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Scholastic UK

Scholastic is committed to developing reading and literacy in children, and supporting parents and teachers. To that end, we are one of the leading providers of learning products and services in schools. Recognizing that literacy is the cornerstone of a child's intellectual, personal and cultural growth, Scholastic, for more than 80 years, has created quality products and services that educate, entertain and motivate children; and help to enlarge their understanding of the world around them. The company has built a longstanding relationship as the most trusted name in learning, reaching millions of parents, teachers and children. In addition to the publishing of children's books, Scholastic Schools Division provide a range of products and services to primary and secondary schools. Our Teacher Resources' and Magazines support teachers with information and advise on education from the Early Years to the end of KS2. Our Book Clubs and Book Fairs provide, through teachers, the chance for children to collect their favourite books and for schools to build their libraries with free books. A book fair can provide a school with up to 60% of the value of books sold in free books! Scholastic, a most trusted name in learning�.

Specifically interested in books with these subjects or themes: activity books, novelty books, picture books, fiction for 5-12 year olds, teenage fiction, series fictin and file/TV tie-ins

Main Address: Euston House 24 Eversholt Street
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Phone: 020 7756 7756
Fax: 020 7756 7795
Updated 1/22/2015

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Results 1 - 25 of 38     # per page:
Title, Creators, Comments / Reviews Ages Date Published
1. Tiddler (Paperback)
    Author: Julia Donaldson
    Illustrator: Axel Scheffler
(Unknown)  09/01/2008
540 Reviews  
2. Stick Man (Audible Audio Edition)
    Author: Julia Donaldson
(Unknown)  05/01/2014
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3. Stick Man (Paperback) (Unknown)  --
561 Reviews  
4. Highway Rat (Paperback)
    Author: Julia Donaldson
(Unknown)  09/06/2012
590 Reviews  
5. Highway Rat (Hardcover)
    Author: Julia Donaldson
(Unknown)  09/01/2011
431 Reviews  
6. Stick Man Early Reader (Paperback)
    Author: Julia Donaldson
    Illustrator: Axel Scheffler
(Unknown)  12/06/2012
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7. Elephant Wellyphant (Paperback)
    Author: Nick Sharratt
(Unknown)  08/04/2008
44 Reviews  
8. Stick Man (Board book)
    Author: Julia Donaldson
(Unknown)  05/01/2011
610 Reviews  
9. My Mermaid Princess Palace: a Pop-Up Book (Hardcover)
    Author: Nick Denchfield
    Illustrator: Dawn Apperley
(Unknown)  09/03/2007
6 Reviews  
10. Never Ask a Dinosaur to Dinner (Paperback)
    Author: Gareth Edwards
    Illustrator: Guy Parker-Rees
(Unknown)  02/06/2014
28 Reviews  
11. Stick Man (Hardcover)
    Author: Julia Donaldson
    Illustrator: Axel Scheffler
(Unknown)  09/01/2008
769 Reviews  
12. Tiddler (Early Reader) (Paperback)
    Author: Julia Donaldson
    Illustrator: Axel Scheffler
(Unknown)  01/01/2012
396 Reviews  
13. Stick Man (Paperback)
    Author: Julia Donaldson
    Illustrator: Axel Scheffler
(Unknown)  06/07/2010
313 Reviews  
14. Happy I'm a Hippo (Paperback)
    Author: Richard Edwards
    Illustrator: Carol Liddiment
(Unknown)  03/05/2007
5 Reviews  
15. Never Say No to a Princess! (Paperback)
    Author: Tracey Corderoy
(Unknown)  03/01/2012
5 Reviews  
16. The Very Messy Mermaid (Paperback)
    Author: Tracey Corderoy
    Illustrator: Kate Leake
(Unknown)  07/04/2013
3 Reviews  
17. Elephant Wellyphant (Hardcover)
    Author: Nick Sharratt
(Unknown)  10/01/2007
28 Reviews  
18. Hello! Is That Grandma? (Paperback)
    Author: Ian Whybrow
    Illustrator: Deborah Allwright
(Unknown)  05/07/2007
23 Reviews  
19. Fleabag (Paperback)
    Author: Helen Stephens
(Unknown)  06/02/2008
45 Reviews  
20. Day with the Animal Doctors (Hardcover)
    Author: Sharon Rentta
All Ages 05/01/2011
1 Reviews  
21. Animal Soup (Hardcover)
    Author: Ian Whybrow
    Illustrator: Teresa Murfin
(Unknown)  09/2007
5 Reviews  
22. Hello! Is That Grandma? (Hardcover)
    Author: Ian Whybrow
    Illustrator: Deborah Allwright
(Unknown)  05/07/2007
23 Reviews  
23. The Very Messy Mermaid (Hardcover)
    Author: Tracey Corderoy
    Illustrator: Kate Leake
(Unknown)  07/04/2013
4 Reviews  
24. My Fairy Princess Playbook (Hardcover)
    Author: Carol Lawson
    Illustrator: Carol Lawson
(Unknown)  10/01/2007
1 Reviews  
25. Animal Soup (Paperback)
    Author: Ian Whybrow
    Illustrator: Teresa Murfin
(Unknown)  09/03/2007
4 Reviews  
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