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Becker & Mayer

Becker & Mayer is one of the largest book producers in the United States and a member of the American Book Producers Association. The company produces books on a wide array of non-fiction topics, which are published under our clients' names--companies such as Chronicle Books, Random House, Simon & Schuster and others. Our clients include Scholastic Book Clubs, Silver Dolphins, American Girls and others.

Main Address: 11120 NE 33rd Place Suite 101
Bellevue WA 98004 USA
Phone: 425-827-7120
Fax: 425-828-9659
Updated 12/3/2008

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Contact Information: Juvenile Submissions
Updated 1/13/2007
All Books   Books by JacketFlap members
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Results 1 - 18 of 18     # per page:
Title, Creators, Comments / Reviews Ages Date Published
1. A Haircut in Horse Town...: And Other Great Car Talk Puzzlers (Paperback)
    Author: Tom Magliozzi
(Unknown)  /1998
3 Reviews  
2. SmartLab Toys Double Security Safe (Paperback)
    Author: Paul Beck
(Unknown)  08/18/2005
2 Reviews  
3. Al Itty Bitty Pizzeria Kit (Hardcover)
    Author: Zena Chew
Ages 4-8 04/07/2010
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4. 101 Best Cheers (Paperback)
    Author: Suzi Golden
(Unknown)  /2004
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5. SmartLab Challenge: Science and Nature (Spiral-bound)
    Author: Nancy Waddell
(Unknown)  10/26/2006
2 Reviews  
6. uncover the Human Body (Hardcover)
    Author: Luann Colombo
(Unknown)  /2002
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7. Snap-Together: Coin Sorter (SmartLAB) (Paperback)
    Author: Frank M. Young
Ages 4-8 09/28/2006
2 Reviews  
8. You Build It Shark Model (Smart Lab) (Misc. Supplies)
    Author: David George Gordon
Ages 4-8 09/01/2005
4 Reviews  
9. You Control It: Skeletal Hand (SmartLAB) (Paperback)
    Author: Melissa Stewart
Ages 4-8 09/01/2005
1 Reviews  
10. SMARTLAB: Human Body Challenge (Hardcover)
    Illustrator: Jim Bradrick
Ages 4-8 10/25/2007
1 Reviews  
11. Smart Lab Toys Secret Formula Lab (Paperback)
    Author: Leslie Johnstone, Shar Levine
Ages 4-8 09/21/2006
2 Reviews  
12. You Build It TV Remote Control (SmartLab) (Paperback)
    Author: Clive Gifford, Leslie Johnstone, Shar Levine
Ages 4-8 08/25/2005
1 Reviews  
13. You Build It: TV Remote Control (Smart Lab) (Paperback)
    Author: Clive Gifford, Leslie Johnstone, Shar Levine
Ages 4-8 08/25/2005
1 Reviews  
14. Smartlab Challenge: Weird and Gross (Hardcover)
    Author: Ben Grosblatt
(Unknown)  11/2006
2 Reviews  
15. A Haircut in Horse Town...: And Other Great Car Talk Puzzlers [Paperback...
    Author: Tom Magliozzi
(Unknown)  /1998
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16. 101 Best Cheers [Paperback] (Unknown Binding)
    Author: Suzi Golden
(Unknown)  /2004
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17. Listen Up! SmartLab (Misc. Supplies)
    Author: Paul Beck
(Unknown)  08/25/2005
4 Reviews  
18. Smartlab: 4th Grade Challenge (Hardcover)
    Author: Jennifer Richard Jacobson
    Illustrator: Jim Bradrick
(Unknown)  10/25/2007
2 Reviews  
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