrate Cricket: 30 Years of Stories and Art (Hardcover)
    Author: Marianne Carus
Ages 4-8 08/12/2003
8 Reviews  
16. Dare to Be Scared: Thirteen Stories to Chill and Thrill (Hardcover)
    Author: Robert D. San Souci
    Illustrator: David Ouimet
Ages 9-12 05/2003
54 Reviews  
17. Odysseus (Hardcover)
    Author: Geraldine McCaughrean
Ages 9-12 09/20/2004
27 Reviews  
18. If I Were a Kid in Ancient Greece: Children of the Ancient World (Hardco...
    Author: Cobblestone Publishing
Ages 4-8 02/15/2007
2 Reviews  
19. If I Were a Kid in Ancient China: Children of the Ancient World (Hardcover)
    Author: Cobblestone Publishing
Ages 4-8 02/15/2007
2 Reviews  
20. 911: The Book of Help (Authors Respond to the Tragedy) (Paperback) Young Adult 07/25/2002
1 Reviews  
21. Running on Eggs (Hardcover)
    Author: Anna Levine
Ages 9-12 10/29/1999
8 Reviews  
22. 17: A Novel in Prose Poems (Hardcover)
    Author: Liz Rosenberg
Young Adult 09/11/2002
21 Reviews  
23. If I Were a Kid in Ancient Rome: Children of the Ancient World (Hardcover)
    Author: Cobblestone Publishing
Ages 4-8 02/15/2007
5 Reviews  
24. The Cat in Numberland (Hardcover)
    Author: Ivar Ekeland
    Illustrator: John O'Brien
Ages 4-8 04/07/2006
40 Reviews  
25. Don't Hold Me Back: My Life and Art (Hardcover)
    Author: Winfred Rembert
    Illustrator: Winfred Rembert
Ages 9-12 10/10/2003
7 Reviews  
Bestselling order determined by SalesRank(tm)